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Need pro advice for PVP Deadeye :)


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Hey everyone


so I've been playing Deadeye in spvp for a while now (fairly new player) and I really enjoy it

I've come to learn how to actually fight with it effectively - well, more or less, there is always more to learn 🙂

At silver 2 I can 1v1 most people while roaming, and also paying attention to both cap points and participate in fights. I tend to flee 2+v1 situations

But I must be missing something as I keep losing a lot of games

A few losses can be blamed on the team but this many cannot be a coincidence


What am I missing? How do you carry as a deadeye?



Edited by Sundoor.5630
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Sounds like you have a handle on fighting and could use some more pointers on map awareness and team strategy.


The typical role of a thief in SPvP is "roamer." (The other roles are usually called "duelist," "team fighter," and "support.")


The builds on the site are defunct at this point, but I still find these guides to be useful:

Rotation basics — https://www.godsofpvp.net/guides/rotations/rotation-basics-r6/

Overextending — https://www.godsofpvp.net/guides/rotations/overextending-r7/

Turning a game around — https://www.godsofpvp.net/guides/rotations/turning-a-game-around-r8/


Here's an hour-and-a-half-long video if you'd prefer to just watch a long video with some examples:


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DE is not the player who should cap/decap. 


Your main role as DE is to burst down the supports/bunkers, secure the down in a quick fashion and move to the next +1. If the supports/tanks are negating you then take down the squishies and 100/0 supports when they try to rez.


Dueling as a DE has some big risks. A Daredevil  become very sticky if you run out of stealth. Rev and guards will port on you. Mesmers are tough to pin down as you are single target and they have a lot of target breaks.


Play smart, roam the perimeters of nodes and learn to not overstay your welcome.



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On 10/16/2022 at 8:28 PM, Sundoor.5630 said:

What am I missing? How do you carry as a deadeye?

Like say Bear on his post, you should more focus on +1 and shutdown key target (support and squishy) and understand when you need to leave.

Also I would say decaping node is good too in solo ranked to carry.

If you can show us your build, we would be able to give you more advice

Edited by Jumpel.3972
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On 10/16/2022 at 8:28 PM, Sundoor.5630 said:

A few losses can be blamed on the team but this many cannot be a coincidence

Yeah, but not the team you have in mind probably. Deadeye is class with many avenues for the opponents team to dampen your effectiveness. Line of sighting your range attack. Projectile hate. Actually focusing you. Handling stealth well. I mean if your opponent locks in a Ele with its thousand second Projectile denial you gonna have a bad time. If your opponent lets you free cast on mid its easy gg. Deatheye design + low elo makes for volatile games.

Also kills are not valuable at all if they are not leveraged to map presence. Extreme case: Your are repeatable killing  the enemy duelist on far, but they bully you of the point each time they come back capping it. IF the killing part takes to long (ca. 35+ seconds) and they die on point you are losing this engagement not winning it. As the rest of the map is a 4 v 4, while you are losing points.

A Circle gives 1 Point every 2 seconds. A kills gives 5. So holding a Circle for 10 seconds is worth a kill in Points. Kills in a Vacuum are almost worthless, they just there to put the opponent of the map for 15 seconds. Points win games, killing the opponent is a means to an end.

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Very useful advices here, thanks for all the replies 🙂 

This is the build I use http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAQhrlNw2YSsLmJecXrvLA-zZIPlGlAZqACYIUwIQDDA


How do you 100/0 burst someone? My quickest kills are usually F1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - stealth - 1, and swap to dagger if Death's Judgement didn't do the trick. But it takes quite a while especially if judgement is dodged, which seems to be a fairly predictable attack


So DE is more a roamer than a duelist then? I agree that mesmers are a pain 😕 

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12 hours ago, Sundoor.5630 said:

But it takes quite a while especially if judgement is dodged, which seems to be a fairly predictable attack

Have you tried Binding Shadow or Shadow Gust in place of Signet? They're actually pretty decent utilities to set up some damage, check them out, also make sense with One in the Chamber.

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11 hours ago, Sundoor.5630 said:

There is some good trait you miss that can help you to kill faster in a +1 situation. Base on your build I would recommand this version : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAQhrlNw2YSMImJeUXnvTA-zZIPlGFCFMCqYBUyEQDDA

The trait Be Quick or be Killed really help a lot to secure kills (pair up with the skill Mercy too).  The skill Binding Shadow is really good at your rank because not many people know how to dodge it and they can be slow at strunbreak it.


In plat 2 I use  most of the time this build : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAQhrlFw2YSsHmJecXnvTA-z5IeKNKEKYEUxCokJgtGAA

The higher you get the more people will focus you. So I recommand you to swap your amulet to Marauder and the rune for Scholar when you get trouble to survive. The rest is more personnal preference  

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Doubt I can help too much as I don't PvP much these days and I don't play a rifle DE. Most of the above has been helpful as far as rotations or otherwise. A lot of getting better at PvP is about getting good at knowing what the best move is.


But I will say that being a good thief in PvP generally is about getting in the opponents heads. Don't be predictable and keep the pressure on them (you set the pace not your enemy).

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