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Thanks for the philosophy stream, here's some feedback

Grand Marshal.4098

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Thanks for the stream guys. Definitely interesting seeing you have all this hope for the game's balance and I hope we see more improvement with the November patch. 




Can't stress enough the fact that you used warrior so much in your examples that I get anxious for its future as a 'measuring stick' or hopeful in that you already know what it entails in the current meta. 




To quote you: Counterplay, power level and purity of purpose. 




Warrior currently has the highest counterplay potential from other classes, whilst countering very few things. 


Purity of purpose in skills seems to only affect warrior (maybe except from a couple of banners) where our skills are so hardfocused on a single thing that there is basically nothing else like this in the game. Examine other classes and tone them down, or create mechanical splits for competitive and increase the capabilities and overall power level of warrior. 


I leave this message on a positive note, my ideas are as good as anyone else's, I am just a guy who wants to have fun with his favorite class and I can testify to you that the factor of fun and choice is only just now starting to remotely appear on warrior. Much is to be done, thank you for the communication and I look forward to you guys working with us more for feedback! 


@Cal Cohen.2358

Edited by Grand Marshal.4098
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I would love a clarification on what role they want core war and its elite specs to play in pvp from the roles they listed and an whether they view those roles as being adequately fulfilled currently. For example, do they see berserker as being in a good place for team fighting? Do they view spellbreaker as a viable pick for support and side node or do they think it is underperforming? Is bladesworn a bruiser?

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Just now, Zuko.7132 said:

I would love a clarification on what role they want core war and its elite specs to play in pvp from the roles they listed and an whether they view those roles as being adequately fulfilled currently. For example, do they see berserker as being in a good place for team fighting? Do they view spellbreaker as a viable pick for support and side node or do they think it is underperforming? Is bladesworn a bruiser?

I doubt they will go into that much detail ever, but we can at least hope that their upcoming changes (of the many more to come ahem) will reflect some of their philosophy on warrior and maybe increase..... D I V E R S I T Y!

The sacred word.. 

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Increasing diversity on warrior means 5s weapon swap baseline while adding in some swiftness elsewhere.

I saw a lot of examples using warrior in their stream, and given the current state of balance, applying this approach will result in warrior buffs (overall) and overall nerfs to a lot of other professions.

I mean consider the power budget of Signet of Rage versus some of the other elites...

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37 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Well heck if you want diversity not forcing us to use discipline to pvp would be a heck of a start.

This is the one I feel is far more difficult than you, or I, or anyone here realizes. I tried running some discipline-less builds a couple weeks ago and its not great. I personally think that should be an issue that's addressed at a later date. I believe that adding in more damage, revamping some other trait lines would give more options, even if discipline is a locked line. First we can get diversity within the harder constraints currently presented by our profession, then we can start looking towards the harder-to-tackle issues like discipline lock. 

Just my opinions though 🙂

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57 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

This is the one I feel is far more difficult than you, or I, or anyone here realizes. I tried running some discipline-less builds a couple weeks ago and its not great. I personally think that should be an issue that's addressed at a later date. I believe that adding in more damage, revamping some other trait lines would give more options, even if discipline is a locked line. First we can get diversity within the harder constraints currently presented by our profession, then we can start looking towards the harder-to-tackle issues like discipline lock. 

Just my opinions though 🙂

i've also experimented with discipline-less builds, for years, and it wasn't just clunky, i don't know how to describe it, but i just didn't have enough.. resources. i play other classes and normal weapon swapping was never an issue, but on warrior, it was a big deal, playing without fast hands, like you were really lacking.


the same can be said about warrior's sprint to an extent, its already hard enough to stick with warrior's sprint, but without it, even with 25% ms from runes, it was hell, if you don't burn that cleanse on that immob you're a sitting duck, and if you did you're dead.


and warrior only has 2 skills that cleanse, shake it off and signet of stamina (weak/long cd hardly used). so that cleansing 1 condi on weapon swap is a big deal too. honestly it should be buffed to clear 2.


and w/o adrenaline on weapon swap.. adrenaline drought. actually we're already experiencing adrenaline drought when they nerfed this trait. getting to 3 bars naturally is crazy long. you're already dead greatly affecting core and berserker.


seriously any warrior main who's played the class without discipline knows exactly what i'm talking about.


if the balance/design team plans to walk us away from discipline, warrior would need a complete rework/overhaul.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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1 hour ago, oscuro.9720 said:

This is the one I feel is far more difficult than you, or I, or anyone here realizes. I tried running some discipline-less builds a couple weeks ago and its not great. I personally think that should be an issue that's addressed at a later date. I believe that adding in more damage, revamping some other trait lines would give more options, even if discipline is a locked line. First we can get diversity within the harder constraints currently presented by our profession, then we can start looking towards the harder-to-tackle issues like discipline lock. 

Just my opinions though 🙂

No, no I get it, and that's a perfectly valid opinion. Just...


Iunno it feels like war is balanced like they expect us to not only have one line to swap around if we are running any elite spec.

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