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get rid of rewards for pvp


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I won't lie - I think PVP dailies are a bad idea. And agree, they attract the wrong type of crowd. 


My "middle-ground" propisition.....make PVP dailies only count for PVP wins. 

Most of the "I'm just here for my daily" crowd, would disperse right quick if it was win dependent. none of this particaption trophy nonsense. 

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19 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

See, this guy gets it. All those problems with premades turning matches into boring onesided stomps, wintrades, long queue times, class stacking... just remove that 30 silver and it all gets magically fixed!

indeed, it gets fixed by nobody being to pvp ever again

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1 hour ago, Stalima.5490 said:

indeed, it gets fixed by nobody being to pvp ever again

Genious indeed. Given how many problem this move seems to solve, I wonder why it wasn't thought about earlier. Noone playing PvP would mean no balance problems, matchmaker no longer being an issue, design questions like class stacking or premades being allowed would be instantly solved. Oh my god how could I have been so blind... The answer is so clear now.



Edited by Bazsi.2734
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13 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

See, this guy gets it. All those problems with premades turning matches into boring onesided stomps, wintrades, long queue times, class stacking... just remove that 30 silver and it all gets magically fixed!

i dunno wintrades are a competitive game problem not the problem im propositioning a fix towards, so what if ppl stack classes and q snipe, just click your buttons and win

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14 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

See, this guy gets it. All those problems with premades turning matches into boring onesided stomps, wintrades, long queue times, class stacking... just remove that 30 silver and it all gets magically fixed!

If half of ranked peepos who run aroud playing core thief, condi druid, core shatter mesmer ,zerk rifle mecha, doube axe warrior ,mion tempest  or whatever meme build they copied from a random pvp video just relog to vindicator games would be ten times closer than removing duoq. Wich would only give the final strike to pvp.


Special mention to fresh air weavers, rifle berserkers and "dmg tempest". 


Truly honorable mentions that i have the graze of witness:  jalis/herald tank rev and "support" catalyst 

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On 11/5/2022 at 9:18 AM, Bazsi.2734 said:

See, this guy gets it. All those problems with premades turning matches into boring onesided stomps, wintrades, long queue times, class stacking... just remove that 30 silver and it all gets magically fixed!

People do not bot if there's no reward. See: BGs in WoW before and after WoD.

Good gear? Botted.

No gear? Zero bots.

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