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Make Hyena memes in hope for improvement!


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After 10 years, juvenile hyena still holds the title "worst pet ever"  and it is because a tiny miscalculation in math.
I think it is bad enough for meme material, and maybe, as a meme, It will be more noticeable. 
And because I'm not good with making memes I need your help! 😅

(and for people, who don't know the problem in math:


"Hyenas share stats with other canines, except for having half the power, balancing the fact that they are the only pet to be able to summon another of its own kind." from Wiki
it is like 1/2 + 1/2 = 1. Did you try to put on 2 of your left shoes?

1) Howl of the Pack has casting time and shorter duration then cooldown. so it is <1/2 + <1/2 = 1
2) you need to press constantly your beast ability, to be as good as other pets from the same family without using its beast ability (and half as good without using it)
3) Any trait/ability affecting your pets ONLY effect your hyena, not the summoned one. So any effect that has a multiplier like "Sic' em!", Predator's Onslaught, Loud Whistle, Pet's Prowess (+ ferocity is damage multiplier too), etc are only multiplies the halved base damage. Basically they are half as effective as for other canines. )


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If they just made the duration as long as CD for 100% uptime and caused pet mechanics to work on both pets, it would actually be the most interesting of the usable pets.
Obviously the stats would stay reduced, but it shouldn't be a huge problem with things like Bloodthirst.

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5 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

If they just made the duration as long as CD for 100% uptime and caused pet mechanics to work on both pets, it would actually be the most interesting of the usable pets.
Obviously the stats would stay reduced, but it shouldn't be a huge problem with things like Bloodthirst.

If it was not from skill, yes. Sadly the summoned one works now: not follow you, if it has no target for a short duration it is disappear. If you go to far, killed, switch pet/merge pet it disappear and the skill will still in cd. 
So We usually have a single hyena with a beast skill on cooldown.

And with instant casting, 100% up-time, shared ability/traits/boons it will still at the level of any other canine without beast ability. 
But at least it will be fun!  (well, 2 pet is 2 leap skill but you can't coordinate it, double break bar damage, if they hit)

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I'm not sure if canines have this issue, but there is also the issue of pets that get boons (whether it's shared through the NM traitline, through WHaO, or just being applies) still don't always have alacrity and quickness work on them, and it's basically by family.


Drakes, for example, effectively do not have alacrity work on them for the sake of auto casted skills. It works, the cooldown goes through with the alacrity time, but if it's on auto cast (or chomp just never working ever on auto cast if an untamed), f2 or not, it still takes them the full duration of the cooldown to use the skill again. You can manually press it, but so long as these issues exist I don't think these pets will be good even on dps untamed, especially if the rework doesn't benefit pets enough.


If Hyenas could have a slight stat boost while also having a massive buff to the F2, I think it'd be a great option, assuming it could autocast the F2 with the alacrity timing.



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Okay a couple of things:

  • Canines are not used for DPS what so ever
    •  They are used to trigger Predator's Onslaught with there long Cripple duration.
    • The summoned Hyena can cast all the Canine skills so 2x Crippling Leap (100% cripple condition)
  • Boons only apply to pets after other players
    • They have low priority except I believe for healing
  • Pets will priorities auto-casting Beast skills, some also have condition like healing pet skills
    • Chomp will only cast if pet is under 75% health
Edited by Mell.4873
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There's a lot of pets that need improvements. Devourers randomly evading (they should just remove it), moas need stronger utility and a wider range on its heal, birds swiftness is a hindrance, sand lions needs a cooldown reduction, deer can't hit moving targets after they dumbed down the a.i., bears offer garbage utility given how low their dps is (brown bear could have its shake it off stunbreak allies on top of the condi cleanse), drakes can't hit moving targets and are really only good for the initial blast on pet swap, spiders are horrible overall, turtle does such low damage that is not even worth putting it on guard.. I can go on.


There's a reason most rangers are forced to use smokescale even after it's repeated nerfs.. it reliably hits a moving target, is capable of CCing, has goof usage in all elite specs, doesn't instantly die, and it can be used by both novice and more skilled rangers for co-ordinated bursts. Even with its lowered damage, it's miles ahead of most other pets - they could nerf its damage more and it would still be used because of how bad our other pets are. 


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You are missing the point!

It is not about hyena being a good or bad pet, it is about hyena being a bad canine.

Polar bear had greater power than other bears. Got fixed.
Black Widow Spider got lower vitality than other spider. Got fixed.
Hyena has lower power, for 10 years! not fixed.

Let the hyena be part of the canine family! not just an abandoned child because a terrible miscalculation.

10 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

The summoned Hyena can cast all the Canine skills so 2x Crippling Leap (100% cripple condition)

yes that's nice and more stable than F2 do another crippling leap instead. On paper it looks good, but the summoned one's targeting is not easy. when will it casts. switch pet than back to hyena and still on cooldown. 
But it is a good point for Predator's Onslaught. Still a sword is better, but of course it is a melee weapon. 

I'm not good at PvP but the extra random knocked down and cripple sounds good. I think it won't be too bad if the hyena get the standard canine stats with a cc beast skill. Are rangers use hyena in pvp? Haven't seen any, just drakes and smokescales.

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3 hours ago, enkeny.6937 said:

You are missing the point!

It is not about hyena being a good or bad pet, it is about hyena being a bad canine.

Polar bear had greater power than other bears. Got fixed.
Black Widow Spider got lower vitality than other spider. Got fixed.
Hyena has lower power, for 10 years! not fixed.

Let the hyena be part of the canine family! not just an abandoned child because a terrible miscalculation.

yes that's nice and more stable than F2 do another crippling leap instead. On paper it looks good, but the summoned one's targeting is not easy. when will it casts. switch pet than back to hyena and still on cooldown. 
But it is a good point for Predator's Onslaught. Still a sword is better, but of course it is a melee weapon. 

I'm not good at PvP but the extra random knocked down and cripple sounds good. I think it won't be too bad if the hyena get the standard canine stats with a cc beast skill. Are rangers use hyena in pvp? Haven't seen any, just drakes and smokescales.

Again Pets (currently) are not used for damage in most builds. PvP is a little bit different where CC and merge abilities are king.

Otherwise I agree for most part, pet do barely receive any buffs rather just nerfs especially for PvP.

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On 11/19/2022 at 8:19 PM, Mell.4873 said:

Again Pets (currently) are not used for damage in most builds. PvP is a little bit different where CC and merge abilities are king.

Otherwise I agree for most part, pet do barely receive any buffs rather just nerfs especially for PvP.

I agree, but I think, even with a 1868 power Hyena won't still be good dps, and not good for cc. (because you can't control the cc) 
so why cannot be a real party of the canine family?

reduce the summoned Hyena Ally's stats but not the base pet.

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