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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It seems all your responses go right into personal insults mode, including your constantly repeated "before some stoopid kid comment!" remarks "just in case" someone dares saying anything you dislike 🤷‍♂️

I don't know why you think the animation isn't synced up with the bullet going out of the rifle, but seems like it's fine on my asura eng. 🤔 Maybe you're just too used to the pure PEWEPWEPEW caricature it was before the change. I find it weird they kept it in the previous form for this long, but oh well, somehow I still managed to live with it without calling people names just because it wasn't optimal for me.

Power mechanist didn't get "a middle finger", it's doing perfectly fine.

Because all week peeps said the samething over and over a bit like you did. I dont mind the nerf, I mind ugly animation wich sorry it is, and I mind bad mechanic. Relaying on a broken feature of your game, wich IA are, for balancing aint excatly giid design. Im just sad that guild wars 2 walk the same path as all the other dead mmo. No mmo in history survive by destroing the fun gameplay of their sandbox for the sake of balance, none. Guild wars 2 build craft was at it best 5 years ago(not balance, build craft). Befire they decide that unique effect, trait, and animation was not a thing they want in their game. The gameplay is so less intresting and much more simplier than before. Im mad because I see my mmo dying before my own eyes. Like I said it aint the first time that sandbox rework (specialy when the rework are simplier and streamline mechanic) kill a mmo. Its not the first time I feel frustrated by the bad decision anet did. The game will only be balance when each class will loose its flavor and unique gameplay. Everything is becoming a grey goo in this game. Sad. 

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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It seems all your responses go right into personal insults mode, including your constantly repeated "before some stoopid kid comment!" remarks "just in case" someone dares saying anything you dislike 🤷‍♂️

I don't know why you think the animation isn't synced up with the bullet going out of the rifle, but seems like it's fine on my asura eng. 🤔 Maybe you're just too used to the pure PEWEPWEPEW caricature it was before the change. I find it weird they kept it in the previous form for this long, but oh well, somehow I still managed to live with it without calling people names just because it wasn't optimal for me.

Power mechanist didn't get "a middle finger", it's doing perfectly fine.

Ill be back if anet wake up and decide to make a fun game over a balance game. If they keep with their direction, I guess good bye Tyria. Anet is becoming the void.

If I would like a good and balance pvp game, I would not play gw2.

More power to you if you like for every clase to feal the same. I guess people leaving your mmo because anet are taking the fun away, is a good thing for you.

Its silly talking of caricature in a fantasy mmo. Like warrior is a caricature of a warrior, nobody in real life fight like. Necro aint a caricature of the eggie knight. Ele aint a caricature of a mage, etc.

Im sad, gw2 use to be great now its becoming just another generic mmo. It use to have engaging and fun build craft, now its just basic and simple.

If anet want to focus on balancing pvp while making sure pve is boring and simple. I guess, this is not the game for me anymore. After 8 years. Sad...

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12 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Yup you got my point.

I could have said the same thing with the Rifle, keep old animation and slash the dps by 20%. Mind you the real problem with the machine gun animation was in PvP not really in PvE. 


It was such a problem that against semi competent player Rifle PMech was completely shut down and the meme rifle static discharge Holo was as the name implies meme. Rifle was far from being a massive powerhouse that needed to be killed.


But we can talk about Harbringer shroud AA if you want that is still unerfed for some reason despite being busted

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Just now, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


It was such a problem against semi competent player Rifle PMech was completely shut down and the meme rifle static discharge Holo was as the name implies meme. Rifle was far from being a massive powerhouse that needed to be killed.


But we can talk about Harbringer shroud AA if you want that is still unerfed for some reason despite being busted

True but I have pointed this out on other threads but the semi pro players ofter had builded that countered projectiles. 

I saw a dramatic increase in Untamed players when the Rifle changed were introduced for example. 

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5 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

True but I have pointed this out on other threads but the semi pro players ofter had builded that countered projectiles. 

I saw a dramatic increase in Untamed players when the Rifle changed were introduced for example. 


Untamed has been pretty strong in PvP along with Specter and Bladesworn before the nerf. I doubt the increase in Rifle is the sole reason Untamed saw a lot more play. Probably part of though.

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11 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

The gameplay is so less intresting and much more simplier than before.

How is it less interesting and much more simplier?

11 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Ill be back if anet wake up and decide to make a fun game over a balance game. If they keep with their direction, I guess good bye Tyria. Anet is becoming the void.

If I would like a good and balance pvp game, I would not play gw2.

More power to you if you like for every clase to feal the same. I guess people leaving your mmo because anet are taking the fun away, is a good thing for you.

Its silly talking of caricature in a fantasy mmo. Like warrior is a caricature of a warrior, nobody in real life fight like. Necro aint a caricature of the eggie knight. Ele aint a caricature of a mage, etc.

Im sad, gw2 use to be great now its becoming just another generic mmo. It use to have engaging and fun build craft, now its just basic and simple.

If anet want to focus on balancing pvp while making sure pve is boring and simple. I guess, this is not the game for me anymore. After 8 years. Sad...

What exactly was made "boring and simple" here in regards of gameplay? In what way it's suddenly "another generic mmo" when it wasn't one 2 weeks ago? You seem to be just writing out more-or-less random phrases that are aimed more at sounding nice (or rather: overdramatic) than at them being factual.

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5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

How is it less interesting and much more simplier?

What exactly was made "boring and simple" here in regards of gameplay? In what way it's suddenly "another generic mmo" when it wasn't one 2 weeks ago? You seem to be just writing out more-or-less random phrases that are aimed more at sounding nice (or rather: overdramatic) than at them being factual.

Should I make you a list of everything anet as taking out or simplifier during the last 5 years? It was not fine 2 weeks ago, during the last 5 years thing have gotten from good to worst, the last patch was the last straw for me. This game is GETTING generic, slowly but surely.  Every class are starting slowly but surely to all feel the same, every skill start to be use/play the same. Its all start to go down hill when they decide to remove unique modifier on class and synergie between trait. Go on the wiki check at everthing they remove during the years. If you love the game, more power to you. But this aint the Gw2 I use to love, it a shell of what it use to be. Youve win, you ll have a competivly balance boring game.

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25 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Should I make you a list of everything anet as taking out or simplifier during the last 5 years? It was not fine 2 weeks ago, during the last 5 years thing have gotten from good to worst, the last patch was the last straw for me. This game is GETTING generic, slowly but surely.  Every class are starting slowly but surely to all feel the same, every skill start to be use/play the same. Its all start to go down hill when they decide to remove unique modifier on class and synergie between trait. Go on the wiki check at everthing they remove during the years. If you love the game, more power to you. But this aint the Gw2 I use to love, it a shell of what it use to be. Youve win, you ll have a competivly balance boring game.

No, you're complaining about this balance patch, so explain how these changes do what you claim they did. (as a reminder, this was the question: How is it less interesting and much more simplier? )

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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, you're complaining about this balance patch, so explain how these changes do what you claim they did. (as a reminder, this was the question: How is it less interesting and much more simplier? )

I was not only complaing about this patch more the direction the game is going. My main complain for this patch is taking a cool looking animation and making it way less intresting and to my taste waaaaaay more uglier and adding a clunky mechanic that make you play in a really specific playstyle of f7 and f6 spamming, not fun. Why they didnt remove the auto cast on f1, f2, f3 if they wanted a more engaging gameplay? And as a whole the gameplay is getting simplier, a lot of flip skill have been remove, a lot of trait that added skill has been remove and replace with more number. Take barrel cake, it was cool dodging and droping a bomb, now you only have a small explosion on target when you do, you dont need to think about it anymore, they even kill a fun trait that let you place 3 mine on dodge for what? For a buff that happen without you needing to think about it that give you what? Againt more number. Mortar skill use to be unique, now it has the excat same gameplay as grenade kit. They take away the self cc on rifle, it was fun, now its just another push. Nothing alone is that huge but it the cumulation of every little thing theyve taken away. Even munition drop was more intresting then having, againt more number. Its boring. Is it more balance? Yes. Is it more fun? Absolutly no. Visual is suffering, gameplay is suffering, build craft is suffering. They take away more than they add, they didnt even add any new sigil or rune in this expac... Even mech was added not long ago, it uae to have synergie with aim assit rocket, not anymore, Im even sure there going to remove it for another  trait that just give more number. I dont care about number, I care about fun.

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I have the legendary rifle, on human, and the animation is really crap, since the patch. It was lovely before, and now, at times, when I use the rifle, it looks like a bomb is blowing up in my face.  With the mechanical genius, the engi mech is LESS fun to play with.  A game is not supposed to be a freaking job, it is suppose to be fun, if I wanted to break my hands playing a game, I'd be better off breaking my hands at a job, making money.  Playing this game isn't paying my mortgage, nor does it put food on my table, it is suppose to be a lot of things, but it shouldn't be breaking people's hands.  Not everyone has the same abilities, not everyone has the same ability to be able to do super combos, and your reward is you do the most damage, and can beat up the people who can't, but not everyone should have to play, and be held up to that standard.  If Anet wants to follow the path of being exclusive, and not inclusive, it will die.  If the game isn't playable for a variety of different people, maybe it should die. 

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The animation looks better and the active gameplay of actually having a reason to control the mech not only makes it more unique, but also less passive and by extention: more fun. If you don't like interacting with it then don't, you'll still be perfectly fine playing it, even if it'll lose that 2k dps or w/e.

7 minutes ago, HeIIica.2945 said:

If the game isn't playable for a variety of different people

Not even remotely true, no need to play a victim.

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On 12/5/2022 at 7:36 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

I am playing it and I have no problem controlling the mech keeping it in range.

Have you tried it in any fight that requires any amount of mobility?
Because the thing is absolutely busted in new Lion's Court, for example. Permanent -50% mech DPS in that fight, and there's no way around it: the mech is either not getting your stats (DPS LOSS!) or is walking around and not shooting (DPS LOSS!). 

And that is what it boils down to. It's not a mechanic that you can engage in with any trade-offs or intrinsic rewarding mechanisms or anything. It's just a toxic "damned if you do, damned if you don't" in some fights, and just does nothing in other fights.

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11 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Have you tried it in any fight that requires any amount of mobility?

Because the thing is absolutely busted in new Lion's Court, for example. Permanent -50% mech DPS in that fight, and there's no way around it: the mech is either not getting your stats (DPS LOSS!) or is walking around and not shooting (DPS LOSS!). 

Yes. I think I've said it in one of the other threads, but I'm talking about it from the perspective of using it in raids and eod cm strikes. Granted that I wasn't going out of my way to compare it to "never move mech to be in range" dps, since I never felt the need to do that, but while moving the mech -and when having plenty more postpatch mechs in the group- we (pugs) were comfortably succeeding those encounters. Maybe next time I'll try ignoring the mech movement and see if there's a meaningful difference. 🤷‍♂️ Currently I feel the mech can bolt to the player rather faster, so in the end it's probably still better to move it around, even if it's not attacaking while moving.

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12 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yes. I think I've said it in one of the other threads, but I'm talking about it from the perspective of using it in raids and eod cm strikes. Granted that I wasn't going out of my way to compare it to "never move mech to be in range" dps, since I never felt the need to do that, but while moving the mech -and when having plenty more postpatch mechs in the group- we (pugs) were comfortably succeeding those encounters. Maybe next time I'll try ignoring the mech movement and see if there's a meaningful difference. 🤷‍♂️ Currently I feel the mech can bolt to the player rather faster, so in the end it's probably still better to move it around, even if it's not attacaking while moving.

...when the mech finishes his movement caused by being recalled, 70% he is out of range of the mechanist. And also doesn't shoot for four to eight seconds, unless ordered to.

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15 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

...when the mech finishes his movement caused by being recalled, 70% he is out of range of the mechanist.

I by far can't say this is happening to me, especially not when you're bringing up such high % of it happening.

15 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

And also doesn't shoot for four to eight seconds, unless ordered to.

Wait, so you're just pressing button to call it to you and that's all? I'm pressing the button to call it to me and when it's near, I press the other one to attack my target. No delay there. The ranged mech pretty much instantly stops and starts attacking.

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Gw2 AI is in need of an overhaul. This is not new knowledge that people are all of a sudden complaining about. This is something ranger mains have complained about for eons. At the very least, since I started playing this game in PoF. 

There is no debating that the AI in this game needs improvements, it's an established fact. 

The reason why mechanist mains are all of a sudden complaining about it is as I predicted before this change was shipped. 


The bad AI was excusable in the past because, with the exception of old Gyros, there hasn't been a build that heavily relies on the AI to this extent. Neither ranger nor minion necro need to worry about the precise positioning of their pets. If it runs off into narnia and attacks some mob on the opposite side of the arena, that has a very minimal effect on their performance. 


This change highlights an issue that we've all known for years by bringing it to the forefront of people's attention. This is the first instance where a player is punished in a very tangible way when the AI starts to act up and do all the things it's been known for since day 1. If it flies off into narnia, you lose DPS and boon uptime. If it stands at the edge of the boss's hitbox and not with the group, you lose DPS and boon uptime. If it stands at the opposite end of the boss's hitbox, you lose DPS and boon uptime. If it refuses to listen to the players command and correct this issue for whatever reason, that causes frustration. 


So then, if this issue is so well known and well documented, why is is all of a sudden so controversial?


To put it simply, "because Mechanist."

This class has been subject to a circlejerk of hatred that even put firebrand to shame. Compounded with this, at it's prime, (Power) mech was the easiest build in the game's history to achieve top DPS with on top of its other luxuries. There's a sense of retribution that players feel now that Mech has been brought closer to the rest of the cast, and I don't blame people for feeling that. This change, while flawed, makes power mechanist a little harder to play. 

But vindicating as it may be, this problem still exists. 

This change also completely ignores the other builds mechanist have to offer. Such as Condi mech, which was already quite difficult to pull off due to its long rotation, reliance on melee uptime, multiple kit swaps, tracking CDs in the background (something firebrand mains are currently complaining about having to do), bot management, ect. This build arguably did not need a nerf, and it did not need to be made harder to play. It already had a good ratio of effort : reward. 


The solution is obvious. Fix the AI. There wasn't much need for it before because, with Scrapper's rework, other pet classes didn't need to stress about the exact positioning of their AI companions. This is also the first time that so much power budget has been loaded into the AI companion.  Now that AI management is an integral part of gameplay, it's time to do some cleanup. 

(Edit: Also make mech work underwater. There's no excuse for that to still be an issue)





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1 minute ago, The Boz.2038 said:

I think I clearly said "unless ordered to". 
Ah, yes, I see I did.

Busywork. Truly the future of good game design.

Yeah, "unless ordered to", so... it does what it's supposed to do, how is this somehow an issue that the bot doesn't attack the target unless you tell it to attack the target after you ordered it to not attack it? Seems reasonable to me and, again, it works ingame too.

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13 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, "unless ordered to", so... it does what it's supposed to do, how is this somehow an issue that the bot doesn't attack the target unless you tell it to attack the target after you ordered it to not attack it? Seems reasonable to me and, again, it works ingame too.

So you consider it unreasonable that it *does* attack the target, then, but only after a few seconds?

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46 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

So then, if this issue is so well known and well documented, why is is all of a sudden so controversial?

Seems pretty obvious, but if it really needs explanation:

iIt's so ""controversial"", because clearly there's a group of players that can and do play mechanist without much of a problem, utilizing its post-patch mechanic, while there's also another group of players repeating (at least some of which blatantly dishonestly claim "it's not about performance, it's about fun!", when they can simply ignore the added mechanic and it would be the equivalent of those players receiving the flat -and not a huge one- dps nerf 🙄) it's totally broken and unplayable. Who's correct here? Who knows. Lets just say that if there's a group of people that can swim and another group claiming it's impossible to swim because they can't do it or don't enjoy doing it, it's rather clear who's correct and who's trying to bend the reality.

46 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

To put it simply, "because Mechanist."

This class has been subject to a circlejerk of hatred that even put firebrand to shame. Compounded with this, at it's prime, (Power) mech was the easiest build in the game's history to achieve top DPS with on top of its other luxuries. There's a sense of retribution that players feel now that Mech has been brought closer to the rest of the cast, and I don't blame people for feeling that. This change, while flawed, makes power mechanist a little harder to play. 

Pretty sure it was already explained -specifically to you- that this is not the case of some "haaa! I hate mech, git nerfed, ded class" because people do play it and succeed with it. The fact that you still try to draw this narrative where anyone not pretending it's somehow unplayable is some "mech hater that finally got what they maliciously wanted to spite the mech players!" is just ridiculous and false.

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5 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

So you consider it unreasonable that it *does* attack the target, then, but only after a few seconds?

Well, I would say that would be more unreasonable. But I'm also not entirely convinced that's what it does unless you keep attacking the target, at which point it's probably simply a timer on your last given order ("come here") which is subsequently overriden by the player attacking a target. If that issue exists, I didn't notice it, probably because as I said: I'm using "come" and "attack" commends one after another if I want the bot to come to me and then attack the target. Similarly if I call mech to me because I don't want to it to attack anything, I'm usually also not attacking anything so there's no action taken to override the "come to me" commend.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Seems pretty obvious, but if it really needs explanation:

iIt's so ""controversial"", because clearly there's a group of players that can and do play mechanist without much of a problem, utilizing its post-patch mechanic, while there's also another group of players repeating (at least some of which blatantly dishonestly claim "it's not about performance, it's about fun!", when they can simply ignore the added mechanic and it would be the equivalent of those players receiving the flat -and not a huge one- dps nerf 🙄) it's totally broken and unplayable. Who's correct here? Who knows. Lets just say that if there's a group of people that can swim and another group claiming it's impossible to swim because they can't do it or don't enjoy doing it, it's rather clear who's correct and who's trying to bend the reality.

Pretty sure it was already explained -specifically to you- that this is not the case of some "haaa! I hate mech, git nerfed, ded class" because people do play it and succeed with it. The fact that you still try to draw this narrative where anyone not pretending it's somehow unplayable is some "mech hater that finally got what they maliciously wanted to spite the mech players!" is just ridiculous and false.

Rather than argue against this very obvious strawman again I'll do the opposite. I'm going to argue in your favor. 

Your experience is clear evidence that this change isn't as bad as engineer mains are making it out to be. The feedback has been that this change makes Mechanist disfunctional. The AI doesn't listen to commands and it does whatever it wants. This contradicts your experience because you've been able to adapt to the changes and you have no issues clearing content. 

If you've been able to adapt just fine then obviously the other people complaining are facing a skill issue and need to adapt as you have. Those claiming Mechanist is unplayable are clearly latching onto a conveneint lie in order to mask their ulterior motives. Coming out and claming "I don't want to be nerfed" isn't likely to accomplish anything. Claiming the AI is bad, therefore this change should be reverted is more believable, and if it succeeds, these players will accomplish their goal of getting mechanist back to it's old spot of overperforming with zero effort. 

You're able to see through these people's BS, and so you've gone out of your way to point it out whenever possible. People claiming it's a misunderstanding are just afraid to be caught out on their lie. People claiming it's about fun are relying on thinly veiled deflection. 

Do I have this about right?




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I somewhat agree that rifle mech needed nerf, but not like this.  For example ranger is like 70%dmg and its pet is 30% while rifle engi is more like 30% and its mech is 70%. And to leave such huge part of total dps to clunky AI.. Idk.. They should revert everything back and just nerf mech dmg or make so mechanical genius shares less stats or smth along those lines. 

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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Rather than argue against this very obvious strawman

This is not a strawman, this is what you said in your post. Again. (unless you're specifically talking about the "swimming" example, at which point maybe just avoid that single sentence and don't use it as a pretence to not respond to the rest of the post 🙄)

1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Your experience is clear evidence that this change isn't as bad as engineer mains are making it out to be. The feedback has been that this change makes Mechanist disfunctional. The AI doesn't listen to commands and it does whatever it wants. This contradicts your experience because you've been able to adapt to the changes and you have no issues clearing content. 

I wonder about the specific wording and construction of the first sentence in this quote, because from my understanding it seems to be intentionally creating the narrative about "engineer mains not liking it" and "maybe others being ok with it", which from my understanding -and ingame observations- isn't really the case. See, the basis of my disagreement about it is your repeated and rather confident "the mech doesn't listen!" -since as I already pointed out many times (including the recent posts in this thread), it does listen to commends. Not just mine, but generally the players that are still using it -from what my observations show- perfectly fine. I think "it isn't as bad" is an understatement. Sure, it can be better in some aspects, but what some of the posts here say isn't even close to saying "it could be better", it's rather attempting to claim it doesn't work, it's impossible to control, it attacks by itself or doesn't attack at all (apparently depending which one of a few people here you'll ask?) and so on.

From my use of post-patch mech and based on what I shortly described in my posts in this thread responding to Boz, these claims seem to be for the most part simply false. Somehow, the mech listens ingame to me and some of the other players. Pure magic.

1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

If you've been able to adapt just fine then obviously the other people complaining are facing a skill issue and need to adapt as you have. Those claiming Mechanist is unplayable are clearly latching onto a conveneint lie in order to mask their ulterior motives. Coming out and claming "I don't want to be nerfed" isn't likely to accomplish anything. Claiming the AI is bad, therefore this change should be reverted is more believable, and if it succeeds, these players will accomplish their goal of getting mechanist back to it's old spot of overperforming with zero effort. 

Lets not forget that people who claim they would be fine with simply numerical nerfs already have what they want ingame, because ignoring the implemented mechanic doesn't somehow kill the mechanist, it simply applies an -not even a huge one btw- overal dps output nerf.

For -a very recent- example, you can see a complaint in one of the posts above about the mech "not attacking my target after I call it back to me". Unless... I... tell it to attack my target? Sure, when you call mech to yourself it does what you told it to do and in order for it to instantly attaack your target, you simply have to press a button telling it to attack your target. How is this even a complaint?


1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

People claiming it's a misunderstanding are just afraid to be caught out on their lie.

What misunderstanding?

1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

People claiming it's about fun are relying on thinly veiled deflection. 

I already responded about people claiming it's not about performance, but about fun -more than once. Would you like me to repeat it? Lets just say it has something to do with ability to complete ignore the passive.

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1 hour ago, KrivukasLT.3507 said:

I somewhat agree that rifle mech needed nerf, but not like this.  For example ranger is like 70%dmg and its pet is 30% while rifle engi is more like 30% and its mech is 70%. And to leave such huge part of total dps to clunky AI.. Idk..

@Kuma.1503 Let's take this post as another example. Do you think this is accurate and therefore should count as a valid complaint? Because, you know, it sure is some feedback. But does this feedback consist of truth?

1 hour ago, KrivukasLT.3507 said:

They should revert everything back and just nerf mech dmg or make so mechanical genius shares less stats or smth along those lines. 

And it gets even better(?), since it directly shows what I was talking about and what was also included in my previous post (amongst other mentions about it on the previous days):

Lets not forget that people who claim they would be fine with simply numerical nerfs already have what they want ingame, because ignoring the implemented mechanic doesn't somehow kill the mechanist, it simply applies an -not even a huge one btw- overal dps output nerf.

It's basically claiming that the option to increase/retain slightly higher dps by taking additional actions shouldn't exist for anyone, because some people don't want to use it. 🙄

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