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54 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Anet logs on to run with boon blob in smc, chases away the other smaller zergs.

I suppose if you always run with a map blob of boons you'll never see anything wrong with chasing away "content".



This is why they nerfed walls, nerfed defensive siege, added shield gens (which benefit blobs more than defenders), and they continue to nerf strips.

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At least on NA, most "fight" groups don't care about creating content anymore. They just want it delivered to them, as safely and as easily as possible. A lot of it just amounts to farming the same pugs over and over again and then patting each other on the back, start camping chokes the moment they see something that's not a pug, and then either ragequitting or open tagging/dragging a map queue once they wipe. And then there's the tryrhards that will actually spy because holding each other's hands  in a boonball just isn't safe enough.

Additional points for running invisible and using pugs/other guilds as meatshields until they wipe and suddenly demand everyone help them/get off the map if they're not.

Like the moment the going gets tough, it just stops.

Case in point, a lot of people will ask where the softer more casual guilds are running and often ignore the fights in front of them. And they'll hunt 'em while blatantly outnumbering them but with clever counting (aka ignoring all the green dots) claim that they were outnumbered.

Of course, this isn't just limited to zergs. Even in small scale, you'll see these humorously comped (4 healers/2 dps) roaming guilds running down randoms. I'm pretty sure most of you have seen their heavily edited cringe videos so I'll just stop there.

And finally, the problem is not contributing anything on the PPT front. Yea, it's 2022 and PPT is lame, but t4 has no content and someone has to at least put up waypoints or else it's just a karma train.  Then people just say the maps are dead and log off/transfer off, repeating the same pattern again.

Not to be too specific, but I've seen many guilds and servers make hilariously shortsighted plans that works nowhere outside of their hive minds and *surprised Pikachu face* fall apart within a few months. People have become so insular and sniffing their each other's farts that they simply cannot distinguish reality from their own groupthink.




Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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13 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

At least on NA, most "fight" groups don't care about creating content anymore. They just want it delivered to them, as safely and as easily as possible. A lot of it just amounts to farming the same pugs over and over again and then patting each other on the back, start camping chokes the moment they see something that's not a pug, and then either ragequitting or open tagging/dragging a map queue once they wipe. And then there's the tryrhards that will actually spy because holding each other's hands  in a boonball just isn't safe enough.

Additional points for running invisible and using pugs/other guilds as meatshields until they wipe and suddenly demand everyone help them/get off the map if they're not.

Like the moment the going gets tough, it just stops.

Case in point, a lot of people will ask where the softer more casual guilds are running and often ignore the fights in front of them. And they'll hunt 'em while blatantly outnumbering them but with clever counting (aka ignoring all the green dots) claim that they were outnumbered.

Of course, this isn't just limited to zergs. Even in small scale, you'll see these humorously comped (4 healers/2 dps) roaming guilds running down randoms. I'm pretty sure most of you have seen their heavily edited cringe videos so I'll just stop there.

And finally, the problem is not contributing anything on the PPT front. Yea, it's 2022 and PPT is lame, but t4 has no content and someone has to at least put up waypoints or else it's just a karma train.  Then people just say the maps are dead and log off/transfer off, repeating the same pattern again.

Not to be too specific, but I've seen many guilds and servers make hilariously shortsighted plans that works nowhere outside of their hive minds and *surprised Pikachu face* fall apart within a few months. People have become so insular and sniffing their each other's farts that they simply cannot distinguish reality from their own groupthink.

All true unfortunately.

Pretty hilarious to see those 10 man gank groups chasing down one person sometimes. People are so desperate for rewards, I feel like they should increase the rewards so people aren't "worried" about it so much, but then I kick my brain back into the proper lane of thinking and yeah, not even that would change their behavior, because let's be real, most players don't want a challenge.

Also hilarious to see these guilds blob up to 50 squads and roll everything on the map, like really where's the fun in that? you turn the map into a pve ktrain, you chase off enemies to another map and you're left with defenders who are caught up with insane notion that dying 50 times to a grinder is somehow worth saving a building you could recap in 5 mins anyways. 

The blobbers will tell you spying/tag watching is necessary cause people run from them(but they get offended if you do it to them! so they hide their skills bar on twitch 🤭), or that they need to camp a keep to bring the content to them, even though it's mostly random pugs that have no chance against them, but I guess they never heard of private messaging. I wonder why gvg died out, these guys all "don't have phones" I guess.

I feel bad for some of the guilds that actually run 15-25 regularly, this is the area I still think zerg fights are fun, but going up against squads carrying 40-50, there's no point, they take one shot at it and then leave for another map. No game play should encourage players to leave, that's bad design, each side needs something to fight for, they need to know they have a proper (I won't say fair cause nothing is fair in wvw or pvp) chance to do so, and also get rewarded for their efforts(get away from me you participation arguers!). 🤭

Fortunately there's only a handful of those super insane stacked boon spam groups, and you quickly know who it is, and can just avoid them (although some groups are idiots and give four shots at it and die horribly anyways, while pretty much learning nothing new, yeah I witnessed this slaughter the other night 😄). Best thing to do is just starve them of content to frustrate them, just like entire servers are trying to do to mag. 🤭  Why reward them with fights, why make it interesting for them, when they certainly don't care to make it interesting for you, and bring a blob to overwhelm you just to feed them.

It was just so much better back in the day, but it is as you say, most people just don't care anymore, and I feel like the game mode is past the point of no return for doing so ever again, no matter the wr or reward changes they make in the future.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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9 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Also hilarious to see these guilds blob up to 50 squads and roll everything on the map, like really where's the fun in that? you turn the map into a pve ktrain, you chase off enemies to another map and you're left with defenders who are caught up with insane notion that dying 50 times to a grinder is somehow worth saving a building you could recap in 5 mins anyways. 

Hmm. I was tagged today because I couldn't handle our folks just pirate shipping at 3000 range again and honestly it was pretty fun with us and blue, a bit back and forth on a paper Bay.

Then comes red with this giant map blob charging in across the map to try and blindslide us but both us and the opposite server just pulled off and left them. They proceeded to farm the 5-6 people who came in and didn't know any better. At this point I grabbed people and went to Red BL because staring contests were no fun. Eventually the remaining defenders abandoned Bay but built 14325423523 siege and held garri and everything stopped because ded game. Kudos on them for holding; I just wasn't in the mood and I doubt most of the pugs were.




But then again it was 16 pips.


9 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

The blobbers will tell you spying/tag watching is necessary cause people run from them

It's like those people that run bunker eles or stealth crap where they tap you and then run away if they ever get below 85% health. It's a complete waste of time and anybody with any kind of life is just going to leave, or in their terms "run".

Yea yea yea run good builds and kitten but when one is already stacking every single advantage in their favor that they still want you to fight on their terms.

See, this is why I'm glad you brought up "content". Because not everyone is entitled to content; and not everyone is here to entertain you.

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4 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Hmm. I was tagged today because I couldn't handle our folks just pirate shipping at 3000 range again and honestly it was pretty fun with us and blue, a bit back and forth on a paper Bay.

Then comes red with this giant map blob charging in across the map to try and blindslide us but both us and the opposite server just pulled off and left them. They proceeded to farm the 5-6 people who came in and didn't know any better. At this point I grabbed people and went to Red BL because staring contests were no fun. Eventually the remaining defenders abandoned Bay but built 14325423523 siege and held garri and everything stopped because ded game. Kudos on them for holding; I just wasn't in the mood and I doubt most of the pugs were.




But then again it was 16 pips.


It's like those people that run bunker eles or stealth crap where they tap you and then run away if they ever get below 85% health. It's a complete waste of time and anybody with any kind of life is just going to leave, or in their terms "run".

Yea yea yea run good builds and kitten but when one is already stacking every single advantage in their favor that they still want you to fight on their terms.

See, this is why I'm glad you brought up "content". Because not everyone is entitled to content; and not everyone is here to entertain you.

Killed half my night watching them force farming ebg.

We just let them have a t3 smc and a couple towers, com gave it a couple shots, but as usual no point.

I logged off for dinner for like an hour, came back and they were still farming in smc.


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2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Hmm. I was tagged today because I couldn't handle our folks just pirate shipping at 3000 range again and honestly it was pretty fun with us and blue, a bit back and forth on a paper Bay.



kitten kitten, and here I missed this, was trying to see if there was any Destiny2 Easter eggs before season change else would have been there to make you say, WTW scrub! Bloodlust FTW. I admit though, weeks before beta lose some weight, I think ANet should do call to war the week before and during betas. Just to draw more numbers, would still be looking for Easter eggs but...would have slept less  versus missed either.

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On 12/1/2022 at 11:56 AM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Anet logs on to run with boon blob in smc, chases away the other smaller zergs.

I suppose if you always run with a map blob of boons you'll never see anything wrong with chasing away "content".



SPOT ON! That is exactly what they do and did.  They even had a youtube vid on it a few years ago. 

"Let's not punish people who have initiative and insight to make a great build by nerfing them"  Say "Good Job!" or GG

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