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Bring back hipshot


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36 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Engi theme is too, we even have a line saying master of firearm... So yeah... engi is not a scuff warrior, its an engineer. So a machine gun aint a caricature. Not more than shourd is a caricature. Just to be sure I dont want them to remoce shroud it would be stupid beyond. Was just saying that your argument againt a machine gun on engi aint good.

Yeah, engie theme is too -and it's not some assault rifle machine gun spamming commando.

How does saying "master of firearm" change anything here? It literally could be centered around a revolver and it still could be called exactly that. Nothing about firearms somehow equates to spamming machine guns.

And btw, the traitline is just "firearms", with the description saying: "Specializing in firearms improves your critical-hit efficiency and enhances your bleeding and burning potency. It grants various condition damage bonuses and strengthens your flamethrower." and "Firearms is a core specialization for the engineer that focuses on conditions, condition damage and the use of pistols, and the flamethrower.". You seem to be making up your own reality here, unless I'm missing something? 🤔

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31 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Did you know that video game are a visual medium? If you dont care about art in video game, you know you can play card game or boardgame, they even have online site for this. Like it or not, art in video game is way more important than you think, probably even more important than silly stuff like balance in pve. (For pvp is more important true)

Before you do your smart kitten, yes balance is impkrtant, but not a the cost of art and gameplay, wich this last patch was blance at cost of art and gameplay. Thus why people complain. But hey if you want to encourage anet at making their mmo uglier clunkier and less fun, go ahead.

Yup and none of that changes what I said. If the WORST problem is an animation, game is doing pretty good. 

I mean, it's a reason for you to complain, that's OK. I don't have a problem with these complaints. What I have a problem with is the idea that the sky is falling here because of 'animations'. Some perspective is relevant here. For you, animations is a major issue because MMOs are 'art' but if you look at the history of the game, animations aren't the highest priority issues Anet addresses. It's worth keeping that in mind if that's how you are going to judge the game and critique it if you are trying to make a compelling argument to change it. 

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31 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, engie theme is too -and it's not some assault rifle machine gun spamming commando.

How does saying "master of firearm" change anything here? It literally could be centered around a revolver and it still could be called exactly that. Nothing about firearms somehow equates to spamming machine guns.

And btw, the traitline is just "firearms", with the description saying: "Specializing in firearms improves your critical-hit efficiency and enhances your bleeding and burning potency. It grants various condition damage bonuses and strengthens your flamethrower." and "Firearms is a core specialization for the engineer that focuses on conditions, condition damage and the use of pistols, and the flamethrower.". You seem to be making up your own reality here, unless I'm missing something? 🤔

I still dont understand why we can have a assault rifle on engineer? Why make the engineer rifle the same as warrior? Why take something unique and make it more generic and uglier? I hate mesmer, I find their fx to be ridiculous, all that princess purple stuff. You dont see me complain about it, why engi can have a machine gun? Its not like it does not fit in the game, we have robot, laser, explosion, missile... I mean an assault rifle is the less weird thing here. Anyway, not point aeguing, youve already won, anet did destroy rifle 1 animation and rifle 5 animation, they even take out the self cc. Im just making my peace with leaving Tyria once and for all. I dont like anet way of balancing stuff. They balance in a destructive way and Iv seen many mmo die because of excat same reason.

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39 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Yup and none of that changes what I said. If the WORST problem is an animation, game is doing pretty good. 

I mean, it's a reason for you to complain, that's OK. I don't have a problem with these complaints. What I have a problem with is the idea that the sky is falling here because of 'animations'. Some perspective is relevant here. For you, animations is a major issue because MMOs are 'art' but if you look at the history of the game, animations aren't the highest priority issues Anet addresses. It's worth keeping that in mind if that's how you are going to judge the game and critique it if you are trying to make a compelling argument to change it. 

Fun should be their focus. But look like we dont have the same description of fun anymore. Ill stop here, no more complain, no more waste of time. I wish for you that anet dont made more people quit. Good luck. 

Thank anet, sad I wasted my time.

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5 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Fun should be their focus. But look like we dont have the same description of fun anymore. Ill stop here, no more complain, no more waste of time. I wish for you that anet dont made more people quit. Good luck. 

Thank anet, sad I wasted my time.

It is ... you just don't seem to understand that Anet's challenge isn't just to make the game fun for you. It's to make the game fun to the most people possible. This MAY be shock to you, but it's not unreasonable to believe that MOST people are much more interested in gameplay and balance than animations. That's probably why Anet focuses on gameplay balance changes over animations. Just a hunch though. 

I mean, you won't play because of one animation that doesn't look right to you on one class for one weapon ... that's pretty extreme. I doubt that concern is all that high on the priority list. 

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7 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

It is ... you just don't seem to understand that Anet's challenge isn't just to make the game fun for you. It's to make the game fun to the most people possible. 

I know, I dont get why people enjoy/have fun when class they dont play get uglier and clunkier, but if its their fun, Im not here to judge. The game aint fun for me anymore, Im probably not the only one. I just wish more people like the game how it is now and not how it was before. I really whis the best for anet, been playing for 8 years.

Its not just 1 animation, it a cumulation of redeaign for worst, streamline, and removal of fun interaction in the gameplay, build craft. This patch was the last straw for me. In the last 4 years anet have remove and simplify soooo many cool thing. The gameplay is really not what it use to be. Its way spamier and has way less synergie in its trait system. 

Edited by Makuragee.3058
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12 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

It is ... you just don't seem to understand that Anet's challenge isn't just to make the game fun for you. It's to make the game fun to the most people possible. This MAY be shock to you, but it's not unreasonable to believe that MOST people are much more interested in gameplay and balance than animations. That's probably why Anet focuses on gameplay balance changes over animations. Just a hunch though. 

I mean, you won't play because of one animation that doesn't look right to you on one class for one weapon ... that's pretty extreme. I doubt that concern is all that high on the priority list. 

Just a quick correction for you, gameplay and animation are extremly tie togheter. Bad code with good animation is really not fun, but you get the same feelimg with good code and bad animation. Both need to be extremly good if you want fluid and fun gameplay. Just a little fact for you before I leave for good 😉

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6 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Just a quick correction for you, gameplay and animation are extremly tie togheter. Bad code with good animation is really not fun, but you get the same feelimg with good code and bad animation. Both need to be extremly good if you want fluid and fun gameplay. Just a little fact for you before I leave for good 😉

No correction needed. I know they are tied together. I'm just making a very reasonable assumption that one is a  priority for change over the other, for good reason. You can't assume that we need both for 'fun' gameplay' because what is fun depends on the player. I would actually argue that Anet could make a 'fun' game WITHOUT the quality of animations you are insisting need to exist because there are LOTS of people that don't derive their 'fun' from whatever quality of animations you say don't exist on this one skill.


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4 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

No correction needed. I know they are tied together. I'm just making a very reasonable assumption that one is a  priority for change over the other, for good reason. You can't assume that we need both for 'fun' gameplay' because what is fun depends on the player. I would actually argue that Anet could make a 'fun' game WITHOUT the quality of animations you are insisting need to exist (because there are LOTS of people that don't derive their 'fun' from animations).


Would you play gw2 if it was only color cube?

Both are needed, only focusing on one at the expense of other is not a good idea. I dont derive my fun from animation, but bad animation sure those take some fun away.

If you read my previous comment, youll find out that Im not only speaking about the bad animation.

Anyway last comment for me, time to move away. 

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18 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Would you play gw2 if it was only color cube?

Depends how awesome it was. I mean ... shocker again to you. I'm THAT old. I have PLAYED amazing games that WERE colour cubes. So ... could be. 

This is the dig: Don't try to claim what you think is fun determines how Anet should change the game to be fun for everyone. 

18 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Both are needed, only focusing on one at the expense of other is not a good idea. I dont derive my fun from animation, but bad animation sure those take some fun away.

Sure, we need it, but again, my point isn't that we don't need animations. My point is that animations is a pretty low priority for change and so it's a pretty extreme thing to hang your hat on to assess the quality of the game considering all the players Anet has to think about when they make changes. 

I mean, bring back hipshot? Animations have nothing to do with whether that happens to begin with .. but that's your go-to for the subject. good times. 

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Worst thing in this change imo is that they lied in update notes. "Increased skill animation speed; total animation duration remains the same as previous version in PvE only." No, it's alot slower than before.


And... "We do like that mechanist is a viable option for a lower-intensity playstyle, but we see it as slightly overperforming relative to where we want those builds to be." Slightly overperforming? Nerf the mech with 50% is 'slightly'?


And this one really takes the bisquit..."We've also made an adjustment to the mechanist to better reward players who are able to position well." So are we suppused to chase after the mechanist? Is that to 'position well' ?


 "Mechanical Genius: Combat attribute bonuses to the mech are now reduced by 50% if the engineer is more than a range of 360 away from the mech for a certain amount of time." Why not tell what the 'certain ammount of time' represent in seconds?


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8 hours ago, Annika.7084 said:

And... "We do like that mechanist is a viable option for a lower-intensity playstyle, but we see it as slightly overperforming relative to where we want those builds to be." Slightly overperforming? Nerf the mech with 50% is 'slightly'?

Yes, it is slightly, if you think otherwise you clearly need to go check what actual difference it makes in total dps instead of panicing because you saw "50%" in patch notes.

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16 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Isn't it funny how you make up some random false reasoning and when proven wrong you revert into "but why can't it be that anyways?!?" ? I mean... at this point I think we're done here.

I see that you are unable to understand what I write, so instead of taking time to answer well and trying to proove your point. Your just gonna dismiss and try to diminish any opinion you cant argue, without backing you own. I see, thank.

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3 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

I see that you are unable to understand what I write, so instead of taking time to answer well and trying to proove your point. Your just gonna dismiss and try to diminish any opinion you cant argue, without backing you own. I see, thank.

That's... exactly what you did in your last point though, that's exactly what I pointed out in my post right now, not sure why you're suddenly trying to repeat it back to me. Remind yourself your previous post I answered here:


False resoning, after poined out what you said is false you go back to "but why not?!?!". I'm not ignoring what you're saying, you just keep shooting blanks and hoping something sticks.

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59 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's... exactly what you did in your last point though, that's exactly what I pointed out in my post right now, not sure why you're suddenly trying to repeat it back to me. Remind yourself your previous post I answered here:


False resoning, after poined out what you said is false you go back to "but why not?!?!". I'm not ignoring what you're saying, you just keep shooting blanks and hoping something sticks.

You still didnt amswer anything writen in my comment, your still just dismiss my comment.

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1 minute ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

You still didnt amswer anything writen in my comment, your still just dismiss my comment.

I mean you still didn't include anything meaningful after making up random lies about what it is and then reverting into "well, but why not?!". Again: you're just shooting blanks over and over again and hope and one point something maybe sticks. 🙄

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

I mean you still didn't include anything meaningful after making up random lies about what it is and then reverting into "well, but why not?!". Again: you're just shooting blanks over and over again and hope and one point something maybe sticks. 🙄

Still didnt answer anything. Still just dismiss my comment... 😞

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Again, you didn't write anything to answer, you just reverted to "by why not?!" after making up a couple of lies about what it is ingame. 😉

Ok can you explain what lie I did? And can you explain why it does not fit the game?


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2 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Ok can you explain what lie I did? And can you explain why it does not fit the game?


Already explained and then linked it again above:


But that's not the only one, I just won't be suddenly spamming you with links for things you've already tried falsely clam and which already got disproven back to you anyways. That's also exactly what I keep talking about. After understanding you were making up false reasoning there, you still reverted into "but why not?!?!". It's clear you don't care about facts, you "prefer that" and will keep shooting blanks to the point of ending with the -as vague and meaningfless as can be- "but why not?!" question.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Already explained and then linked it again above:


But that's not the only one, I just won't be suddenly spamming you with links for things you've already tried falsely claming and which already got disproven back to you anyways.

I did reread it live, and you still dont answer my comment, you still dont explain why it does not fit the game. And its does not explain why you said I lie. You just deconstruct the firearm traitline, wich is fine but does not answer any of my issue? If you dont want to have descussion at least dont just dismiss people opinion because they are different than your? 


Just so you no, no Im not an english person so yeah my post may not have the best construction ever, Ill give you that. But its does not change the fact that I think the change are not healthy nor good one for the game.

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7 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

I did reread it live, and you still dont answer my comment, you still dont explain why it does not fit the game. And its does not explain why you said I lie. You just deconstruct the firearm traitline, wich is fine but does not answer any of my issue? If you dont want to have descussion at least dont just dismiss people opinion because they are different than your? 

Holy kitten, mate, you've asked what you've lied about. I linked what you've lied about and how I explained what you've said again. All you did now is... once again simply sidestepped it and went right back into asking "but why not?!?!" 😂



"Why not?!" Maybe lets ask the question: "why yes?" -and the answer is: there's not reason to make it that way. There you go. Done shooting blanks? Or -let me guess- you'll just keep repeating "why not?!", because rather clearly at this point that's all you have left to do here after shooting all your false/empty claims in the previous posts?

7 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Just so you no, no Im not an english person so yeah my post may not have the best construction ever, Ill give you that. But its does not change the fact that I think the change are not healthy nor good one for the game.

Nothing I say here is somehow about the "construction" of your posts. It's about  you throwing out false reasoning, being explained it's false and then you immediatelly forget about it and make up another one. Up to the point you have no more of those, so you revert into the -rather pointless and desparate, from my understanding- "but why not!?".

Ah -and I didn't somehow deconstruct the firearms traitline, I simply explained to you why it evidently does nothing to support your "but it has firearms word in it, so it means machine guns!". No, it doesn't and that's pretty clear if you as much as bothered reading it.

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5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Holy kitten, mate, you've asked what you've lied about. I linked what you've lied about and how I explained what you've said again. All you did now is... once again simply sidestepped it and went right back into asking "but why not?!?!" 😂



"Why not?!" Maybe lets ask the question: "why yes?" -and the answer is: there's not reason to make it that way. There you go. Done shooting blanks? Or -let me guess- you'll just keep repeating "why not?!", because rather clearly at this point that's all you have left to do here after shooting all your false/empty claims in the previous posts?

Nothing I say here is somehow about the "construction" of your posts. It's about  you throwing out false reasoning, being explained it's false and then you immediatelly forget about it and make up another one. Up to the point you have no more of those, so you revert into the -rather pointless and desparate, from my understanding- "but why 

Wow youre a toxic person to talk too. I get it you dont like people whos opinion are different than yours.

Only think I said was that I think the assault rifle was fun and fit the game perfectly, I think the new mechanic of mechanist is clunky and unfun. I dont think its a good idea that anet take out many fun trait for sake of balance. Thats it end of the road, no need to attack me anymore. kitten

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4 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Wow youre a toxic person to talk too. I get it you dont like people whos opinion are different than yours.

I don't know where you got that, I repeatedly try to tell you what I keep saying and you seem to either be misunderstanding or -more frequently and obviously- completely avoid responding to. It doesn't mean I somehow hate you or anyone else with opinion different than mine, what a weird claim to make while at the same time calling me toxic because I say something that goes against your opinion.

4 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Only think I said was that I think the assault rifle was fun and fit the game perfectly, I think the new mechanic of mechanist is clunky and unfun. I dont think its a good idea that anet take out many fun trait for sake of balance. Thats it end of the road, no need to attack me anymore. kitten

No, that's not "all you've said" and I think I explained -and linked it- that enough times to make it clear. If it somehow still isn't clear what I was commenting on, then I doubt it ever will be. I'm also not attacking you, next time you quote my posts simply stop avoiding what's in them (notice how, once again, just like before, nothing from the post you've quoted was responded to -it's like that's exactly the point I keep making in the last x posts here). For now that's all, I guess.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't know where you got that, I repeatedly try to tell you what I keep saying and you seem to either be misunderstanding or -more frequently and obviously- completely avoid responding to. It doesn't mean I somehow hate you or anyone else with opinion different than mine, what a weird claim to make while at the same time calling me toxic because I say something that goes against your opinion.

No, that's not "all you've said" and I think I explained -and linked it- that enough times to make it clear. If it somehow still isn't clear what I was commenting on, then I doubt it ever will be. I'm also not attacking you, next time you quote my posts simply stop avoiding what's in them. For now that's all.

I indeed think its a misunderstand, I really hope. Our discussion was really not enjoyable. But please dont try to dismiss my comment anymore. If you dont like it, at least dont attack me, please. Anyway like I said Im only making my peace with leaving the game. Wish you all the love you need.

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