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Remove gliding in combat


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If you climb on a wall or cliff to deal with someone and manage to win the fight in their claim buff, you deserve the kill.


They can just run back. This mechanic is just antifun and falling damage deaths are hilarious.


EDIT: Since it apparently wasn't obvious from subforum, this change would be WvW only.

Edited by Riba.3271
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I think fall damage is a fun thing - liked it back then when only the core game existed. With gliding in WvW you still have the option to capture the territory by getting the associated objective (camp, tower, keep, castla or ruins). This will prevent the enemy from gliding.

If it is in their territory ... of course it is just a legitimate use of the mechanics. (Like you also can glide in alpine borderlands - for example - into one of the towers if you own the territory. Instead of using the normal way. Since bypassing the walls is not unintended - for the team owning the territory.)

I can see the problems it would bring in PvE - if such a change could not be made only for WvW. I think kills by fall damage should give rewards. And I think running away manually to glide ... should be allowed. Might be fun though ... to have somethign that could check whether someone got kicked of  cliff by an enemy player CC (knockback or something like that) ... then preventing from enabling the glider. For this it would have to use  a check a certain amount of time after the CC got applied ... to see if after the CC ends the player is falling (then adding a debuff that prevents the glider until the fall ends) ... if he lands on normal land - moving manually to jump down - no problem he should be allowed to do so.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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39 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Might be fun though ... to have somethign that could check whether someone got kicked of  cliff by an enemy player CC (knockback or something like that) ... then preventing from enabling the glider.

This already exist in a way, if a person is already gliding you can CC then mid air and make them fall to their death, but depending on how big the fall is they may be able to glide again before hiting the ground, i think how much they fall is based on the CC duration, of course the big disadvantage is that is only works with ranged CC skills (Magnet for example), and i'm not so sure, but only pulls and stuns/dazes also.

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6 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

That aside, such a change would likely negatively impact gliding in PvE, which would be more problematic than a handful of fall damage aficionados getting less bags.

They could just make it unavailable in combat only in WvW. It isn't even hard since they have buffs that prevent gliding at jumping puzzles already, just make nonshowed version activate in combat in WvW.

I mean if I wanted to make gliding unavailable in combat in other gamemodes, I wouldn't have posted it in unpopular WvW forums.

Edited by Riba.3271
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6 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

If you love abusing fall damage, than I'm of the opinion that you do not deserve your kill.

I am not abusing falling damage to get the kill, I just want to be able to attack tower or keep and go on the walls, and spill some blood.  It is pretty hard to knock people off walls anyways due to walls having small ledges at almost all spots preventing this


I don't think it is good for gamemode how many people are cheese camping walls and even gliding away when their commander tries to start a fight. They should fight to the end.

Edited by Riba.3271
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8 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

They could just make it unavailable in combat only in WvW.

Depending on how gliding is actually coded, any change made for WvW might negatively affect PvE.

Given that from time to time seemingly unrelated things break when Arenanet updates something, I doubt they'd be able to cleanly implement such a change without affecting PvE.


Edited by Fueki.4753
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12 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

It isn't even hard since they have buffs that prevent gliding at jumping puzzles already, just make nonshowed version activate in combat in WvW.

it isnt even hard....    gw2 spaghetti code will make it hard!

Anyone remembers when they changed something on Spellbreaker and it somehow broke "rune of strength" and it was all of a sudden giving +125% Strikedamage instead of 5%? They then "hotfixed" it, but the Hotfix spawned a even bigger bug.... all of a sudden the Elementalist daggers had no Rangecap or LoS requirement and you could hit people that are miles away on second floor of another building? Within 24 hours they spawned 2 gamebreaking bugs making playing wvw literally impossible. First few hours it was Rangers hitting your with 35k Mauls, then you had to relog, with the announcement in forums that they fixed the bug. I was happily relogging..... but only  2 hours later everyone was playing ele and sniping people that are on second floor of Stonemist, from outside SM with the Earth AA....  


A Rune and Elementalist Dagger broke... because they were buffing Spellbreaker.....  if that isnt spaghetti code, i dont know what is.


Anyone remember two weeks ago where they reworked elementalist sceptre.. They made the fire 2 targetable... and sooomehowww  the FireAA broke and you could use it thru walls?

anyone remembers when they hotfixed Mechansit and pvp Queues were broken for hours resulting in mass penaltys ?

Anyone remembering them fixing the Queue bug, only to spawn a new one where people would get stuck in the "accept game Screen" FOR LITERAL HOURS. not even relogging would fix it. it took them hours to get the stuck accounts out of the screen.

Anyone remembering them changing the activity system in wvw and it somehow broke all the dollys for hours?

anyone remembers when they launched EoD and it broke the "evasive arcana" trait on Ele and they literally didnt fix it till 2 weeks ago......

Anyone remembers them reworking Shadowartstraitline on thief and it somehow broke the "Lesser enfemble" trait on necro? IT TOOK THEM 3 MONTHS TO FIX THIS!

Anyone remembers when "Jadewinds" would litereally crash everyone to desktop if you used it out of stealth of a thief that was running the reworked Shadowarts? It sure was fun in pvp.... you were playing... and... BOOM... Desktop.   no warning... no error mesage... game just closed from one frame to another.

Anyone remembers when people were crying that Specter shroud needs to be visible... but ever since the shroud is visible, the skill "mindshock" doesnt have a animation anymore?

Anyone remembering the "fixing" Vindicator so it can no longer dodge while rooted.....  AAAAAANDDDD Resistance does nothing on vindi all of a sudden.... currently if you have vindicator spec selected, the boon resolution is simply not working....      because spaghetti.

Pepperidge farm remembers!

All of this were just the OOPSIES of the last 2 years..... and only those specifically affecting the classes that i played... im sure there is ALOT more.

If they prevent gliding, i can guarantee you something will break....     People will get stuck in Fractals unable to leave, or some dumb stuff xD

Edited by Sahne.6950
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