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Couple questions


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HiI have 2 of those instant level 80 upgrades that came with HoT and PoF I'm thinking of using one for either Guardian or Necro.Would either one be a good choice in your opinions. Mainly PvE but probably some grouping too. I also enjoy playing Ranger and Thief.

I read that mounts are account bound and all my characters will have one when I get my first, is that true.

Also how often do you upgrade your armor, every 5 levels, 10 levels ?.

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Level 80 boostI'd say the best choice for the boost is whichever you enjoy playing more. My understanding is that necro is more popular in PvE at the moment, but that might only be for raids, and what's popular can change at any time, whereas what you like to play is probably going to be more consistent. The game is flexible enough that you don't need to have the currently popular "ideal" build/s to get into a group, plenty of people will let you play with whatever.

MountsYes it's true, both for the mounts themselves and for the different skins. Once you unlock a mount all your characters will be able to use it, even brand new ones who aren't level 80 yet. And once you buy a mount skin it will be available for all your characters to choose, just like outfits, mini pets, gliders etc.

Armour upgradesHonestly I just upgrade it when I get a piece that's better than what I already have. Before level 80 I never bother to buy or craft a full new set because I find I get useable drops often enough that it never falls much behind, and levelling is pretty quick (even the way I do it - wandering around aimlessly doing whatever I happen to find) so you'll just be replacing it again before you know it. Better to save gold, karma etc. for level 80 equipment.

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Guardian is a good class to start the game with. Easy controls and no complicated utilities. Damage and survivability are also good. Necro is considered more powerful by some. If skilled correctly you can use 2x HP bars, NPCs assisting you and awesome looking skills. Though I considere necromancers more difficult to learn - but that is my personal opinion.

Ranger is also a good character to start the game with, well balanced with good damage and very good survivability. Guardian would be mostly melee (closer range) combat, ranger is more of a distance fighter.

Mounts accessible for every character, once unlocked? Yes.Example: You unlocked your first mount in the PoF story. Then create a new character and once you are out of the tutorial-instance, you can use the mount with that character as well as with the one you unlocked it or any other character.

Armor/WeaponsIf you are not using a booster (recommended), every 10-15 levels should be enough. If you have access to the TP, start with a gear up arround level 11. No need for rare or exotic gear, in most cases blue or green rarity work excellent. Make sure to learn how runes & sigils work soon. Once you understood that, it is a walk in the park until you reach level 80. If you are using a booster, you get some equiment suitable to your level. But in many cases, the stats do not fit well. So it will be only a placeholder until you can get your hands on real gear.

Good luck and enjoy!

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Hello againThanks for the responses, most appreciated.I think I'll give the necro a try to see how it is. I'm pretty sure I'll go with a guardian and the ranger, I do like those pets. Oh and I do have access to the trading post.Thanks again for the great responses. The people in this game are really helpful.

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@EnidLarr.1478 said:I did with a ranger and a guardian and I believe I did it correctly since Guardian and Ranger you only need basic skills to play

Same here. I'm fairly new if you don't count GW1. With my ranger I have the Lynx and the Warthog pets. And of course the Guardian has what a Guardian has.Also been trying a Mesmer, not bad either.

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The only classes I would recommend using the 80 Boost on are Revenant, Thief, Necro, Ranger and maybe Guardian or Mesmer if you need them in short order. The first 4 have very straight forward designs, and don't have much of a learning curve as a result. The remainder have majorly different thought processes associated with them; Engineer and Ele require you learn juggling a large number of skills, and can alter their rotations reactively to changing battle conditions. Warriors and Guardians have to learn skill pacing, as both have very strong burst capability, but are very vulnerable if too many skills are on cool down.

Mesmers have a very fluid rotation, very aptly described as a "Cadence", that have the Mesmer making multiple decisions per second on if and when it should fire off skills for maximum impact. The only reason I put this on the possible Boost choice, is the fact that Mesmer builds rely on their GM traits more then any other class in the game; and most builds can't functionally make sense without them. Learning Shatter is easier at lower levels, but much of the advanced play won't open until you're nearly level 80.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Armour upgradesHonestly I just upgrade it when I get a piece that's better than what I already have. Before level 80 I never bother to buy or craft a full new set because I find I get useable drops often enough that it never falls much behind, and levelling is pretty quick (even the way I do it - wandering around aimlessly doing whatever I happen to find) so you'll just be replacing it again before you know it. Better to save gold, karma etc. for level 80 equipment.

That's what I do, too.Gear does matter before L80, but ... we spend so little time reaching L80 that it's a distraction to worry about upgrading. I use an outfit to hide the mismatching skins, throwing on higher-level pieces as I get them (regardless of stats) and save my gold/mats so I have more to outfit the toon at L80 in full exotics (or just rares if I can't afford it).

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