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damage is out of control


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2 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

It's funny, I've been mostly been messing around in wows pvp lately and all over their forums is same complaint about damage being to high and I'm thinking it doesn't seem to bad to me, maybe because I was still bit used to gw2, come back check out gw2 and 2nd conquest get ccd with fear and eat 1 ghastly claw and my devinity rune wearing rev with 20k hp is literally pretty much gone. Imo that is to much damage. A poster above stated a skill can do 12k tops lmao, that's OK to u guys? Do one 12k skill and another 8k skill and u literally double tapped a 20k hp player, a 20k hp player that only has 20k hp cuz they are wearing a defensive amulet giving them more than default hp. Anyway u guys are the players so if u think the above is ok than have at'er lol.

While I think that, in general, the damage level in the game is ok, I think there are definitely a few instances where the damage is over the top. Things like true shot and death's judgement hitting for 10k (from range, from stealth) are pretty ridiculous, especially since they hit from long range is pretty egregious, imo. Mesmer one-shots from stealth are another example.


Some specs, like holo, WB, and herald/ vindi are troublesome not because of any one skill, but because they have so many hard hitting attacks that you just can't dodge/block them all (unless you're a virtuoso, but that's another issue).


Warrior hammer 2 can absolutely crush, but it is highly telegraphed, melee range, and requires the target to be CC'd (usually requiring another highly telegraphed attack), so it feels like there is more counterplay there. That, and hammer 2 is the only really damage on hammer, so dodging that one attack really shuts them down. The issue is that warrior has so much CC that they are likely to catch you with it eventually.


All said, I think there is room for tuning down a few things while leaving most of the game's damage alone.

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@Psycoprophet.8107I'm not sure I understand how damage is too high. We had a nearly game wide damage nerf in 2020 and apparently we haven't had enough? (:eyes: some ranger pets still need to be looked at, nothing personal, rules are rules.)

Personally, I like being able to hit CoR 12k on light armored specs when all my buffs are stacked, it feels earned given the jank, requirements and all the things I have to deal with against them.

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On 1/6/2023 at 1:23 AM, Eddie.9143 said:

title. fights dont last, skill doesnt matter, whoever lands first burst wins

nah, wrong.

nothing is as high as it used to be, you need to be specific.

damage is lower, amulets are weaker, sigils dont add anything worth anything...what do you mean?

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