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before living world and tyria


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Hey guys just had a thought personal story ....hmm ok in between the living world eppisodes ect ect was thinking maybe interesting to add to own story ie family ,growing up before we enter tyria as an adult maybe a twist to see how we got there ....then rather than Return to we could return to how we actually got to tyria and events that brought us up in the past ...just a sugesten but reckon would be cool :)

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It would be nice but it won't happen, because as of now, the new content cadence is too slow to support it. People might enjoy that new content, but if you have a team working on an expansion and another working on the next episode of the living world and the next working on the episode after that (we know in the past at least, that different teams worked on different episodes. It's the onliy way to keep them coming at any regular pace), plus people working on balance, alliances and a variety of QoL upgrades, plus the occassional new strike, I doubt they'll add something like that.

Not when Fractals have gone so long without a new fractal.  There are just too many content types already to support without adding more right now.

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This might sound weird but I wouldn't want them to do this unless they were able to add at least 3 options for each race, preferably tied to the biography choice that determines your level 10 story. I already have backstories worked out for all my characters and it's different for ones of the same race, so I wouldn't want that retconned to all be the same.

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19 minutes ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

I doubt ANet would even want to do this. Aside from them being gun-ho on powercreep plots of late, the writers have historically held steadfast to the opinion that the beginning and end of your PCs should be purely headcanon'd.

I become beloved ruler of the World. The End.

Oh wow, this worked out great! Roll on GW3

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