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Destroyers in Fireheart Rise?

Lord Korag.8439

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Fireheart Rise is a volcanic area, yet noone has ever seen a single Destroyer there (except one single DRM). What is the cause of this? Have all dwarves concentrated under this map, forming basically a stone wall? Flame Legion alone is not strong enough to wipe them all out, as all the legions are unable to clear the Brand. Or could be Flame Legion connnected to Primordus? Even unintentionaly? Stone Summit dwarves got corrupted too without noticing they drain power form Primordus. Flame Legion specializes in fire rituals, shamans even embrace their bodies with flame effects. And Primordus is fire. Should Destroyers think some of their kin is already there, they wouldn´t bother investigate that area and attack somewhere else first.
Also, Primordus ley syphon uses the exact same model as the Eternal Flame in the Citadel of Flame. A bit undersized, but the same. The Eternal Flame is an artifact of unknown origin, therefore it could have been created by Primordus in the past. Despite I would expect Destroyers to swarm around Primordus´s artifact, it could also be a reason they have no need of going there.

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As far as I'm aware no Destroyers appear east of the Shiverpeaks in vanilla GW2, outside of one instance in Vexa's Lab. We see them in

  • Metrica Province
  • Brisban Wildlands
  • Kessex Hills
  • Timberline Falls
  • Lornar's Pass
  • Mount Maelstrom

But none is Ascalon. I don't think there's any lore reason for it, just Anet deciding not to put them there. Maybe they felt two fire based enemy groups(Flame Legion and Destroyers) would be too much overlap?

Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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Destroyers don't naturally spawn at any volcanic location. They spawn where they do because between waking up and GW2 starting (or more accurately, before Edge of Destiny novel), Primordus moved around a lot "clearing tracks of land" and creating pockets of destroyers that would try to surface. They only began to actually surface around 1320 AE due to the dwarves keeping them back, but Primordus didn't move everywhere.

Though it is a bit curious since Fireheart Rise is so close to where Primordus slept - and where he apparently moved back to after moving around given Season 3 - but it isn't a mandatory thing that destroyers need pop up in volcanic areas or on the surface above him. It's also possible the dwarves were most concentrated in that area because of Primordus' proximity and kept them at bay longest there, or even that the Flame Legion had means to hold them back being experts in fire magic.

17 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

As far as I'm aware no Destroyers appear east of the Shiverpeaks in vanilla GW2, outside of one instance in Vexa's Lab. We see them in

In Edge of Destiny, they show up in the Blazeridge Steppes area, or rather, under it. In the abandoned dwarven village Caithe, Logan, and Rytlock stumble upon.
They also appear in Desert Highlands, which while still in the Shiverpeaks, is on the far eastern end.
And in GW1, they appeared in the charr homelands area (now Grothmar Valley and around it).

So I don't think there's any lore reason for their lack of appearance in core Ascalon. If there was, it would be that Primordus focused on the west and south of where he woke up when moving about, assaulting the remaining five underground asuran cities after wiping out the Central Transfer Chamber, and those that show up east of there are sent by champions or just wander over themselves.

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17 hours ago, Lord Korag.8439 said:

Flame Legion alone is not strong enough to wipe them all out, as all the legions are unable to clear the Brand. Or could be Flame Legion connnected to Primordus? Even unintentionaly?

I mean...they are connected, the Flame Legion worshipped Destroyers as gods in the past. Your Eternal Flame idea ain't bad.

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10 minutes ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

Thought they worshipped Titans not destroyers? 

It was both, kind of.

After the death of the Titans, the Shaman Caste were looking for ways to maintain its dominance over the other three, and Heiorphant Burntsoul turned to worshiping the Destroyers. It didn't last long, and it didn't go well for him. His death is what sparked the revolution that Kalla would eventually end.


Though there are reasons to suspect the Flame Legion still have ties to Destroyers / Primordus magic. The Baelfire rituals that give them their glowing horns, eyes, heart, and arms sound a bit Destroyer-Corruption-of-Flesh-ish, like a less progressed Braham who similarly had burning eyes, heart, and arms. And the Fire Shaman world boss in Iron Marches wields destroyer weapons. The Eternal Flame also uses the same model as the Primordus Ley-Line thingies in Dragonfall, though this could easily just be reusing a seldom used model.

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9 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

In Edge of Destiny, they show up in the Blazeridge Steppes area, or rather, under it. In the abandoned dwarven village Caithe, Logan, and Rytlock stumble upon.

They also appear in Desert Highlands, which while still in the Shiverpeaks, is on the far eastern end.
And in GW1, they appeared in the charr homelands area (now Grothmar Valley and around it).

So like I said, in vanilla GW2.

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On 2/7/2023 at 5:05 PM, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

IThough there are reasons to suspect the Flame Legion still have ties to Destroyers / Primordus magic. The Baelfire rituals that give them their glowing horns, eyes, heart, and arms sound a bit Destroyer-Corruption-of-Flesh-ish, like a less progressed Braham who similarly had burning eyes, heart, and arms.

It is settled then. The Flame Legion shamans channel magic from Primordus. *hand shake*

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