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Transitioning into WvW / dueling from PvE, some questions


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23 hours ago, Friend.2837 said:



The earth shiels question still stands, as does the opener. I also noticed that he always goes earth after water even if he doesn't blast his water 2 field and I'm not sure why.


MOST IMPORTANTLY, are y'all manually aiming everything by holding right click and moving camera, or adjusting the camera when you need to then letting autotargeting aim the skills? I can't really tell. Also, I have no way of testing whether your skills track enemies if they move during cast time. Generally if you start a cast and then run / dash behind you, will your character turn to hit them?


Thanks for the advice!


Earthshield: i dont rly play Earthshield on swordweaver tbh.. i feel like theres enough buttons to press already xD but when i play it on my tempest build, i mainly use it when i need a reflect (the 3) or i need sustain (2 + 5)

The 4 is some very nice cc pressure and its unblockable, you can use it to pull people out of their block or thru aegis. Also dont underestimate its damage... Shield dmg is pretty nuts...

But alot of the times i just cast the Earthshield, use the 3 for magaura..... and drop it.



"Generally if you start a cast and then run / dash behind you, will your character turn to hit them?"

YES! aslong as your not holding a mousebutton, or the enemy walks straight thru you, your charackter will follow the enemy with skills.

i mostly aim with the mouse, but whenever i feel like it might give me an advantage, i just let the "auto turnaround" do its thing and i let go of the mouse button.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 2/9/2023 at 3:26 AM, Friend.2837 said:


Makes sense. Can you give a quick breakdown on how you try to play this style of weaver?


Here are a couple Q's if you don't mind:


Generally what part of the build actually kills people? Is it burst during cc? Autoattacks? The Starfire build just vomits random AoE condis 24/7 but that's clearly not the case here.


What attunements do you open in? Fire-earth 4+lightning flash CC, 2, 3 > air-fire 3-4 > FA air-air 3 seems to be a good burst but it looks really committal. When opponent could just stunbreak and dodge.


Do you have a baseline rotation that you adapt based on circumstance, or do you kind of just go through whatever elements you want in the moment? What role does FA actually play in the build?


When exactly do you go into earth shield? It has a lot of cool skills but whenever I try to play with it I feel like there's no point where I go "boy I really want earth shield RIGHT NOW"; I just kind of remember I have it then use it for shots and giggles.

I give a brief overview of the build in this video:


This is a power build with a tiny bit of condi due to it being sword/dagger, so you're gonna have to rely on getting fresh air and air sword 3 off, autoattacking in air (getting the 3rd strike is a big dps increase, especially after Feb 14 patch) and hitting with fire 2/ fire air dual attack, fire 4 and fire 5. Eruption can also be chained into fresh air for good damage (earth 2, but proc fresh air before it hits). Water earth dual attack into fresh air full attune can really help sometimes and other than that I may occasionally chain water/fire dual attack into air or fire. 

Don't worry about cc'ing them, when you can cc definitely capitalize on it, otherwise your main job is just to follow them around like a hawk, do not leave 180 range unless you need to go on defensive. You'll see in my video most of the time I am basically ontop of their character getting hits off lol, this is what you have to do bc it's kind of weak otherwise. Death by 1000 cuts etc

I would recommend starting with earth/fire dual attack for barrier and keep track of it's CD mentally while you rotate cuz you wanna use it again asap it's very valuable. Same with keeping track of riptide+eruption CDs mentally as you need them just as much basically as soon as they're off CD bc it will sync up with your opponents CD nicely most of the time

Basically there is no rotation or best way to start, it's gonna depend on how confident you feel about the opponent(s), just watch vid to see how I adapt to different situations

Earth shield - just watch vid to see how powerful it can be, auto attack chain does massive damage, magnetic aura is invaluable, invuln to bait their burst so you can focus on getting damage off, earth 2 block for barrier etc

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5 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

I don't play sword weaver, so i can't answer skill specific questions.

But most skills do track as long the target remains in range and you aren't "locking" your characters movement. Sometimes skills might have their own little "quirks" tho and show inconsistent behaviour, eg pyro vortex not turning your char when blinking behind a target. Whether that means it also won't track moving targets, idk, but it should be easy to figure out by simply playing, no?

The more experience you have, the more you'll get knowledge and feeling on how to land which skill, how they behave in different situations and so on. As with so many things i don't think there are universally applicable rules. That's why practise is so important.

I'm still not entirely sure, what you are on about honestly. But the answer is most likely: "it depends"

Fair enough. It's hard to test though; I'd need to find an enemy to walk through me and time the skill right to observe the behaviour.

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Earthshield: i dont rly play Earthshield on swordweaver tbh.. i feel like theres enough buttons to press already xD but when i play it on my tempest build, i mainly use it when i need a reflect (the 3) or i need sustain (2 + 5)

The 4 is some very nice cc pressure and its unblockable, you can use it to pull people out of their block or thru aegis. Also dont underestimate its damage... Shield dmg is pretty nuts...

But alot of the times i just cast the Earthshield, use the 3 for magaura..... and drop it.



"Generally if you start a cast and then run / dash behind you, will your character turn to hit them?"

YES! aslong as your not holding a mousebutton, or the enemy walks straight thru you, your charackter will follow the enemy with skills.

i mostly aim with the mouse, but whenever i feel like it might give me an advantage, i just let the "auto turnaround" do its thing and i let go of the mouse button.



Appreciate all the advice! Practiced a bit yesterday and won my first 3 duels 😄



Final thing I'd like to confirm. It looks like even if you're holding RMB, so long as you don't also hold down a movement key, your character will still be able to turn to cast skills?


And you mean that if an enemy walks through you, you WILL miss right? Thats where we'd want to manually aim the skill?

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I still use my old Marshall's sword/dagger weaver build, it ticks nice condi damage and has enough power to burst when you need it to. It is a monster against condi builds, using water arcane and weaver.

My gameplay was a little scuffed back then, but I still managed a decent 1v2 there. The idea when dueling with sword/dagger is to whittle the opponent down, force them to use their cleanses/stunbreaks/heals... you time the use of Weave Self to get yourself buffed  and then go into AIR/AIR for chase potential and CC.  Combine Sword 3 on air for pulsing damage + vulnerability and Primoridal stance too, 25 stacks of almost instant vulnerability while doing considerable damage. Then slam into your burst rotation for rotation for the kill.

A lot of people prefer celestial over Marshall's nowdays, and I play celestial on my catalyst. But I hold Marshall's dear in for my weaver to this day, if nothing else for nostalgia.

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2 hours ago, Friend.2837 said:



Appreciate all the advice! Practiced a bit yesterday and won my first 3 duels 😄



Final thing I'd like to confirm. It looks like even if you're holding RMB, so long as you don't also hold down a movement key, your character will still be able to turn to cast skills?


And you mean that if an enemy walks through you, you WILL miss right? Thats where we'd want to manually aim the skill?

Not too sure... just let go off RMB during channeled skills. 

When the enemy is exactly standing in you, the casting will sometimes stop. 

But when someone is running close circles around you, the "auto turning" will follow it perfectly. 

Letting go off the mouse is always your best bet when someones dancing around you, especially for skills with a channel. 

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1 hour ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

I still use my old Marshall's sword/dagger weaver build, it ticks nice condi damage and has enough power to burst when you need it to. It is a monster against condi builds, using water arcane and weaver.

My gameplay was a little scuffed back then, but I still managed a decent 1v2 there. The idea when dueling with sword/dagger is to whittle the opponent down, force them to use their cleanses/stunbreaks/heals... you time the use of Weave Self to get yourself buffed  and then go into AIR/AIR for chase potential and CC.  Combine Sword 3 on air for pulsing damage + vulnerability and Primoridal stance too, 25 stacks of almost instant vulnerability while doing considerable damage. Then slam into your burst rotation for rotation for the kill.

A lot of people prefer celestial over Marshall's nowdays, and I play celestial on my catalyst. But I hold Marshall's dear in for my weaver to this day, if nothing else for nostalgia.

is this the Waterweaver from cellofrags? My brother is also playing this build till this day  😄

But i think ever since they changed Fireauras and removed Retaliation, the overall dmg is lacking sadly. This build was awesome tho! played it a ton.

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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

is this the Waterweaver from cellofrags? My brother is also playing this build till this day  😄

But i think ever since they changed Fireauras and removed Retaliation, the overall dmg is lacking sadly. This build was awesome tho! played it a ton.

Ya this is the build that got me into being an ele main years ago, when cellofrag still uploaded gameplay regularly x) Nostalgic. 

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