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Earthen Rush + Burning speed


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Its better for tanking in raids, they were pretty much dead skills for ele tanks before the change. Earthen rush in general for instanced pve is neutral/abit worse; its a slight decrease in dmge but easier to use (and stay on the stack). Burning speed is mostly nerfed/more annoying to use. Most of its dmge comes burning in PvE, but you only hit the enemy with the trail if you dash through it, so unless you're untargeting you're losing out on like 60% of the dmge. For open world the daggers faces the exact same problems as pvp&WvW roam. I guess it can help abit with people that struggle with the mobility but thats it. 

Id gladly lose the ability to use my burning speed & earthen rush while tanking to get the extra QoL in all other game modes/roles. It would be even better to simultaneously give the aoe heal back to scepter in PvE. Dagger just feels clunky for HAT. With only a couple seconds between overloading attunements (which already take 4s casting time) the last thing i want to deal with is having a 2.25 sec casting time on drake's breath and cone of cold. It doesn't help either that dagger doesn't really provide any usefull utility for HAT except for cone of cold, 1 blast finisher and 100 defiance break. Meanwhile scepter is sitting on 2 blast finishers, a self condi cleanse, a powerful ranged aoe heal with extra regen on top (old version of water Trident), multiple blind skills, self barrier, extra toughness and resistance. 


The whole remake to the scepter is a joke anyways, like 75% of the changes have been removed from pvp/WvW and for instanced PvE 90% of the changes are only relevant for power/power alac Tempest which take up like 0.1% of the ele community. I guess the open world PvE players can still have abit of fun with the scepter buffs but thats literally it.


Uhh.. kinda went on a rant offtopic after a while 😅 so quickly summarized: it offers niche benefits but overall is negative for PvE aswell. 


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5 hours ago, zengara.8301 said:

Oh o.o Well redo time A-Net, because it sucks in WvW and probably PvP too 😮

Why though? You can choose between the long or shortened rush. If you wish to do the long rush just clear your target.
As for me I appreciate the change especially in Wvw with all those cliffs and walls. The enemy just had to place himself close to the edge and using either of those abilities came with the risk of falling down. Now this can't happen anymore.

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27 minutes ago, Bizgurk.5639 said:

Why though? You can choose between the long or shortened rush. If you wish to do the long rush just clear your target.
As for me I appreciate the change especially in Wvw with all those cliffs and walls. The enemy just had to place himself close to the edge and using either of those abilities came with the risk of falling down. Now this can't happen anymore.

Because its just annoying AF to continuously target/lose target during the fight. Targeting an enemy provide tons of usefull data about their health, condis and Boons. Now the ele has 3 skills where you'd possibly want to lose target for (incase of burning speed and earthen rush about 95% of the time), all with a relatively low cd (burning speed, earthen rush and ride the lightning). If you accidentally forget to detarget or accidentally target another enemy while you're roaming you can easily fckup your movement (and lose out on a good amount of your dmge) and for WvW zergs a single leap in the wrong direction usually means you're going out of the boonball and therefore puts the ele in an incredibly vulnerable position.

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4 hours ago, Bizgurk.5639 said:

Why though? You can choose between the long or shortened rush. If you wish to do the long rush just clear your target.
As for me I appreciate the change especially in Wvw with all those cliffs and walls. The enemy just had to place himself close to the edge and using either of those abilities came with the risk of falling down. Now this can't happen anymore.


also since the fire or earth spikes don't hit the target the only thing this does is make it so you don't go off the edge of the cliff. you get very limited to no damage out of these ablilities now. the fire trail can be literally 1 square where you are standing. and unless you get the enemy to take a step forward you lose the damage. just because you can't go off the cliff doesn't mean you are getting any value out of this ability in its current state.


it feels terrible. no matter what happens something has to be done about the mechanics of it. its not worth having in its current state. also it used to always move you forward from the direction you were facing. you could use this to escape as much as you could use it to charge. you can't do that anymore. it always homes in on the target which is poor design as well. i feel a good compromise would be to have it be a toggle. one press starts it, another press stops it. and keep it to where it goes the direction you are facing. 

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There is a same topic about that , and i franckly think that making those two skills targetable aoe would be way better , so you can choose to move to your target or go away (with or without targeting) and aslo choose the range of it (like druid staff 3 , but with a trail of fire or earth spikes)

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A nice change is if they made it a trail you ride essentially. 

If no target you would reach the end just as it used to be, but if you have a target you stop at the target but the trail continues past to it's full distance. That would mean we still get those desired effects without having to untarget/retarget all the time.

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On 2/26/2023 at 6:09 PM, zeyeti.8347 said:

There is a same topic about that , and i franckly think that making those two skills targetable aoe would be way better , so you can choose to move to your target or go away (with or without targeting) and aslo choose the range of it (like druid staff 3 , but with a trail of fire or earth spikes)

That is an interesting idea. Could do the same with Ride the Lightning as well.

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