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nytro.1362's Achievements

  1. does the teleport thing actually work? typically the game won't let you teleport to players who are in an instance. this crash thing has been happening to a guildie constantly, they are beyond frustrated and pretty much ready to move on from this game. I have to admit that the number of bugs is getting to the unfun point for me as well. have to try to keep track of where i can and can't do dailies, what mobs will and won't count for dailies, and what strikes might or might not count. don't think this new expansion system is all its cracked up to be.
  2. If they did change this I would probably continue fishing after getting the achievements. I know its a decent way to make gold, but the fishing stacks are just annoying. I'm sure they intended you to get to 99 stacks by grouping up, so i'm probably not using the system in the intended way because i generally get to 99 by myself. Well, i get to 99 as long as none of the following happen: randomly kicked to character select screen low population map change have to change maps to get to the other pool type for the collection (example: Boreal fish in Frostgorge Sound \ Lake fish in Snowden Drifts) waypoint to a different lake or ocean on the same map and don't manage to get back on the skiff in less than 12 seconds skiff destroyed by enemies or environments and can't get out of combat fast enough to resummon The window for losing the fishing stacks is way too small, and changing maps should not take it away (especially if we are forced to a new map due to population) I agree that, most likely, nothing will be done about this. Still, if it wasn't mentioned at all, nothing would be done either.
  3. I'm surprised that all of you that love wvw want those of us who hate it and are terrible at it in there with you. You argue pretty strongly to make sure we continue to plague your groups with our apathy for your game mode. I don't want to play wvw. when i am forced to play wvw, it does not inspire me to do better at it. So either you all love being toxic to the people like me who don't even want to be there, or you don't think you can beat the competition without a bunch of bad players in there mixing things up. if you all want a gift of exploration track maybe you should start a topic with that suggestion instead of coming in to this suggestion and arguing against it. i can say right now that it wouldn't matter to me if you all got an exploration track in wvw. doesn't change the fact that i would rather do world exploration the other way and it wouldn't affect me at all if that was offered in wvw.
  4. Totally agree with this topic. Every activity is pvp, it has nothing to do with pve. I don't like pvp at all, I don't like wvw either, which is why I am only signed up for pve dailies. Making these a daily (especially in pve) will not make them more popular or more enjoyable. Thankfully the extra daily added to our list of options (which still isnt enough, btw) means I will never have to do an activity again. I will say though that I would do activities if adventures or races counted for it. Good luck getting anyone to do activities or the long painful mini dungeons now that there is an optional daily we can avoid.
  5. This is exactly correct. those who like wvw want the other players who like wvw to be in there with them. players like me don't want to be there and we are in and out as quick as we can be. go stand on a ruin for 30 seconds for master of monuments or purchase a piece of armor for big spender and i was gone. As has been said many times in this thread, give us any other way to get a gift of battle and this is a non-issue. i would rather do 100% world exploration for one than 2 hours of wvw
  6. Legendaries are end game content, everyone wants them. not everyone likes wvw. I have done wvw to get the gift of battle without potions. I did not enjoy it. I did it because i had to but then i discovered potions and started doing it that way. you know who was happy that i did that? everyone: me, because i didn't spend 15 minutes running across the map to a zerg where i would die in 10 seconds and have to waypoint back to start and try to get back again. and the hardcore wvw players who didn't have to put up with my amateur pvp skills. I do not like wvw, and i would never enter it again if there was any other way to get the gift of battle. Its not a matter of "playing the game" its being forced to go into an environment that is toxic to me because i am not a good wvw player and have no desire to be. forcing me to do the game mode for the gift of battle will not make me like the mode or inspire me to get better at it.
  7. It's true that I don't like wvw and if I had my way I would never go into that game mode. Then both I and the hard-core wvw players who don't want amateurs like me bumbling around in there would be happy. The problem comes in that every legendary weapon in the game requires wvw. So anyone that wants one MUST go in to wvw(extensively). If they really wanted to keep people like me out of wvw why haven't they introduced any other way to get the gift of battle? Seriously give me any other way to do it and I will gladly never enter wvw again.
  8. I used to do wvw and pve dailies wherever i happened to be at the time. if i got into a wvw map and happened to see a tower being capped i would join in. maybe stay in there and do another daily or two. or i might go do the pve stuff. but it was nice to have variety and options. since i generally don't do wvw, the new daily system has basically made it so i will never enter wvw again. most wvw objectives aren't fun for me, but i didn't mind doing some for a change of pace. since i don't want to be forced to do some of the crappy wvw dailies i won't sign up for that game mode. If, on the other hand, we could pick from the whole pool of dailies i might still do some wvw ones. as it stands now, i never will.
  9. Why can't they just let us have 3 from each game mode like they used to? If it's Astral acclaim they are concerned about then only the first 3 you do plus the login award the currency and the chest. There is no reason to lock people out of dailies that others are doing.
  10. potions of wvw were my main method of getting the hideous gift of battle. demanding that we play this game mode is what makes it toxic. I have no desire to play it, so i would do big spender, master of monuments or veteran creature slayer when they came up to earn a couple potions here and there and eventually get enough to click my way to a gift of battle. I did this without interfering with the zerg or hardcore wvw players (unless i happened to get run over by one, which is just soooo fun) I don't like pvp in any game AT ALL and wvw is basically pvp. when you don't know what you are doing, and you don't have a desire to learn because it holds no interest for you, the environment gets toxic fast. the hardcores want the best in their game mode, and i don't even want to be there. so we both lose Now you have removed my only means of avoiding the abusive environment of wvw for players like me. There needs to be a different method of getting a gift of battle besides wvw. Anet you seem to think that things that have been in place for 10 years need changing, well how about you change THIS for those of us who have no desire to play wvw. it doesn't have to go away, but there has to be another method of obtaining it.
  11. They really need to do better on the dailies. so we only get 3 dailies per day (not including the log-in). i assume they are trying to drag out how long it takes you to get the astral acclaim for the bigger rewards, gotta keep us logging in right? the problem being that they have taken away all variety. if you choose all 3 game modes, you get 1 from each and if one of them sucks, you can't just do a different one. why can't we have all 9 and pick and choose what 3 we want to do? why did the new system need to replace the way dailies were handed out? just like before i picked 3 dailies i wanted to do, got my 3 spirit shards and that was that. if i did more than 3 dailies i didn't get extra spirit shards. so why won't that same system still work with this new crap. also the only reason i did the wvw dailies was for the wvw reward potions which are completely gone now i believe (can't find them anywhere in rewards anyway). those need to be added to some vendor somewhere. I hate the wvw game mode and i wouldn't touch it at all if it wasn't required for every single legendary. normally i would just do big spender and master of monuments which usually got me to my 80 potions before i needed the gift of battle. if i am forced to play in that toxic game mode to grind through gift of battle track i may just give up on gw2. I work in a toxic enough environment as it is, don't need that stress in my relaxation time.
  12. So obviously the change to dagger was made because they don't want ele using it anymore. I've been putting up with this change ever since its completely thoughtless implementation. I want to know who asked for this change. I've never seen anyone say anything about it until suddenly 1 day its changed. I feel like there has been plenty of feedback on how bad this change is and yet here we are coming into the next big balance update and there is still no reversion or rework for this skill in mind. If only we were engineers. anet listens to engineers. Highly disappointed
  13. also since the fire or earth spikes don't hit the target the only thing this does is make it so you don't go off the edge of the cliff. you get very limited to no damage out of these ablilities now. the fire trail can be literally 1 square where you are standing. and unless you get the enemy to take a step forward you lose the damage. just because you can't go off the cliff doesn't mean you are getting any value out of this ability in its current state. it feels terrible. no matter what happens something has to be done about the mechanics of it. its not worth having in its current state. also it used to always move you forward from the direction you were facing. you could use this to escape as much as you could use it to charge. you can't do that anymore. it always homes in on the target which is poor design as well. i feel a good compromise would be to have it be a toggle. one press starts it, another press stops it. and keep it to where it goes the direction you are facing.
  14. i have started trying to detarget to use this and that just turns into a disaster too. without detargeting you end up blazing INTO danger. how does this change help anyone. new or old players. now if you are trying to run away from something and you use either of these abilities it turns you around and sends you right into the mechanic you were trying to avoid. had a player go down state in sunqua peak last night. i wasn't going to get there running, so i hit burning speed out of habbit. it turned me 90 degrees to the left and sent me into the water tornado where i couldn't get back out. this change helps no one. i am with everyone else, why was this change made? who was complaining loud enough that it was even considered? all this change does is make people not want to use dagger on elementalist anymore. i guess if that was the goal, congrats. Edit: the fire trail you leave with fire dagger 3 becomes worthless in its current state. now if you are in melee range of your target you get nothing. before you could zip through the target to hit adds and other mobs but in its current state the fire trail doesn't even reach your main target sometimes. obviously this has to be changed somehow. If anet is completely unwilling to revert this change, then how about a little bit of a rework. using the ability once starts it, using the ability again stops it. I really don't understand why it was changed in the first place, but if it was to protect all the low intensity players out there, this would allow them to start it and stop it before their target if they wanted. the rest of us could play it as we always have. might as well not even have a fire trail if you are going to stop before it even touches the target though.
  15. Yeah this change is just bad. I used the skills for mobility just as much as i did for damage. now mobility and damage both suck. Learning how not to burn off the edge of a cliff or into a dangerous mechanic is something every Tempest player has to do. We don't need any safety rails.
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