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Some Ideas how to Made PvP more healthy and attraktive for Players


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First of all ..... this gamemode in its current state ist Just going to die more and more over time. Now even while I might get some confused Smileys i'll Take 'em and Made a list with in my eyes all mistakes and how to maybe fix all of those. Gimme you opinions but also gimme some mistakes you found need to be fixed......


Allright..... I said everything I want so here is the Liste.


Whats wrong:

1. The Same gamemode for years

2. Conquest 5v5 Mode but it is Duo-que

3.Duo-que System

4. Only one true Game-Mode while Rest is left behind

5. Report System is too unhealthy Player friendly

6. AT's and mAT's should be watchable by everyone and not only streamers

7. All v All Arena on Map

(8. This is an Personal opinion. Please consider to not only listen to pro Players in Terms of Balance. They might be the Most skilled Players around but even they will make Sure that their classes are Just in fav over everyone elses. We need good Balance and Not 3 or 2 that dominate everything for months)

9. No Help for new Players of how to Play the actual gamemode (stronghold/conquest etc.)

10. 4 Stats amulets are Not used cause overnerfed means Power creep meta




How to maybe fix those Things:

1. Yea simple as that there need to be more PvP Modes. We alleady get some Others but they eather don't get a seperate que-System (3v3/2v2 are only que-able while Mini-Season) or don't get any ranked-System at all


(Example how it is: conquest 5v5 (AT's/ranked (duo-que only)/unranked), 3v3/2v2 (ranked (while Mini season)), Stronghold (unranked))


(Example how it should have been: conquest 5v5 (AT's/ranked/unranked), 3v3/2v2 (ranked/unranked), stronghold (ranked/unranked)


2. Duo-que. Well this speaks for itself. This System makes afking and souch ways more possible.(cause who would go afk while playing with Friends lel) also since mAT's are also 5man-que, ranked should be focused to build Teams! Or at least make it solo-que. Everything would be healthier than duo-que in my opinion.


3. See Up


4. Well we actually have 4 different Game Modes (3v3/2v2/conquest/stronghold) in a good wanted Game all of them would have a ranked/unranked/AT's system. The only reason I see why we would not have it would be a too small Community..... But letz bei real even then seperate systems for them all would be healthier than this weird mix we currently have (See nr1)


5. Now every Game get a Report System.... Sad thing is some people are actually Report peoples for Match Manipulation cause their Team is bad. This left the Report System left behind cause too many might spam this. How ever sometimes there are Afkers in a Game and the Report System doesnt get a good see means that those afk Players get away with nothing but reward with Gold that they get while afking lmao please fix this!


6. This has Something to do with QoL. Ist's good to have streamers around that comment and record those AT's and mAT's but wouldn't it help alot if everyone could take a look at them and not only streamers? Cause you could only learn while see what other better Players do! Please give us those option.


7. First of all I like the All v All Arena but lets be honest .... this Arena pretty mutch killed 1v1 Server. Cause who would join a Server when you could simply go in the area for 1v1 and souch?


(8.) See the whats wrong list


9. There used to be a Training Island when spawm First time into PvP...... still no Idea why they removed it Back then


10. This speaks for itself but yea 4stat Amulets are basicly overnerfed right now. So only full Glass stats are actually Played (in Form of zerker Amulet) ends up in the Meta been pretty powercreep


Edited by Pati.2438
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At the end of the day, you need more people interested in PvP. It’s mostly anets fault for not investing in the mode. 

-The game needs to be more forgiving for new players which can be accomplished in a few ways.

1. More amulets to combat power creep. PvP needs toughness again to slow the pace of the game.

2. Lower bleed out durations or offer a suicide option after 5 seconds. No one wants to be farmed and bled out for 30 seconds. This gives the enemy team a better chance to recover 

3. A better ui with a clearer picture of conditions and boons. Reduce overall clutter and confusion.


-Another thing that needs to happen is a new map every expansion and some other additional content like new runes and sigils. Anet investing in the mode will help eliminate some of the bitter feelings veterans have.

-Also, in game chat should be disabled during a match. Don’t even give the opportunity to flame. Maybe add a vgs system.


Overall, anet needs to get the pve members into PvP by creating a better environment for them. They also need to make the mAT an in game event and maybe generate system messages for when it starts. It also should be viewable to anyone who wants to check it out. This would maybe generate hype and encourage players to form teams. Because at the end of the day, pvpers are here for clout.

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I can see why you say "it need to be more forgiving" how ever i wouldn't say we need this Game to be more tanky in itself (cause this would end Up in an AoE spamy viesta again as it was in necro/Guardian time). But over all a Nerf to ranged hard DPS Builds would be welcome indeed. (also maybe some nerfs to perma CC Things)

To say it in short. Mistakes for not ranged classes should be more forgiving ... this or ranged classes should get more punished for make mistakes melee comebad.


But yea thats just how I think it is. Overall a more tanky Meta would be to unhealthy for the game. (Tho a unnerf to 4 Stats Amulets would be also Welcome since every Single Power class nowdays use berserker only cause the 4 stat one mean a too hard DPS los)


EDIT: I will make a Help new Players how to Play the Game by get Back an Training island or Something Like that Point Here. Also maybe a Point to make the Overall Amulet Balance better to Help Players staying over all a Bit longer Alife cause this one would Just at least Help abit

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1 hour ago, Pati.2438 said:


I can see why you say "it need to be more forgiving" how ever i wouldn't say we need this Game to be more tanky in itself (cause this would end Up in an AoE spamy viesta again as it was in necro/Guardian time). But over all a Nerf to ranged hard DPS Builds would be welcome indeed. (also maybe some nerfs to perma CC Things)

To say it in short. Mistakes for not ranged classes should be more forgiving ... this or ranged classes should get more punished for make mistakes melee comebad.


But yea thats just how I think it is. Overall a more tanky Meta would be to unhealthy for the game. (Tho a unnerf to 4 Stats Amulets would be also Welcome since every Single Power class nowdays use berserker only cause the 4 stat one mean a too hard DPS los)


EDIT: I will make a Help new Players how to Play the Game by get Back an Training island or Something Like that Point Here. Also maybe a Point to make the Overall Amulet Balance better to Help Players staying over all a Bit longer Alife cause this one would Just at least Help abit

I'd say we need healthier options for amulets. Perhaps, somehow, Anet could make an amulet with toughness that doesn't exactly cater to specific builds or have the potential to be abused. I do think toughness is needed somewhat, but not in the iteration we had it back in the day simply because powercreep wouldn't allow that to not be abused to high hell and back. I /think/ something along those lines could be achieved, but Anet would need to take a HARD look at what statlines could be used to produce a variety of results instead of just being pidgeonholed into literally one amulet because everything else is useless or caters to condi-sustain bruisers.

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6 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

At the end of the day, you need more people interested in PvP. It’s mostly anets fault for not investing in the mode. 


Maybe there just aren't as many people interested in this format as many would like to believe?  Anet surely has the statistics to show where the bulk of their customers spend their time.  Perhaps PvP isn't it.

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@Dreams.3128 Well I think why make it complicated. They allready get some "good" 4 stat Amulets ..... Just making them useable instead of full Glass stats would make the Game Overall a Bit less Power creep but maybe Not too tanky at all. But thats where Balance Patches are drope in xd

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13 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Maybe there just aren't as many people interested in this format as many would like to believe?  Anet surely has the statistics to show where the bulk of their customers spend their time.  Perhaps PvP isn't it.

We already know people aren’t interested. The goal is to get them in the door and enjoy the experience so they are willing to come back.

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5 minutes ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Dreams.3128 Well I think why make it complicated. They allready get some "good" 4 stat Amulets ..... Just making them useable instead of full Glass stats would make the Game Overall a Bit less Power creep but maybe Not too tanky at all. But thats where Balance Patches are drope in xd!

It’s also not just stats. Berserker amulet is used often because generating kills has a larger impact then defending a node. This is also partly due to mobility creep with EOD.

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@FrownyClown.8402 hmm yes but actually no. Back then you used Marauder over Berserker in some classes cause of Higher crit Cap plus healthpool or thoughness while dealing only slightly lower DMG. While in the other hands there where those typical glassy Builds that use Berserker simply cause of Higher DMG.


You could say it Like

Thief d/p Berserker (more Instant burst needed)

Thief s/d marauder (more critcap and healthpool to compensate the lost of stealth and blinde)

Power Mes Berserker (more Instant burst)

Warrior Marauder or Demolish (cause of melee only class)

We could Go on here but pretty Sure you get the Idea xd


You could say Berserker Amulet used to beva Thing for +1 Builds while Marauder and Demolisher where used on 1v1/Side Node Builds


But yea A-Net nerfed 4stat Amulets Back then so they are dealing by far less DMG now. We could say the reason why we use Berserker is cause it actually Deal DMG. While the other 2 Deal lower DMG and cause of Glass Builds around your also pretty mutch as fast death as you would be in Berserker so its Not Wurf using them.



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21 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

 Because at the end of the day, pvpers are here for clout.

You would think they would just be here to play a video game, but no I guess winning is all that matters. Specifically at Guild Wars 2's PvP because of its mainstream popularity and booming success. 

Yes it's true, if one were to do well in gw2 pvp then one would live forever in the annals of history. Everyone will know who they are and will remark upon their wonderous achievements.
And people will have infinite respect and adulation for them over their ability to play a dead game with help at 4am when all the other clout-chasers have gone to bed, the effects of their questionably obtained ADD medication having worn off and the 2 days of no sleep and minimal hydration beginning to catch up to them.

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