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New Gyala Delve map, no keys from events


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Gyala Delve Map

I'm not getting any keys or "Jade Miner's Keycards" from completing events like you normally do with other currencies. I was there from start of big events to then end damaging mobs and champs and got nothing. YOu can buy them from vendors but seems odd you don't get any as drops also.


I believe i got some the first map instance i was in then switched and now it isn't working. I've switched instances several times since. I even logged completely out and back in and did an event and still nothing.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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  • Kelly.7019 changed the title to New Gyala Delve map, no keys from events

I've run into the same problem. My first meta event run I got keycards no problem. Then I joined a map that was at the final boss, and I got keycards from that as well. However I have joined another 2 meta runs since then and haven't received any keycards whatsoever. Either this is bugged or they put a (daily?) limit on the number of keycards you can obtain.

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13 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

There is probabely a daily cap on it similar to other season currencys.

The petrfied stumps and the like.


Except it's not a currency. This is like putting a cap on Drizzlewood Coast keys, Crowbars from Verdant Brink or Mistborn Keys from Dragonfall. I don't recall Anet having ever put a cap on these things, and starting now would be a very bad look. 

Edited by Late For Tea.1846
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yea its like getting silverwastes shovels when doing events only here you don't get any shovels at all. which is odd if its a daily one meta a day cap since after every event there are a slew of chests you can't open.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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From what i can tell from running this on 4 toons (over 2 days) it seems to be you can only run 1 meta a day  to get keycard drops from events. After that you have to buy them. But its a lot of mats/ more so gold wasted to buy keycards to open containers that have worse loot then you spent on the keycards. 😞

After reset my1st time thru on my engi i got drops from events in the 1st meta. The map reset and i started again. The first event i did i got keycard drops from, after that keycard drops stopped from any further events i did. So i switched toons.

On my necro I got ZERO keycard drops from doing events.

Things i discovered:

1)There are waaaaaay more chests then you get in keycard drops*

* maybe there is some specific farm route with a meta zerg to hit all these events and get many more keys???

2)the loot from chests is worse then the mats required to buy keycards in the first place

3)Feels like a bad material/gold sink where the house always wins!


Now maybe things are bugged or aren't working as intended, i don't know, but something feels off here.

>>>but it' probably working as intended since there is a vendor where you can buy keycards from. This just feels like a ((odd)) way to clear your inventory of materials. I also can't seem to get anyone else to care about/discuss this in map so i'm not sure what is really going on.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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5 minutes ago, Healix.5819 said:

It's a 50 per day cap.

Yea you can buy 50 keycards from the vendor per day. It doesn't explain why you don't get them as drops from doing events like how you can get shovels in silverwastes from doing  events all day long.

So yea its odd. something feel off here.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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Wait, this might be working as intended? Who would think incentivising people to just leave in the middle of their second meta run of the day because they wouldn't get any more loot was a good idea? I hope this is a bug, because a bug would be acceptable.

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So its 50 key drops from(yea i read it wrong above) events (which is basically 1 meta a day) and you can buy 50 keys from the vendor (ok maybe 2 metas), but after you collect and use 100 keys you're forced to leave the map and go play somewhere else?

that seems really odd.

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18 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

From what i can tell from running this on 4 toons (over 2 days) it seems to be you can only run 1 meta a day  to get keycard drops from events. After that you have to buy them. But its a lot of mats/ more so gold wasted to buy keycards to open containers that have worse loot then you spent on the keycards. 😞

After reset my1st time thru on my engi i got drops from events in the 1st meta. The map reset and i started again. The first event i did i got keycard drops from, after that keycard drops stopped from any further events i did. So i switched toons.

On my end, what I noticed was if you haven't done a certain event that drops a key, you can still get it even after a meta ended (even if you participated in the final phase). Then, once you got all the dropped keys, that's it, we have to wait for the reset.

The chest items are not that great. At least on my end, I've only gotten two useful ones, the rest are meh. So, personally, there shouldn't be a limit to dropped keys.


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1 hour ago, Kelly.7019 said:

So its 50 key drops from(yea i read it wrong above) events (which is basically 1 meta a day) and you can buy 50 keys from the vendor (ok maybe 2 metas), but after you collect and use 100 keys you're forced to leave the map and go play somewhere else?

that seems really odd.

Unless they do mean for this to be a gold sink + mats sink, to force a cleanup of the TP. The TP has turned into a personal bank, and forcing people to buy keycards, mats in TP are again moving.


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  • 2 weeks later...

personally i'd love to see an alt tp system like a "black market" maybe based around rep, to use? and or the thingy you chose waaay at the beginning "vigil", or one of the other two that serves pretty much no function now. and you couldn't use the others blackmartket without switching and re-grinding the rep(or you'd have to grind it on 3 toons if its soul and not account bound.)

It could be interesting if there was a no taxes policy for different orders: Vigil, priory, whispers .

Vigil no taxes on crafted armor sales

Priory no taxes of crafted runes, sigils, or scribe books or scribe things you can sell

Whispers no taxes on crafted weapons to sale

these are just ideas of course maybe something  more commonly traded on the tp would apply.

I mean even just having trades be a thing instead of selling on tp. u grind the rep to use the black market and u can trade yer merch to other players with the black market (to avoid tp tax) rep as well, but maybe trades are limited daily- like ascended crafting or weekly. just some ideas.

Of course vigil,priory,whispers were more related to elder dragons so maybe an entirely new rep could happen for a future xpac.-. of course rep grind is only there to limit peoples use  so you would still primarily use the tp- so they have to choose.


And it could also be a system more like ESO but i understand not wanting to become like Wow in regards to ripping off other game companies designs. but i know its hard to think up something new and they've put effort into their TP economy so they prolly dont wanna mess that much with it.

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