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Overly Bright Dyes & Item Effects [Merged]

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On 3/23/2023 at 2:31 PM, Jin.8501 said:

Sad part about this is the glowy people think it's cool 

Well, they can think it's cool to have the character looking like a white dot on the screen, thing is other people shoul be able to disable it, it's really a problem for the eyes sometimes.

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On 3/24/2023 at 2:02 AM, Zebulous.2934 said:

Well.   Many players wear bland attire nine hours a day, five days a week, at their jobs.  Many players are spending most of their adult life surrounded by muted or dark colors  It is small wonder many players would chose to wear flamboyant effects and vibrant colors in game. 
I used to think that players simply needed to be educated in aesthetics. Now I think that the eye piercing effects and colors are a release of sorts.  At least in Tyria players can wear what they want, in the colors they want, and no one can really stop them.   Irl many people visually conform, even in their casual clothes, even during their free time. At least in Tyria a player can't easily be shunned or peer pressured into changing clothes.

That's honestly a bit of food for thought tbh. RL is pretty boring when it comes to the typical 9-5 jobs and on top other responsibilities such as marriage, kids, and taking care of the household, sometimes folks just want to let their hair done. I honestly do believe these people CAN coordinate, but the choice of choosing not to is the absolute beauty of it whether people want to criticize how they do irl or not. 

MMOs really makes you examine folks and it's pretty cool I say.

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On 3/22/2023 at 9:37 PM, Sparetent.9756 said:

That aura is much bigger. Here it is from a different angle:


I do not mind it tbh. As far as I remember, both characters which use this extreme aura have poser-names. They only exist to stand in public places and draw attention. I doubt the owner of these characters actually plays them in large scale meta-events. 

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Normally I spent my time just doing silly things and not taking the game seriously.  I recently desired to get a bit more serious and actually care about gearing up.  Not knowing better I bought an infusion for my backpack. My heart sank when it turned me into a smurf.

It is well known that a lot of us throw money away on fashion. Now I have to make the choice between my stats and buying outfits and such? It really puts me in the position of not only regretting the money I spent but also makes me hesitant to spend more. Coming from a person that is silly enough to buy outfits, weapon skins and mounts all to match each character... do you really think its healthy from a business point of view to give me a reason to stop spending money?

Please add ability to turn that stuff off 😞

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26 minutes ago, Michi.4217 said:

I probably mis-termed it. The specific item (from TP) was upgrade slot for backpack that gave +12 to all stats. I dont see that on list.. is there a place I can buy that?

Then it is an exotic jewel, not an infusion (ascended). Guess something like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Polyluminescent_Undulating_Refractor_(Black)

An option without the effect would be e.g. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exquisite_Charged_Quartz_Jewel , if you want all stats.

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There's no option to submit feedback or feedback subforum that I could see, so hope this is the right place.


Just wanted to leave some feedback (not necessarily start a discussion as I know its a topic thats been talked about it). Every few months I come back to GW2, enjoy it for a time but its usually the same two things that make me frustrated and leave again. I'm a 99% WvW player and mostly solo, but do join tags now an then. My two points of feedback of frustration

1. The blob meta. I find it exceptionally boring how zergs work, the boonblob meta, but this has to do with fundamental design that I can't see changing sadly.

2. This is the one that maybe, sometime in the future will change and hoping that leaving feedback about it might influence some choices at ANet. It's the mix of both unaesthic visual clutter with all the effects mixed in with the fact that sometimes I simply cannot see what's happening.


What prompted me to write this post is a growing frustration of not being able to see properly onscreen what is happening in large fights. Tonight, I died twice in a SM large fight and I have no idea why because I simply couldn't see on screen what was happening. A couple times I melted in 3 seconds and don't know if they had seige somewhere I couldn't see or what the heck was happening. I simply had no visual information that I could just to react to. I've played with the display settings, level of detail setting etc. Sure I can look at the log afterwards, but that doesn't help in the moment. Same feeling I have when I do PvE metas.


Please ANet, the visuals have gotten out of hand. Its messy, difficult to understand and frankly looks terrible imo. Its past time some refining was done.

Just some feedback, I hope in the future it changes, it badly needs it.

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The problem with reducing visual clutter in competitive modes is that it's the easiest way to telegraph skills and effects. If you remove that, you likely will only see character animations and not the projectiles or aoe's etc. Even that depends on your settings as players turn into nameplates which reveal nothing apart from their location.

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On 3/22/2023 at 6:24 PM, Andy.5981 said:

To the OP, have you tried altering the Character Model Quality setting within the in game graphic settings and seeing if that helps a little? If you set it to lowest, you end up just seeing a generic model for light/medium/heavy classes.

Yes, if you look at my screenshot that I posted it compares both max and min settings. The effects are still stupidly bright.

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