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CC CC CC Stunbreak+Stability CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC ... Dead


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On 3/23/2023 at 2:03 PM, Chaba.5410 said:

What's the expectation here though?  Like the example I cited above where players spam their movement keys and keep running into a sanctuary or line of warding.  Are you supposed to not pay attention to your own movement?

My hope (Calling it an expectation would imply that I thought ANet would actually do something about CC, and I have no such expectation) would be that if you've been successfully CC'd (i.e. not just lost a stab stack), a short immunity to CC would be applied.  There would have to be some differentiation between area denial and loss of control skills.  I could see where CC immunity should not allow you to ignore area denial, but it could protect against being chain pulled, launched, knocked down, stunned, and daze.

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The best solution is probably going to be for the first successful crowd control effect to give you a break bar, and for a stunbreak to remove this breakbar. This way you can avoid being CC-chained if you wait it out, or you can risk being CC-chained by using a stunbreak into your usual evade/block/invulnerability/blink combo.


This would turn it into an exercise of skill for experienced players (risk vs. reward), while still preventing inexperienced players from being stunlocked indefinitely.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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3 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

The best solution is always going to be for the first successful crowd control effect to give you a break bar, and for a stunbreak to remove this breakbar. This way you can avoid being CC-chained if you wait it out, or you can risk being CC-chained by using a stunbreak into your usual evade/block/invulnerability/blink combo.


This would turn it into an exercise of skill for experienced players (risk vs. reward), while still preventing inexperienced players from being stunlocked indefinitely.

Bad idea. It just makes good players even more unkillable in an even fight while doing little to nothing for bad ones - because they are the ones wasting stunbreaks when there is no need to. Also players shouldn't get rewarded for doing nothing.

Whenever they tried adding breakbars into PvP it turned out be a terrible idea. It should remain a PvE mechanic.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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