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PvP has become unplayable due to bots (Anet, please respond)

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It's gotten to the point now where almost every single ranked match has at least one bot in it, and it's an extremely rare occurrence to get a game with 10 real people. It's made ranked pretty much unplayable, since the vast majority of the time, matches are decided by which team got the most bot accounts afking on it. Their behaviours are always the same, and easily recognizable: auto-running into walls all game, or self-tormenting in base (for Revenant bots). Some names that I'm sure everyone has seen around are Redrfkk, Eignart, Hate(with a french accent on the e), and X Rogue One X. These are programs, not real players and they, along with many other bots, are ruining everyone's matches because pvp rewards aren't tied to any kind of participation, so these bots are just being created to farm rewards at the cost of our pvp matches. Anet, this is getting way out of hand. If you guys pay any attention to these forums, please respond, and start by banning the aforementioned bots. Almost any pvp player can confirm they're bots, we've all run into them many times. Not to mention the fact that they're always online playing pvp matches non-stop, with nothing but losses, should be a dead giveaway that they aren't human.

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This is a population issue more than a bot issue. The reason you notice so many bots is because there are so few people playing PvP that the player-to-bot ratio is getting out of control. It's the same reason why the absolute best players in the game who have won global championship tournaments can't even reach legendary division on NA. A matchmaking system needs a decent amount of players to work correctly.

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13 hours ago, Elementalist Owner.7802 said:

This is a population issue more than a bot issue. The reason you notice so many bots is because there are so few people playing PvP that the player-to-bot ratio is getting out of control. It's the same reason why the absolute best players in the game who have won global championship tournaments can't even reach legendary division on NA. A matchmaking system needs a decent amount of players to work correctly.

That's like saying Detroit (in the USA) has such a high crime rate because it doesn't have enough people that don't do crime.  As if you're suggesting that the solution is to just increase the population (in both cases) to make the percentages look better rather than address the core issue.

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13 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

As if you're suggesting that the solution is to just increase the population (in both cases) to make the percentages look better rather than address the core issue.

It's not really a solution, no, but it would help.
To a degree bots are unavoidable, they're always going to be around and keeping them fully gone isn't possible. That's true of virtually every game, even ones with a healthy population.

If 1/100 of your games is ruined by a bot, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter and you as a player probably won't even remember it after a day. As that percentage goes up it does start to be significantly more mood and rating ruining.

The only real solution in the end is to actively put in the time to police the game, there is no replacement for enforcement and all the suggestions from the community about ways to (largely automatically) address it are poor solutions, tbh.

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