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Cata and strapper overperforming, lets nerf ranger again.

Vamp Rook.7835

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Buuuut Ranger longbow is 1500 range baseline and 1200 only while use a trait (still confused about why this exists ..... shouldnt make a trait make skills better and Not ..... idk weaker? xD). Also I would Like to have Ranger been tha best range class...... but in reality its more Like a meele defensive fighter that get a better way to punish you in Long range than a Full melee class Like warr. This is also the reason why ranger is by far better than warr in Terms of roaming. Warr got only melee while rangers could Kite and Spam the ranged attacks. As it Stands now a Ranger could also punish a warr in melee fights cause warrs got nothing but Defence and some Not dmg cc's. 


I do not want to say Nerf rangers i love how they are played. Buut yea Ranger is a warr 2.0 in GW2 indeed xd .... in my eyes at least ^^

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1 hour ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

I'm pretty sure ranger longbow is 1500 range. Deadeye rifle is 1200


I would suggest Ranger Profession to be the only Profession with1200 range. As for the remaining Professions with their range weapons; to be limited to 1000 range or even 900 range.

1500+ range is absurd and just Toxic

(Thief Profession - Deadeye, is one of the worst idea spec in gaming and should have never existed)


Whose ideas it was... giving a Rogue Profession a Ranger Profession Role was ok?

Whose ideas it was...giving a Rogue Profession a Support Role with Guardian Profession  and Engineer Profession with others filling that role?


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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  • Vow of the Untamed: Reduced outgoing damage bonus from 15% to 10% in PvP only.
  • Ferocious Symbiosis: Reduced damage bonus per stack from 3% to 2% in PvP only.

Another patch, another unnecessary nerf for ranger 👌

(Not crying only about ranger, just saying that Anet has no clue about how to balance their game and just drop random nerfs and buffs)

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