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Need help with PoF content


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Hi everyone,this is not a complaint thread, I just honestly want to know what I can do on daily routine in the new maps. I kinda "rushed" the story within the first week of release, did some days bounty trains (within this said 1st week) but thats it.I am usually doing PvP / WvW but would like to give the maps and the content a chance they deserve. The story was real fun but thinking about doing it again frightens me. :dizzy:So, are there any good/ cool event chains (I liked the TD/AB meta events from HoT) worth to do atleast once a day? Is there a reason to grind specific maps/bounties for items/gold/rewards? I unlocked the 3 "normal" armor skins by WvW/PvP already, so they are not really a reason to go there. Maybe these forged weapons or w.e. they are called?

Thanks to all of you knowing more about the maps :)


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Problem with funerary collections is that you still need Serpents' Ire for the gloves which regularly tanks during the detonation phase, because the breakbars of the zealots are scaled to the skies and most people do not have strong CC in their build.It is the only thing I still need for the funerary collections and I am quite sure that I will not get it anytime soon. And as I have heard the rewards are not nearly enough to justify the effort, so a success there does not actually get more likely with time as people either catch one of the rare wins and call it quits or just give up on the event altogether.At this point I wish I had never started the funerary armour collections, because it is just frustrating when it all comes to a grinding halt due to a broken meta.

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I followed ur advices and tried serpents Ire. Fuck was that an annoying experience. we were organized bzut only 6 on each zealots, so the whole event chain ended there as no one was able to kill its breakbar in time. Wont get back there any time soon I guess. :)Thanks still for all your recommendations!

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