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Leaderboad when is so obvious ..

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met many players who play medicore but than talking my main account is top 100. so now all i need to know how ppl rig the system on a daily base.


its amazing how those people take pride in their rank and cant see the tricks how they got there


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If you've been vigilant over the past 7 years then you'll know Arenanet takes the side of the wintraders at every turn. They instead partner them and prop them as highly skilled and competent individuals. They will even hire them to help balance the same competitive scene that they ruined and cheated their way through to the top of for the slightest modicum of relevancy.

Want proof? Here's what happens when big-name wintraders get caught: 

They get 3 months dishonour and some accounts taken off the leaderboard.

Here's what happens when wintraders who aren't "famous" or "relevant" get caught doing the same thing: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/dka7hc/megathread_october_2019_ban_wave/f4lgjva/

Over 5 dozen accounts, permabanned from the game entirely.

The double-standard is plain and obvious to see, as is Arenanet's reluctance to enforce their own TOS, and the wintraders are certainly not going to stop because they've achieved; in their minds, a level of success that cannot be matched or questioned. To do so makes you the crazy one, you will be bullied and gaslit into submission.
"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane." 🕯️

I tell you, the only thing left to do is to pray the wintrader away🙏
Instead of seeking the immediate gratification of a ban, the bitterness & resentment that comes with fighting injustice, or the deluded fantasy that the "success" of the wintraders can be stolen away for yourself-
The solution is to give meaning and purpose to their success, especially when that success comes at the expense of our struggle. Make the top spots mean something again. Get rid of DuoQ and class-swapping so that nobody plays at an out-of-game advantage over any other competitor, and for the love of all that is holy, hush about balance. 🤫

The class you play getting buffed and the one's that beat you getting nerfed will do as much to put you on the level of the wintraders as it has done for the past 7 years. Currently the path to the top is a downward spiral, but the direction can be reversed if you let go. Trust to the goodness of the universe to reward them as they have served us. Their practice will die, or the game will die, and all will know absolution in that moment. Divine blessings, friends 🙏

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