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Alts. need to go

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5 hours ago, Johje Holan.4607 said:

I wonder how widespread this actually is?  How many people have alts, how many play together such that if they all decide to play Match A as opposed to Match B it will mess up the population algorithm?  Because if there are a significant number of players doing this then Alliances may be for naught. Pointless for Anet to even try to balance population if there are a lot of players that can just mess it up easily. 

I would suspect it's pretty widespread, recently our group of approx. 15 on our map consisted of approx. 6-7 "alts" just standing around at crossroads and choke points with enemy roamers running past them.

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6 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

If the servers have a population cap, the moment you have 10 or more people creating 20 alts accounts to mess around in LA,they are defacto taking slots away from other players

What?  Only accounts that actively play WvW are counted towards a server's population.  No wonder you are confused.


6 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

are you sure it's not you who doesn't understand the point rather than the post being unclear?

Grass is green.  That's the whole point of asking questions.  I didn't understand your post because it was unclear to me.  Didn't look like someone else understood it either.  The only part that seemed like joking was that you wanted to be paid back in gems for fixing a problem that doesn't exist.  This *IS* a text-based medium and what may seem like joking in your head doesn't always translate....

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6 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

a single sentence ,that obviously offended you

To be clear, it's not offense.  It's aggravation and bewilderment when nuclear-style proposals are made here ("alts need to go") to deal with some player abusive behavior.  Completely legitimate uses get swept up in the zeal.  Like "disable mesmer and thief portals when in enemy territory" because it's "the most cost effective solution" to the problem of exploits due to map designs.  Here, it's not even a problem because of alts.  Players do that stuff on their main accounts too.

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1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

What?  Only accounts that actively play WvW are counted towards a server's population.  No wonder you are confused.

Read the other replies


1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Grass is green.  That's the whole point of asking questions.  I didn't understand your post because it was unclear to me.  Didn't look like someone else understood it either.  The only part that seemed like joking was that you wanted to be paid back in gems for fixing a problem that doesn't exist.  This *IS* a text-based medium and what may seem like joking in your head doesn't always translate....

You asked 2 questions : "Because of alts dancing?  What?"
I've simply pointed out a parallel problem within alt accounts


1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

To be clear, it's not offense.  It's aggravation and bewilderment when nuclear-style proposals are made here ("alts need to go") to deal with some player abusive behavior.  Completely legitimate uses get swept up in the zeal.  Like "disable mesmer and thief portals when in enemy territory" because it's "the most cost effective solution" to the problem of exploits due to map designs.  Here, it's not even a problem because of alts.  Players do that stuff on their main accounts too.

I  didnt propose any Nuclear balistic "end of the world" idea.
I stated that imo having more than 2 alt accounts is too much. Having 10 or more accounts is WAY too much, an exaggerated excess. 

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The ones not getting it may very well be the ones abusing the system and advocating for the nerfing of others. Can't complain about someone "using their credit card to buy celestial", being "siege kings" or anything else when you're part of the problem. I truly believe a large portion of roamers do this either from ego or trying to supplement their income. If you have all the wvw items there are to get try a different game mode don't work at trying to spoil others fun.

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There actually is an exploit available with the current system and alts. 


If there is a server you like to see doing well, instead of playing directly on that server, you can play an alt paired with that server.  That effectively gives the preferred server an extra "your playtime" worth of space for other players.


If done at large guild scale, this would easily tilt the balance of matchups.


Transfer costs, or the need to have a lot of alts, probably mostly keep this in check.



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On 5/8/2023 at 9:39 AM, ilMasa.2546 said:

The thing is it's alla speculations.
The general idea is that World sizes are based on WvW play hours and players. People who do not play WvW, or are guests, do not factor into the population size of a server.

But even if this is actual the case a
 Full server can remains full until people transfer to another server. In 10 years there have been several situations where some servers ,despite being full, did not have people in WvW.

As you said it will be amazing to know  how exactly the calculation works

Rejects what Anet said because it's deemed speculation.

Makes more speculation and expects others to accept the new theory on even flimsier grounds.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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2 hours ago, Lorendyl Azoradaelas.5203 said:

There is no way systematic way to know who is playing on an account.

Even if there were, being "non-productive", as the OP described it, isn't solved by restricting players to one account.

Plenty of single-account players stand around, don't help defend, burn through supplies, help the opposing server take camps (like running away instead of fighting even though numbers are close to even), clog up queues,  complain all the time about tags or the lack thereof, complain all the time about meta builds, never utilize tactics, barely can scout (linking POIs is not scouting), etc.  These players aren't losing because of some perceived cheating by players with alts.

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2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Rejects what Anet said because it's deemed speculation.

Makes more speculation and expects others to accept the new theory on even flimsier grounds.

Anet also said WvW is the cornerstone of the game right?! So pls dude dont try to be clever cos you are not. 😂


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I stopped defending when ArenaNet stopped rewarding me for it. Defending never was properly rewarded but in the past you could repair while defending to tell the computer you participated in the defense and that was enough of a reward for me. Now ArenaNet removed this mechanism but did not fix the fact that defending is hardly ever being recognised as defending by the computer. So I don't even bother. I rather retake it 10 mins later because capturing *is* properly rewarded.

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