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Mesmer weapon ability feedback

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Illusionary Wave in pvp is almost useless. Too many classes are just completely immune to this ability, and they tend to be melee classes which makes the mesmer a shrugging meme when they're getting torn up at close range.

Spatial Surge range should be greater than 1200. There are several classes that I've observed out ranging me, and doing significant damage as well at super long range. If you're using GS, you're primarily going to be ranged and the current max range leaves a bit to be desired.


Tides of Time stun affect is almost completely worthless in pvp. It's too slow of an ability overall, easy to dodge, and its a basically a liability because it takes up so much time to use. By the time you cast it, you've already been wrecked in melee. It should work faster and then stun should last more than one second.

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I would be happy if they revert the shield changes they did for pve purposes, being ground target and only forward is a clunky pain. Now pve peeps don't need to detarget the boss to buff allies anymore, please change shield back to what it was at hot release! 

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> Illusionary Wave in pvp is almost useless

I would argue this is not a problem with gs5; rather, it's a problem with the rest of the kit. GS5 is a setup skill without followup.
GS2: aftercast too high, you can't combo the knockback into that (which is what rangers can do with kick into maul, or guardians with deflecting shot into true shot)
GS3: damage is too low to be meaningful.
GS4: can't hit a target being pushed away, and it's even slower than gs2 (under optimal conditions it takes 1.9s from button press before berserker lands the first hit)

Acceptable skill, I guess, but it just can't work with the rest of the kit. If the aftercast was lowered and mesmers could combo gs5 into gs2, it would be much more usable. Curiously enough, you can combo GS5 into gravity well

> Spatial Surge range should be greater than 1200. There are several classes that I've observed out ranging me, and doing significant damage as well at super long range.

Only rangers and kneeled deadeyes, maybe DH with true shot.1200 range is on the very high end of ranged abilities. Most classes don't have anything beyond 900. Range on that is perfectly fine.

> Tides of Time stun affect is almost completely worthless in pvp. It's too slow of an ability overall, easy to dodge, and its a basically a liability because it takes up so much time to use.

Tides of time is a good setup skill, but it's a setup without followup. Neither sword nor scepter can do anything out of that stun; back when it used to give quickness, you could use shield5 into sword1, now not anymore. Old iteration with the 2s quickness was definitely better than the current one. There are some good combos you can do with it, tho
> shield5 into sword3; people dodge, after dodge you port with sword3. Now they're immobilized and the return wave will stun them.
> CS into shield5 into blink. Blink on someone from 1200 range, stun them, shatter on them with mirror images. CS ends, you're ported back and that someone was hit with some 6k damage.
And then it's also a projectile block, against stealthed enemies (rangers, deadeyes, shortbowing thieves) there's some uses with that.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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GS5 skill on mesmer has no synergy with the weapon itself.
if you use GS4 then GS5, you will knock enemies away from the phantasm.
If you do GS5 into GS4 enemies will be up before cast finishes and thus dodge without having to expand a stunbreak.
If you do gs5 into gs2, you knocked them away so you wont get the bounces, unless you run back into them at which point the knockback was useless to begin with.
Gs5 sets up gs3 but whats the point of a set up for skill with 0.25s cast time?
Its a 4fun skill, you blink behind someone and yeet them off the ledge, anything else is a micro stun on insane long cd.

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On 5/23/2023 at 1:04 PM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

GS5 skill on mesmer has no synergy with the weapon itself.
if you use GS4 then GS5, you will knock enemies away from the phantasm.
If you do GS5 into GS4 enemies will be up before cast finishes and thus dodge without having to expand a stunbreak.
If you do gs5 into gs2, you knocked them away so you wont get the bounces, unless you run back into them at which point the knockback was useless to begin with.
Gs5 sets up gs3 but whats the point of a set up for skill with 0.25s cast time?
Its a 4fun skill, you blink behind someone and yeet them off the ledge, anything else is a micro stun on insane long cd.

GS5 is more of a defensive measure to get melees away from you which might give you a chance to run away, also shattering seems to work well after a 5. As was mentioned, 5 into gravity well works great if you can pull it off.

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On 5/20/2023 at 10:25 AM, Deadmoose.6594 said:


Illusionary Wave in pvp is almost useless. Too many classes are just completely immune to this ability, and they tend to be melee classes which makes the mesmer a shrugging meme when they're getting torn up at close range.

Spatial Surge range should be greater than 1200. There are several classes that I've observed out ranging me, and doing significant damage as well at super long range. If you're using GS, you're primarily going to be ranged and the current max range leaves a bit to be desired.

Ok here's the thing with greatsword, it's a long range NON PROJECTILE poke weapon that also has insanely lethal melee range burst. You're looking at it all wrong in thinking it's only a ranged weapon. You poke with 1,3, and 4 to blow some dodges or defensives and blink + mirrorblade -> shatter for a 10k+ damage spike. Even better if your target closes the distance for you so you don't have to use blink. Obviously you only want blink in if you think it's a guaranteed kill, otherwise you can always bounce mirror blade off of other targets at range.

As mentioned earlier, illusionary wave is a great CC to set up combos, to maintain distance/self peel, and peel for teammates. Pretty much like any other CC except it's easily about faced and ignores LOS/terrain. It's honesly a very strong ability.

Greatsword is one of the best designed weapons in the game IMO and has a ton of synergy with mesmers kit. If it was 1500 range, it would be way too strong. Every other 1200+ range weapon besides necro staff is a projectile weapon, so be greatful.

Power mesmer in general is already in a great spot ATM, its the best it's been in years and honestly doesn't need any more buffs, other than power mirage.

Anet plz buff mirage!

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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20 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

As mentioned earlier, illusionary wave is a great CC to set up combos

It doesn't set up anything, the aftercast is too high. Target will recover and dodge before you cast either 2 or 4.

20 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

blink + mirrorblade -> shatter for a 10k+ damage spike

First gamble: you're assuming GS2 bounces on you and the opponent, instead of clones
Second gamble: you're assuming target doesn't dodge mid bounces (with 0.75s windup, then travel time, then bouncing time, it's some 1.15s; another gamble), thus denying both vuln and might
Third gamble: you're assuming the clone AI tick aligns with your shatter tick, and the clone doesn't spend half a second looking at the target
Fourth gamble, the biggest of them all: you're assuming GS2 doesn't self kittening cancel and go on full CD without casting.

I'm not saying it needs damage buffs, but it seriously needs usability increase, or all the damage in the world won't change a thing. Under ideal conditions, it takes 1.9s delay for gs4 to land the first tick of damage; almost twice the cast time on prime light beam (which is already telegraphed enough), how am I supposed to land this against anything?

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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23 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

As mentioned earlier, illusionary wave is a great CC to set up combos

What do you smoke? I desperately needs some of what you have right now

On 5/20/2023 at 10:19 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I would argue this is not a problem with gs5; rather, it's a problem with the rest of the kit. GS5 is a setup skill without followup.

25s cd for pathetic close range push that stopping to hit when elevation isnt right. U know, there is much more broken things on less cooldowns, this one, is hyper outdated piece of s**t

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