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Map change stole my rented beetle...

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I rented a roller beetle from the merchant at the roller beetle race at the Dragon Bash Festival. You get it for a certain amount of time (rent a beetle for an hour). I played a couple of races and a map change happened. I clicked YES without thinking and when in the other map instance... I no longer had the roller beetle mount that I had paid for.

Yes, it's only 10 silver to rent a beetle, but when you are low on coins like me it's a lot. 

Shouldn't you have the mount for a set time limit regardless of your changing maps... The game is very forceful in asking you to change maps after all.

I feel robbed...  😞

Edited by Lanfear De Noir.9127
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rented mount lasts for 1 hour. map change prompt can be "snoozed" for 59 minutes.

unless you're asked to change map the same minute you pay for the mount, you shouldn't  have any issues, just dismiss the prompt and it should be fine. 

in addition wiki says the following:

"If you drop your mount "bundle" while this effect is still active, you can regain it for free by speaking with the Rental NPC again"

it could be that you're able to regain the mount. who knows.

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You can rent a beetle for an hour...  You should have that beetle for an hour regardless of a 'map change' or not.

As I mentioned above, I clicked 'yes' to changing maps, not even thinking that I would lose my rented beetle... that didn't even enter my head as I thought an hour rental, meant an hour rental... regardless.  It is a habit I have to click yes to a map change and it is an annoyance if I just leave it hanging.

The result... I only had 2 beetle races out of my rental. Should have had a lot more than that.

Edited by Lanfear De Noir.9127
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