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Balance Patch Feedback.


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You said that you dont want people to be forced to take specific Traits but Longbow, a weapon mostly used for Condition Builds, still has to pick Crack Shot.

How does this make sense?

The Burning on Longbow Auto needs to be Baseline.



Some nice minor changes to push it into the Burst Weapon role you want it to be.

Would have loved to see a push in the direction of sustained Dps.  Faster Castimes, especially on Auto.

What i dont get is Crackshot again. Its already a really bad Trait. But now i have the choice between 10% Dmg only on Auto or 10% dmg on all skills while i have swiftness via Warriors Sprint.

Just rework that Trait from the ground up.

Also, now that Flurry got its rooting removed, how about Kill Shot?

The Brutal Shot change is much appreciated.



I guess a PvP Player could see some use out of it.

Not much to say here really.


Physical Skills

Uhhhhhhh. Bulls Charge having a lower CD Baseline is nice i guess. 🤷‍♂️



As someone who has Signet of Fury on every single build ever, nice to have.

The rest is, again, whatever.



The lower CD on Shake it of is pretty cool.

Other then that, who uses the other Shouts without Vigorous Shouts anyway these days?


Boon Warrior [Core Traits]

I guess we wanted a Defensice Boon Warrior Option. We got thit but feels like you guys throwing us a Bone.

Its Technically there now. Is someone gonna use it? I highly doubt that.

Soooooooo..... Thanks? 😐


Core Warrior


Playing Core Warrior without perma Quickness is putrid.

You need to get 30 Adrenalin in 6.8s. Even with Signet of Rage and Quickness, thats sometimes not possible. Especially on slow Weapons like Rifle.

Now that Core Warrior doesnt have the Option to get 100% Quickness Uptime anymore, forget playing Core.

The Adrenalin Mechanic is just to much of a Downside.


Quickness Berserker

All depends on how much Quickness Heat the Soul gives.

That makes or brakes the role. 

Im mostly concerned that you cant Upkeep Quickness outside a Raid scenario. On a Worldboss for example, where you cant upkeep 100% Berserker duration.


Arc Divider

I get why it was changed but dear god, isnt there another option?

That change gonna feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.


WvW Spellbreaker

All i picture is someone Smashing down on WoD with a Sledge Hammer. Its already just a bloody mess on the ground. Barely recognizable.

"Bro. Its been dead for over a year now. Let it go!"

Can i ask why? Like seriously. I dont get the Warrior Nerfs in WvW. Its already mostly useless outside of the niche Gamemode thats GvG.

Has someone in the recent past looked at a WoD bubble in WvW and thought "Ohhhh scary!" ?  We could handle full power WoD back in the day no problem.

Now its not even a minor inconvenience. Just ignore it.



Feels like someone threw random stuff on it.

I mean... its something i guess.

Wastrel's Ruin should cleave.

Bladestorm has a way to long casttime.


Thoughts overall

The entire Patch hangs on the Quickness Duration of Heat the Soul. If that sucks...... Oh boy.

The rest is the most whatever patch i have seen in years for Warrior.

Which is a step up. From the last few patches.

Thee are so many changes that can be done to Warrior. Lets hope we get something nicer next time.





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My sole consolation is derived from the realization that they must have come to understand that a substantial amount of work is required for the Warrior profession, prompting the need for a comprehensive patch dedicated solely to the Warrior class.

It is encouraging to anticipate a substantial rework, as the current iteration lacks the necessary flexibility to accommodate any contemporary modifications. I remain optimistic, as the forthcoming expansion will not introduce an elite specialization, thereby directing their focus toward optimizing the existing content. This presents a significant opportunity for impactful improvements to the Warrior profession.

Edited by Mikali.9651
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CD Decreases

OK stuff, not a buff, it was meant to happen, skills being treated unfairly like Shield Stance and  specific Stance CD redus for PvP is very weird. What makes you think that A) We don't need lower CDs in WvW and B) that traits which reduced CDs won't be much worth rn since their secondary effects are mediocre. Vigorous shouts is still mediocre at best, negligible healing and a conversion which promotes power game play instead of support stats. Lesser signet of might is still a situational and very bad for the Arms traitline, signet of ferocity will always be bugged I suppose (mounting removes the buff and new stacks don't refresh previous applications). Peak Performance is the go to for power builds. How about you rework the other adept traits in strength?

Rifle evade and rifle changes not bad that's about it.



Weird that a Master trait in berserk mode might grant superior damage increase on a condition build than a GM tier trait right next to it for comp modes. 20% condi dmg increase vs Bloody roar 10% strike dmg increase. So why not put the resistance in burst of aggression and up Bloody roar to at least 15% again and add something more to it? Or you will just nerf the condi trait. Quickness share sounds meh. 


Random stuff on OH dagger that no one asked for. Instead of damage and cleave to wastrel's, you put barrier??? And give some boonrip to a 1 target skill..... AND THEN BLOW UP WOD AND BE??? You gotta be shitting me.


Idc classic anet moves on a bad spec trying to squeeze alac or quick on every spec. Clown Fiesta.




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It's weird how they said they are reducing the cooldown of Mending from 20 to 16 seconds in PvE only, but Mending already has a cooldown of 15 seconds in PvE? Some decent changes overall, but if they don't reduce the cooldown of Mending in PvP/WvW that will basically be the last nail in the coffin for Strength-based builds. That, or they need to add more sustain to the Strength tree to compensate. Weird change there.

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49 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Just for the record, they said in the live stream that Heat the Soul will give quickness when using a primal burst or regular burst, so you will not have to chase Berserk duration increases to upkeep quickness.

The rate at which you can use Burst skills massively different between Berserking and not-Berserking. 

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@Lan Deathrider.5910but the thing is.... I lost for words at Anet.

Community: We need arms trait rework, better sword skill and some more condi for condi zerk.

Anet: Sure here is changes to Arc Divider (big nerf), and some CD reduce because traits now no longer has CDR

Community: but.... we didn't ask that?



Anet: OK the patch will go as WE planned at 27th, remember we always listen to community's feedback, see you at next balance changes.

Copium and Hopium is really running out now, I need a good quality one.

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2 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910but the thing is.... I lost for words at Anet.

Community: We need arms trait rework, better sword skill and some more condi for condi zerk.

Anet: Sure here is changes to Arc Divider (big nerf), and some CD reduce because traits now no longer has CDR

Community: but.... we didn't ask that?



Anet: OK the patch will go as WE planned at 27th, remember we always listen to community's feedback, see you at next balance changes.

Copium and Hopium is really running out now, I need a good quality one.

Amazing how if you look for it, the thread were we talked about Martial Cadence sharing stab over a year ago (was part of my tactics rework) is there. And what they did was create quickness warrior for a year or so for no reason and now they like the idea of stab share in Martial cadence?

Lol, they rly want to implement stuff in a weird manner.

Also, tactics will need a big look. Phalanx is too weak, shouts need more perks from the trait and Martial cadence will be situational at best given our burst skills being easy interrupts. 

Marching orders CD removal nowhere to be seen @Lan Deathrider.5910

Edited by Grand Marshal.4098
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14 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Amazing how if you look for it, the thread were we talked about Martial Cadence sharing stab over a year ago (was part of my tactics rework) is there. And what they did was create quickness warrior for a year or so for no reason and now they like the idea of stab share in Martial cadence?

Lol, they rly want to implement stuff in a weird manner.

Also, tactics will need a big look. Phalanx is too weak, shouts need more perks from the trait and Martial cadence will be situational at best given our burst skills being easy interrupts. 

Marching orders CD removal nowhere to be seen @Lan Deathrider.5910

I'm holding my tongue here on some of their choices. Don't want any more forum points that don't expire 🧐

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It's just.... a few patches ago they really show something, I think at that point we can agree here "while it's not perfect it's heading to right direction." thus giving us some copium and hopium while they (anet) start building up some good reputation. Then suddenly right now they just decide ruin their good reputation because "Eh it's only beginning anyway, it should be fine if we get rid of the good reputation."

Edited by DKRathalos.9625
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