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New Arc Divider..... letz talk


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34 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

even if it did daze 3 times, i assure you people will rage in the forum if damage got split into 3 hits.

Rapidfire skill to eat through a bunch of stab from 1500 range is something war doesn't have. If argue you'd have to actually poll to find the actual reception to it rather than make an assumption.

But this is not a valid comparison because no one's trying to change a single hit skill to a multi hit skill. What could be argued is changing a good PvE skill for PvP reasons or homogenizing skills and builds for spreadsheet purposes. So if it's fine to shave the cool down on the skill and make it single hit and better for PvP, why not just do that for every skill? Make everything single hit and sub 0.2 cast too. In fact, just make everyone play the "PvP profession" with the balance numbers and skills?


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@Leo G.4501 I mean you could also do the question the opposide way since Arc Divider nowdays is allready an ubdated Version xD. Back than it was just "One Big Hit" but A-Net nerfed it back then by making it 3 lower hits instead. And yes it was their words back then and not mine xd.

Edited by Myror.7521
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2 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Leo G.4501 I mean you could also do the question the opposide way since Arc Divider nowdays is allready an ubdated Version xD. Back than it was just "One Big Hit" but A-Net nerfed it back then by making it 3 lower hits instead. And yes it was their words back then and not mine xd.

True. What was the reception of the old AD (not to be confused with the current AD)?

From how I remember it in my n00b WvW and casual PvE perspective, I just went all in on Gunflame and only recall AD looking like some fire spin move that wasn't as strong or fast as Gunflame. It's been a long time since I took my break...

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You guys have soft memory because when AD was changed to 3 hits, for like 2 glorious weeks berserkers were able to literally kill 5+ people with one Arc Divider. It was the most fun I've ever had in pvp and nothing has topped it since. Every warrior loved it.




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@Leo G.4501

Old AD was for real like Arcing Slice but in orange fire Swing and big AoE. As said it was like Arcing slice dealing increases dmg against enemys with under 50% life.


While the now new one will deal hard dmg even against enemys over 50% life but Well I think in PvE 2.5 Power scaling will be maybe not enough.

Edited by Myror.7521
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57 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

You guys have soft memory because when AD was changed to 3 hits, for like 2 glorious weeks berserkers were able to literally kill 5+ people with one Arc Divider. It was the most fun I've ever had in pvp and nothing has topped it since. Every warrior loved it.




pvp vs wvw

That's where the problem lies; two game modes, two different gameplays.

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7 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

You guys have soft memory because when AD was changed to 3 hits, for like 2 glorious weeks berserkers were able to literally kill 5+ people with one Arc Divider. It was the most fun I've ever had in pvp and nothing has topped it since. Every warrior loved it.





I misread, disregard.  This is correct. 


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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