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Is ranked pvp a good way to get legendary armor?

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Another player in another post mentioned they were only playing spvp to get ascended -> legendary armor, is spvp a good way to get legendary gear? I have a legendary chest and it wasn't too but but it took a while. I pretty much only play spvp in game and seldom do pve stuff so I have no idea if its the best way to go about getting legendaries.

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1 minute ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Another player in another post mentioned they were only playing spvp to get ascended -> legendary armor, is spvp a good way to get legendary gear? I have a legendary chest and it wasn't too but but it took a while. I pretty much only play spvp in game and seldom do pve stuff so I have no idea if its the best way to go about getting legendaries.

It is, but I do not recommend it. Ranked pvp is a cesspool that everybody should stay from.

If you're open to wvw, do yourself a favor and go straight there instead if you want legendary gear. wvw Skirmish Claim Tickets are obtainable at a faster rate compared to spvp's Ascended Shards to obtain ascended gear for converting to legendary. spvp games are about 8-10 minutes long and wvw grants awards about every 3-4 minutes or so.

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You can get it from wvw if you have a lot of time on a PC. You can afk and flip camps every 5-10 min, prolly like 15 hours a week if you have no wvw rank yet. One set is 22 weeks.

In theory best way is wvw and spvp in parallel, depending on how much time you have.

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I am currently on 3/6 pieces done, I have enough ascended shards for 4th but not enough money for gifts 🙄.

I believe I've started with the legendary back around year ago and after that I just went for the armor as well.

1 thing that kind of sticked with me from the legendary back achievements was the 3 games per day. Sometimes I would play little bit more or less, but if I would go on some 10-15 games streak I would usually end up extremely tilted due to the current state of sPvP.

If you care about AP and time investment, PvE should be your first choice since PvE legendary armor is probably fastest to obtain, however you need to actively raid.

WvW is probably more chill alternative but it will take you more time as opposed to sPvP. 

I don't think that going for legendary PvP armor is a bad thing, but I recommend to take it at your own pace and don't rush it, otherwise you will get burned out and end up disgusted with the mode.

Edited by Greyrat.2378
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13 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Another player in another post mentioned they were only playing spvp to get ascended -> legendary armor, is spvp a good way to get legendary gear? I have a legendary chest and it wasn't too but but it took a while. I pretty much only play spvp in game and seldom do pve stuff so I have no idea if its the best way to go about getting legendaries.

The best way to use PvP to get legendary armour is to actually enjoy PvP, start to main it and if you ever make the decision to get legendary armour you'll find you've already racked up pretty much everything you'll need. But, that day will probably never come because once you leave PvE behind for PvP there is no looking back.

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I think I have enough ascended sharts in PvP to even get all 3 sets. For WvW I don't even have enough tickets for one set lol. Playing a lot since I came back to the game in June 2019. But I mainly try to complete the PvP seasonal chests once - where 3-4 matches a day are enough. And I have played PvP only at resets for the wood tier chests.

Have not done any deeper calculations. But WvW feels way more grindy. Even if I had played the same amount than PvP - about 1-1.5 hours per day each day (and I only play that much at the first few weeks each season after that only 1 match a day or so - if the seasonal chests are complete) - I would not have gotten a lot of tickets in WvW I guess.

Afaik the chests with the higher amount of tickets sit at the end and instead of leisurely being able to get most ... with having a lot of free time left ... even doing a painful grind (avoiding most other stuff in the game and only doing WvW) will barely let you get the last chest. Since this also is aimed at giving players with higher WxP rank a bonus from rank and stuff. Without that it is a pain to max the rewards. + ... it is the same boring stuff over and over as compared to PvP where you still can have fun. Take breaks between the maches. Do PvE stuff while waiting for the queue.

WvW you need to constantly do anytthing to not lose participation (which is a pressure). And in "good" maps (where a lot of action is) there often is a queue. Can't just leave and do something else and then quickly go back there.

I'd say PvE for people that like raids. (I try to avoid stuff like raids though.) PvP if you don't like raids. WvW - the worst game mode - only if you actually have fun playing that one ... wanting to play it anyways. Or if - for some reason - you try to avoid raids + are anxious of PvP-like stuff at all ... then you really can just cap/recap a camp in WvW and use that game mode. (That is the most boring style of play to play that mode though.)

A mix is also possible. Getting the stuff from different game modes.

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39 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

WvW you need to constantly do anytthing to not lose participation (which is a pressure). And in "good" maps (where a lot of action is) there often is a queue. Can't just leave and do something else and then quickly go back there.

You can flip same camp near your spawn point on borders every 10 minutes watching movies on 2nd screen to keep your participation on maximum level... Not that I recommend doing so 😎

Edited by Morwath.9817
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I prefer pvp and was actually playing hundreds of unranked matches before I realized ranked had really good rewards, so I'll stick with pvp. Being a dad of two young children, I only have limited time at night so being able to complete the season chests works well for me as opposed to lengthy wvw grinds or raids. As some stated, I'm not really in a rush and I enjoy pvp for the most part...unless I'm in a losing streak which is never fun. I guess my alternative would've been wvw because there's still pvp involved, but it doesn't sound quite as engaging to me and I hate having to keep up a participation thing so that will be a no-go. Thanks for the replies!

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