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Shouldn't we have another set of legendary armor available?

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14 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

First and foremost i'm dodging nothing. I know that is your Catchphrase, but check this discussion. Linken throwing shade at op and bringing the "IF they do x they devs can't work on y" it not a point you can engage with. It is a non-argument you can say about any suggestion someone dislikes.

Someone who has full Raid armor and casually grinded WvW ring proclaims himself as pretty casual. It is comical. I too think alternative PvE armor is probably not worth implementing, but yo guys are rude, vicious, elitist and flat out unable to see the point of the opposing opinion. Disagree all you want the is your right, but some honest to god can't even understand the point they disagreeing with.

Well it was more against there is no valid argument against implementing a open world legendary armor statement.

Wanting developer resources spent on other things is a valid argument since litteraly anyone can get spvp or wvw armor if they put in the time.

So why is another way in any way shape or form needed to be put into the game?

Just because some people want legendary armor to be earned a certain way dont mean it needs to be that way.

Edited by Linken.6345
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2 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

First and foremost i'm dodging nothing.

I wasn't saying you are dodging right now (although now that I think about it, the very part where you're broadly saying ~the others are in the bubble! could have used more clarification and actual more specified response instead of making that blanket statement), it's about the person you were also addressing in your post, so... Seemed directly connected to what you wrote there and who you wrote that to. I think the "repeatedly throwing insults instead" made it clear who I was talking about since I'm not sure you did that in this thread, but I guess it could have been easy to miss.

2 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Linken throwing shade at op and bringing the "IF they do x they devs can't work on y" it not a point you can engage with. It is a non-argument you can say about any suggestion someone dislikes.

Ok, but is THIS somehow supposed to be the target of the "they're in their bubbble unable to see the viewpoint of someone who has less time in the game"? Personally, I don't think that fits what you said in your previous post, but maybe it's just me.

7 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Someone who has full Raid armor and casually grinded WvW ring proclaims himself as pretty casual. It is comical.

Again, whoever you're addressing this at, the game was out for more than 10 years now. Depending on the starting point and some relative degree of consistency, I'm not sure it's so comical that casual players could get those by now as well.

14 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

I too think alternative PvE armor is probably not worth implementing, but yo guys are rude, vicious, elitist and flat out unable to see the point of the opposing opinion. Disagree all you want the is your right, but some honest to god can't even understand the point they disagreeing with.

How was I rude, vicious, elitist and flat out unable to see the point of the opposing opinion (and I already told you that my opinion wasn't any different when I wasn't even aiming at ANY legendary at all, so I'll go ahead and say at least that part is objectively false) exactly?

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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

Wanting developer resources spent on other things is a valid argument since litteraly anyone can get spvp or wvw armor if they put in the time.

What do you want the dev time spend on, I can easily argue they are not wisely spend there too. So it comes down to what you feel is important and what I feel is important. That is not an constructive argument.

4 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

So why is another way in any way shape or form needed to be put into the game?

Raiding is the least user friendly way to do endgame PvE. Raiding got outclassed somewhat by strikes. Funneling the whole PvE Playerbase through Raids for legendary gear seems way to narrow of an approach right now.

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14 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:


Pls stop. I don't know if your serious right now. Butcher quoting sentences out of context is not an argument. Your "points" have so little to do with what I wrote I am at a loss how to even respond. I don't know if you seriously think yo put an argument together or you maliciously derailing the conversation . People only upvote you because you reiterate their opinion.

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19 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

You know, I do admire You for being able to will into being things like the greatest fairytale magicians, even if You're the sole member of the feats' audience.
Pity it's always the same thing ad nauseam, but even Rome wasn't built in a day; keep on grinding, You sigma You!

To anyone who's eventually going to delete this doubtlessly productive conversation, we started at page 4, although that particular post still has value.
There's one more of mine above that, but jokes aren't really getting deleted, are they, seeing as Sob still has his forum account.
Otherwise... we all reap what we sowed, hm?
Do have a good one.

"value"?  As pointed out here:

2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Or we could leave it how it is since it's far from any kind of obligatory gear upgrade -like, not even close- and encourage people to play more of the game -while learning its mechanics- if they want to get more -nonobligatory- rewards. Not like it wasn't mentioned before, but somehow you just keep dodging "why" and go straight to "how". It's almost as if you do it because addresing "why" simply doesn't suit you. [no sarcasm]

All you did there was skipping a whole step to avoid the discussion you've quoted to be the part of(?). Next time you want to dodge, just make a post without quoting what you want to dodge. Of course that's considering you wanted to have any discussion here in the first place, which currently seems a little doubtful -even moreso when right from the ~second post you wrote in this thread, you eagerly tried talking about me no matter what. 🤷‍♂️

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9 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Pls stop. I don't know if your serious right now. Butcher quoting sentences out of context is not an argument. Your "points" have so little to do with what I wrote I am at a loss how to even respond. I don't know if you seriously think yo put an argument together or you maliciously derailing the conversation . People only upvote you because you reiterate their opinion.

I don't see what I changed the context of and why you still can't specify who and what you're talking about when you're using all those blanket statements about "being in the bubbles" and "but yo guys are rude, vicious, elitist and flat out unable to see the point of the opposing opinion". Again, if you think someone is in the bubble, point out the bubble. I already told you that trying to claim I somehow don't understand the perspective of players with less time is false.

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6 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

There are three game modes in this game: PvE, WvW and PvP. 

Semantics. You could argue there is competitive and PvE. The trinity classification is mostly enforced by ability balancing. The fact non-instanced PvE doesn't need rigid balancing doesn't make it less of a Game mode. You could also argue there is story OW and instanced PvE. You could also split instanced PvE up.

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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't see what I changed the context of and why you still can't specify who and what you're talking about when you're using all those blanket statements about "being in the bubbles" and "but yo guys are rude, vicious, elitist and flat out unable to see the point of the opposing opinion".

Well if you don't understand i can't argue with you now can I? So gz you won your internet argument for the day.

4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

but yo guys are <...>unable to see the point of the opposing opinion

At least that point you proved already for me.

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1 minute ago, vares.8457 said:

And legendary armor. PvE armor is a mix between open world and instanced content. 

Well, legendary armor enforcing the fact that PvE is a singular game mode. And we don't need PvE legendary armor because we already have legendry PvE armor is a circular argument. You prove on opinion with another opinion.

It is semantics. Even in this quote you somehow acknowledge that instanced and OW are kind of different things.

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Just now, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Well, legendary armor enforcing the fact that PvE is a singular game mode. And we don't need PvE legendary armor because we already have legendry PvE armor is a circular argument. You prove on opinion with another opinion.

It is semantics. Even in this quote you somehow acknowledge that instanced and OW are kind of different things.

Of course they are not the same but they are both part of PvE. 
And yes, there is no need for another PvE armor when there already is one. Or do we now need a second PvP armor for unranked? You see how ridiculous this is. 

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8 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Well if you don't understand i can't argue with you now can I? So gz you won your internet argument for the day.

Understand what? Your refusal to be specific? I do understand this part, hence my request for you to turn those blanket statements into something more direct.

8 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

At least that point you proved already for me.

Did you miss this or are you just intentionally skipping over it over and over again:

1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Repeatedly throwing baseless insults in place of any arguments is not how you address someone potentially being in their bubble. If anything, relentlessly dodging everything shows who's -at this point, probably knowingly, hence the dodges- in the bubble here. Your suggestion about people somehow "not being able to see the viewpoint of someone who has less time in the game" is wrong in this case. I had the same opinion about legendary gear and its acquisition when I wasn't aiming at legendaries at all.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

And yes, there is no need for another PvE armor when there already is one. Or do we now need a second PvP armor for unranked? You see how ridiculous this is. 

The overlap between unranked and ranked is bigger then the overlap between All of PvE and Raids. Also PvE as a whole is more diverse and numerous. 

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5 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

The overlap between unranked and ranked is bigger then the overlap between All of PvE and Raids. Also PvE as a whole is more diverse and numerous. 

Yeah and that’s why it already is the game mode with the most legendaries. All legendary weapons and most legendary trinkets. 

Edited by vares.8457
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6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Understand what? Your refusal to be specific?

I am specific. Give me your most important point you want to discuss with me and it will explain extra specific as a show of good faith. If you butcher quote me and willfully ignore the context I can't help you.

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