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Shouldn't we have another set of legendary armor available?

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I want to make a legendary armor for some time now, but when I went to look how to do it, I got really disappointed. First, we have the WvW legendary armor, tailored for those who have enough cash or luck to be in a server with a big WvW guild (my free server change was used a long time ago); then, we have Raid armor, tailored for players that actually play with other people and do not get annoyed; and third, we have PvP armor, the one type that depends ONLY on the player himself on his willingness to play PvP.

This quick examination, showed me that there isn't an legendary armor for PVE, since a decent amount of players don't have the time nor the inclination to keep track of other players irl (my case). Even then, I still tried to get into Raids, but the two times I actually entered a guild and went to the so called "raid training", the players just keep talking about meaningless kitten for several minutes even after the group is full instead of actually starting the Raid, which got me very angry and made me quit since I abhorre wasting time.

So, since I'm not in a decent WvW server, nor do I like to play PvP or want to get into the mess called Raids, why can't solo players like me (that don't have absolutely no problem with going into LFG stuff, like fractals) have a legendary armor that doesn't depend on other people?

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9 minutes ago, Radnor.4185 said:

WvW legendary armor, tailored for those who have enough cash or luck to be in a server with a big WvW guild (my free server change was used a long time ago)

What do you mean by that? As far as I know you don't need that to make wvw armor. Explain your reasoning behind what you just wrote?

10 minutes ago, Radnor.4185 said:

we have Raid armor, tailored for players that actually play with other people and do not get annoyed

Pve armor based on playing with other players in an mmorpg seems like a reasonable thing to have.

12 minutes ago, Radnor.4185 said:

This quick examination, showed me that there isn't an legendary armor for PVE

Quick examination shows that there is, you just want to skip some of the pve content.

14 minutes ago, Radnor.4185 said:

Even then, I still tried to get into Raids, but the two times I actually entered a guild and went to the so called "raid training", the players just keep talking about meaningless kitten for several minutes even after the group is full instead of actually starting the Raid, which got me very angry and made me quit since I abhorre wasting time.

That's because training groups often explain the mechanics so the players know what to do. If you don't need that, just use lfg to join groups or create your own with "everyone welcome".

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you don't beed a good server for wvw tho..


you can flip a camp every 5 minutes and do nothing else..its boring..but you'll earn your pips at the same rate as groups flipping everything. 

also..if you're part of a guild ..they are working on improving wvw with the guild beya servers.

pvp if the method I used for my first as like wvw.. you can earn pips whether you lose or win and just slowly progress on it. Its also not as boring as wvw.


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Everything  that could be said here has likely been said in the thread above or one of the many like it.

We'll get to ~20+ pages of the same old arguments and absolutely nothing new before the same handful of people end up going in circles, the thread becomes incredibly unproductive, will "have run its course" and get locked. 

Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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The only things needed for the WvW and PvP armors is time so this just makes it look like you are trying to talk about things you don't know about. There is the cost of other materials but that is more or less the same across the board and will likely be the same even if t hey add new sets.

55 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

Everything  that could be said here has likely been said in the thread above or one of the many like it.

We'll get to ~20+ pages of the same old arguments and absolutely nothing new before the same handful of people end up going in circles, the thread becomes incredibly unproductive, will "have run its course" and get locked. 

People failing to learn from history and constantly repeating it would be a pretty good summary of GW2 forums. Although refusing to learn is probably more accurate.

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i think the developers sometimes don't have a good grasp for the difficulty in this game and sometimes give out rewards disproportionally. for example, raid bosses like vale guardian are faster than easier than most strike bosses except the ibs ez 3, yet you only get one legendary insight per week for doing non-cms.


this was an okay idea when strikes were meant to be a stepping stone into raids, but now that raids have been abandoned strikes need to give proper rewards for the time and effort you invest in them.


the end of dragon's strike missions are especially bad; harvest temple is on the same level as many raid bosses and old lion's court is often on the same level as a raid cm due to the randomness, and yet they give almost no rewards on top of the green shards being capped per week.


i think we really need to rethink strike mission difficulty and rewards and let them be used to slowly progress the legendary armor so they can stand on their own as an end-game mode.


i'd also like to see a tier 5 of fractals that has the challenge motes mainlined (and many more added) and gives a legendary insight once per day for doing all the dailies.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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PvE legendary armor IS NOT RAID ARMOR!

raiding take up about a 3rd of the overall collections, most of your time spend getting the armor will be participating in the HoT metas and Fractals
heres a lisst of things you need exclusivly from raids:

  • 150 Legendary insight

heres a list of things you need from other content:

  • 150 Provisionerss tokens,
  • 6 Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy,
  • 30 Auric ingots,
  • 30 Reclaimed Metal plates,
  • 30 Chak Eggs,
  • 6 Gifts of the Pact(of which requires 1500 of the HoT map currency)
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20 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

People failing to learn from history and constantly repeating it would be a pretty good summary of GW2 forums. Although refusing to learn is probably more accurate.

More of an issue of how the forums are structured, isn't it.
You can't necro topics, suggestions are packed into a single thread to be conveniently ignored, and ANet are still not participating in any discussions whatsoever even though they have a lot to mend in this regard (the sub-par build "templates" are still getting sold thrice a piece after all the "feedback" crap; this horse can't die dead enough).
Thus, a player wishing to improve the game or give some feedback is pretty much forced to make a new topic.
And get their enthusiasm for the game shredded because they foolishly expect the official forums to have at least some breath of quality.

So unless we start getting some actual dev responses no highway horse rider is solving the Tyrian world hunger and all of this is just idle chit-chat.

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2 hours ago, Radnor.4185 said:

why can't solo players like me (that don't have absolutely no problem with going into LFG stuff, like fractals) have a legendary armor that doesn't depend on other people?

I exclusively roam solo in WvW, occasionally following a commander when it seems worth it. I got WvW legendary realitively easily. WvW is a viable way for solo players. Regarding the PvP set, if you can tolerate the enviroment you can also get full sets quite easily. The only thing you're really locked out from as a solo player is the raid armor if you are so solo that you don't even want to cooperate with others even in the slightest. 

I don't see where's the problem.

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Just now, vares.8457 said:

So what? Legendary armor is not meant for the majority. 

Maybe. That requirement is not aimed at people that pursue legendary gear however. Instead, it's aimed at players that like specific niche type of content. The requirement is in no way connected to the end goal.

Again, notice how both WvW and SPvP armor are obtained by playing content that all WvW/SPvP players play. The "PvE" armor however, again, is obtained by playing content most PvE players do not play. It's not a "PvE" set. It's a "5% of PvE" set. And i am being generous here.

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2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Maybe. That requirement is not aimed at people that pursue legendary gear however. Instead, it's aimed at players that like specific niche type of content. The requirement is in no way connected to the end goal.

Again, notice how both WvW and SPvP armor are obtained by playing content that all WvW/SPvP players play. The "PvE" armor however, again, is obtained by playing content most PvE players do not play. It's not a "PvE" set. It's a "5% of PvE" set. And i am being generous here.

Raids are PvE. It is a PvE set. 

Edited by vares.8457
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16 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It still does not change that the requirement is one that is not meant for a huge majority of PvE players at all.

How is it "not meant" for them? It is.

6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

But PvE is not Raids.

Who said it is? Pve contains raids. Pve armor contains quite some content, ALSO raids. You have no point to make so you're strawmanning what is being written as if anyone writes about raids being the whole pve or something. You tried doing that in the previous threads as well, but that's not even what people you're responding to say 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, that's the problem. That the only PvE set is based around content most PvE players do not play.

And? Only in the instanced content like raids or strike cms having legendary armor is relevant.. it makes sence that you get legendary armors by playing the content where changing stats and builds is relevant. On the other hand if you are only OW player why on earth would you care about legendary armors in the first place when all OW content is so trivial it doesnt matter what build you run the content will be completed regardless there... Else what other "pve content" you have mind..

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Just now, soul.9651 said:

And? Only in the instanced content like raids or strike cms having legendary armor is relevant.. it makes sence that you get legendary armors by playing the content where changing stats and builds is relevant. On the other hand if you are only OW player why on earth would you care about legendary armors in the first place when all OW content is so trivial it doesnt matter what build you run the content will be completed regardless there... Else what other "pve content" you have mind..

Most Open World only Players aren’t interested in legendary armor. 

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Just now, vares.8457 said:

Most Open World only Players aren’t interested in legendary armor. 

I mean there were a few threads when OW players asked for it so i assumed it will end up like yet another "give us OW lege armors set" thread by the way he said "most PvE players"

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4 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

I mean there were a few threads when OW players asked for it so i assumed it will end up like yet another "give us OW lege armors set" thread by the way he said "most PvE players"

Absolutely, it all comes down to a low effort open world legendary armor. Instead of doing what is required like everyone else. 

Edited by vares.8457
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