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Are Rotations for Gains Doable with Warrior?


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     I'm trying to figure out how "rotation" works to increase DPS and what to look for when trying to work out other rotation schemes but either I'm not able to wrap my mind around it or rotations for gains are not possible with Warrior.

     My character has Berserker but not Spellbreaker or Bladesworn yet, no Ascened gear yet either. At this point are rotations possible?

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Rotations are not Gear dependent.

Its the question if you have Quickness and Alacrity or not.

And rotations only realy matter in 10man content like strikes and Raids. Where you will have both boons in a normal scenario.

In openworld, rotations useally dont matter. You can still do them, but it is up in the air if you get the boons or not.


For learning Rotations, there is an Training Area in the Lions Arch Aerodrom.


Here you can give yourself Boons and Train rotations on a Target Dummy Golem.


For the Rotations themself, check Snowcrows.


There is everything you want to know.


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40 minutes ago, Stryder.8641 said:

     I'm trying to figure out how "rotation" works to increase DPS and what to look for when trying to work out other rotation schemes but either I'm not able to wrap my mind around it or rotations for gains are not possible with Warrior.

     My character has Berserker but not Spellbreaker or Bladesworn yet, no Ascened gear yet either. At this point are rotations possible?

I'm very confused about your interpretation of rotations. 

A "rotation" is just pressing your skill buttons in a specific order that puts out the most damage. Even if your class or build was absolutely awful at putting out damage, there will be a best order to press your skills in. 

Dan has linked the website that shows a video of how to press your buttons for max DPS. I'll make an extra note that Berserker and Bladesworn are surprisingly difficult to play optimally, and would advise that you unlock and use Spellbreaker instead. It's rotation and build is significantly easier on less experienced players. Snowcrows also has a build guide for it here: https://snowcrows.com/builds/warrior/spellbreaker/power-spellbreaker

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fights in gw2 are dynamic, its one of the reasons combat feels so good, rotations are more of a guideline.


i recommend familliarizing yourself with the skills, identifying which skills do what and when to use them rather than following a set rotation.


also play at your own pace, and imrpove from there, many guides you will come across will feature min-maxed rotations, easily viable on the practice golem but are drastically different in a real fight where mechanics come into play.


i think you'll figure it out the more experience you gain with the combat system and the profession you are using.




to answer your questions, yes you can perform the rotations as soon as you unlock the necessary skills.


no the skills remain the same wether you're in ascended gear or not, as long as you have the correct weapons and skills slotted.


stat wise, exotic gear will be enough to get you through endgame pve content, besides fractals which is the only pve content requiring you to have ascended or better gear.


yes you can participate in any and all content in the game regardless of what class or specialization you have currently unlocked. being competitive may be another matter.


if you encounter toxic people, just block them. 😁

Edited by eXruina.4956
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     Thanks for the links and infos. 👍


     Not looking to do competitive play any time soon; I'm enjoying working my way through the stories. (Recently started the main story of "Heart of Thorns".)


     The reason I'm interested in increasing the DPS on my character is because when my Level 80 Warrior Berserker uses his hammer to fight against regular Level 80 hostile NPCs (not champions, not bosses), it seems striking them with the hammer is about as effective as slapping them with a feather.

     Killing them with one strike would be great. Killing them with six strikes would be good. But after what seems like a dozen strikes with the hammer and the hostile NPC is still standing,... anyone got a feather I could borrow?

     At times it feels like even the dodo birds (Moa's) are mightier than my Warrior.


     I've seen various videos like the one in the SnowCrows link where the character is attacking the testing Golem or monsters or other players (PvP/WvW) and I see 5-digit DPS numbers appear on the screen. I heard the term "rotation" mentioned in the narrated videos, so that's why I associated "rotation" with high DPS.


     In videos like that, 40,000+ DPS is common, then when I load my character into the western side of Verdant Brink and have him pound away at the giant beetles there with his hammer, I see DPS numbers like 1800 and 2200,... just mere fractions of 40,000+ DPS. Such a huge difference in DPS numbers made me wonder what was I missing or doing wrong.

     Hadn't noticed the long string of Boons the characters had in the videos before until DanAlcedo's comment about them in the post above. Yeah, a lot of enhancements stacking up there, compounding into greater potency of output.


     From what I glean from reading the forums, ArenaNet seems to have a longstanding disdain for its Warrior Profession. I chose Warrior as my first character because it seemed to be the least complicated option. Besides learning how to operate the character, I'm also trying to learn the game; GW2 is my first MMORPG so keeping things simple is helpful. As eXruina suggested, I'm taking things at my own pace, learning as I go.

Edited by Stryder.8641
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12 hours ago, Stryder.8641 said:

     Thanks for the links and infos. 👍


     Not looking to do competitive play any time soon; I'm enjoying working my way through the stories. (Recently started the main story of "Heart of Thorns".)


     The reason I'm interested in increasing the DPS on my character is because when my Level 80 Warrior Berserker uses his hammer to fight against regular Level 80 hostile NPCs (not champions, not bosses), it seems striking them with the hammer is about as effective as slapping them with a feather.

     Killing them with one strike would be great. Killing them with six strikes would be good. But after what seems like a dozen strikes with the hammer and the hostile NPC is still standing,... anyone got a feather I could borrow?

     At times it feels like even the dodo birds (Moa's) are mightier than my Warrior.


     I've seen various videos like the one in the SnowCrows link where the character is attacking the testing Golem or monsters or other players (PvP/WvW) and I see 5-digit DPS numbers appear on the screen. I heard the term "rotation" mentioned in the narrated videos, so that's why I associated "rotation" with high DPS.


     In videos like that, 40,000+ DPS is common, then when I load my character into the western side of Verdant Brink and have him pound away at the giant beetles there with his hammer, I see DPS numbers like 1800 and 2200,... just mere fractions of 40,000+ DPS. Such a huge difference in DPS numbers made me wonder what was I missing or doing wrong.

     Hadn't noticed the long string of Boons the characters had in the videos before until DanAlcedo's comment about them in the post above. Yeah, a lot of enhancements stacking up there, compounding into greater potency of output.


     From what I glean from reading the forums, ArenaNet seems to have a longstanding disdain for its Warrior Profession. I chose Warrior as my first character because it seemed to be the least complicated option. Besides learning how to operate the character, I'm also trying to learn the game; GW2 is my first MMORPG so keeping things simple is helpful. As eXruina suggested, I'm taking things at my own pace, learning as I go.

There is a difference between golem dps with all benchmark tweaks added and solo play out in the wild. If you are not might and crit capping then that would be a place to start.

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Warrior was my first class as well put the game down for 10 year hiatus and now back. I got my kitten kicked in HoT and went to PoF instead to get my mounts. It felt better to me on my 1st elite spec...berserker. After about  700 hrs on this character I'm still running around in Exotic with mostly Ascended trinkets.


Here's what I got for you assuming you may not know already. 

-Make sure you have all your hero points for your Beserker Spec before you run it. You are stronger to run as Core Warrior with max traits than running as berserker and lvling your elite spec at same time

-Gear matters. Make sure you are running at least in budget exotics. POWER as the highest number in your gear will boost your damage the most. This is called Berserker gear but can have different names in the budget versions. I ran Cavalier when first got into HoT because wanted more survivability. PRECISION will make your Crit percentage go up and FEROCITY raises how much damage you can do when you crit. I think Cavalier is Power, Tough, Ferocity. I went gunzerker and saw 15000 crits 2 times in a row, which was Satisfying.

-Traits...look at your build the next way to get your damage up is my choosing the ones that raise your Crit or Strike Damage which is your Base Damage.

-Next for your rotation...This will be based off of the weapon you are using and your traits. So you may have a trait the let's you do more damage to stunned enemies. So ideally..your rotation with you hammer would be whatever attack stuns then your big attack or your burst.

-last there is also something called Combos..if you look at your attacks some might say something like Finisher and name the effect...cant say I've ever noticed this to work but there are guides out there that talk about combos. You can also combo off another players attacks on the same enemy.

Hope some of this helps and not old info for ya!

Edited by Xperiment.6923
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On 6/21/2023 at 9:59 PM, Xperiment.6923 said:

Warrior was my first class as well put the game down for 10 year hiatus and now back. I got my kitten kicked in HoT and went to PoF instead to get my mounts. It felt better to me on my 1st elite spec...berserker. After about  700 hrs on this character I'm still running around in Exotic with mostly Ascended trinkets.


Here's what I got for you assuming you may not know already. 

-Make sure you have all your hero points for your Beserker Spec before you run it. You are stronger to run as Core Warrior with max traits than running as berserker and lvling your elite spec at same time

-Gear matters. Make sure you are running at least in budget exotics. POWER as the highest number in your gear will boost your damage the most. This is called Berserker gear but can have different names in the budget versions. I ran Cavalier when first got into HoT because wanted more survivability. PRECISION will make your Crit percentage go up and FEROCITY raises how much damage you can do when you crit. I think Cavalier is Power, Tough, Ferocity. I went gunzerker and saw 15000 crits 2 times in a row, which was Satisfying.

-Traits...look at your build the next way to get your damage up is my choosing the ones that raise your Crit or Strike Damage which is your Base Damage.

-Next for your rotation...This will be based off of the weapon you are using and your traits. So you may have a trait the let's you do more damage to stunned enemies. So ideally..your rotation with you hammer would be whatever attack stuns then your big attack or your burst.

-last there is also something called Combos..if you look at your attacks some might say something like Finisher and name the effect...cant say I've ever noticed this to work but there are guides out there that talk about combos. You can also combo off another players attacks on the same enemy.

Hope some of this helps and not old info for ya!

     Thanks Xperiment.6932. 👍

     "Yup" to some, "gotta try that" to others. Most of all, thanks for the confirmations on the ones I've already stumbled upon.

     I'm still relatively new to the game and genre,... roughly nine months into it now. Big game, lots of stuff to learn.

     Currently running Exotic, Berserker-stat armor, weapons, and Ascended trinkets (pricey little things; 5-months' wait for all the Laurels needed).

     "When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail." My head starts hurting when I look at the formulas and number stats. But I understand Bram's philosophy of "Ka-Blam!" real good so my main weapon is a hammer.

     My second weapon is a longbow. After your suggestion about Combos I looked into it and found that the hammer is only for "Combo Finisher" but the longbow is capable of both "Combo Field" and "Combo Finisher". Will be practicing longbow combos on the Moas and Wurms.

     As to my notions of "rotation for [DPS] gains" in the open world, I found a pair of "Might" utility skills: "Signet of Might" and "For Great Justice!". The signet provides a passive +180 Power all the time (except when the signet is activated). "For Great Justice!" provides +180 Power and +180 Condition Damage.

     FGJ's Power stacks withe the SoM's Power *but* if FGJ is activated first then immediately followed by activating the SoM, after 6 seconds of +480 Power (FGJ +180 Power plus SoM +300 Power) the SoM *cancels* the FGJ! 🤬

     So I moved the SoM key bind off into a far corner of the keyboard where I wouldn't fat-finger it and set the key bind for FGJ close to the movement control keys. (Left-hand mouse, right-hand keyboard... custom key binds get weird.)

      The result has been +180 Power in effect at all times but then having to remember to press the key for FGJ every 20 seconds or so. FGJ's Might and Power last for the full 25 second cool-down, unlike SoM (6 seconds of fun followed by 19 seconds of cool-down anxiety).

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Since all the people said the important stuff, let me tell you this.

Enjoy theorycrafting and playing anything on your own. This feeling, getting into the game and experiencing everything for the first time, discovering things on your own...

This feeling is something I really miss. Enjoy it cause it's great. It's what made me play this game. Have fun as long as you can!

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