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Do you Use Discord or Teamspeak or something else, when talking to your community?

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3 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

What the kitten is a "bachelor thesis"?

Your essay on a video game won't make it feel less like work -- quite the opposite. Don't let the two overlap. It's why I AVOID Discord, everyone thinks they're in the office sending e-mails and social media DMs to each other.

I'm not sure what "something like a bachelor thesis" is, but a bachelor thesis is the research paper a student writes as part of getting their bachelor's degree. (Also called an undergraduate degree.) Although in the UK we usually call them dissertations.

My guess is the OP is studying game design, psychology or sociology and researching online communities for their thesis.

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I use both.

Teamspeak because most German servers use mainly TS.
Also I'm used to TS anyway.

Discord voice only when I have to. Like when linked to a non-German server in wvw or ppl just insist on using their Discord instead of any open TS community server.
Discord text chat, regularly with my pve group.

But I find Discord annoying. Tries to get me to buy something like every week -.-

Short: For voice I prefer TS. For text chat Discord is nice. If it wasn't so annoying I'd even say excellent.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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I forgot to mention this before, so just in case it's relevant: I never used Teamspeak or Ventrilio or anything like that because I don't have a microphone for my PC and didn't want to buy one for the very rare times I use voice chat.

If I need to talk on Discord I use the app on my phone.

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