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Streamlined Skyscale? Not cool.

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I did the Skyscale collection because I liked doing it.

If others don't enjoy it, I am glad that they now have another different/easier option to complete it, so they can also get the Skyscale while enjoying their time in a game. 

I have no sympathy for people who do content they hate and then complain that others won't be doing it the same way.

Do you also want to complain that I had a blast with the collection and did not find it tedious or hard work at all? Basically you could say I got the Skyscale the very easy way too. 

Don't do stuff in a game that is not fun to you. (It's also why I don't have the turtle mount.)

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12 minutes ago, doomer.6095 said:

Sad. So many people cheering basically giving away things others worked towards. *Cough*-mmunism

The opposite of that political system actually. One of the core systems of Capitalism is that over time things get cheaper due to innovation (or other matters such as a desire to attract new customers to a given product). A central authority keeping a set price despite market forces is closer to what you insinuate than is lowering a price due to market forces.

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17 hours ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

I'm not down with a streamlined system for getting a skyscale. Many of us nearly quit the game trying to get one and now ANet is just going to hand them out? Not cool, not cool at all. It's such a badge of honor. If you want to give casual players a flying mount, then make it something different, don't make it the same thing dedicated fans worked REALLY HARD to get. I'm not happy.

Worked hard? I got skyscale in few days following guides on YouTube. Nothing about getting Skyscale is hard. Time consuming yes but not hard. And i don't feel special for having a skyscale either.  If this new system means new players will join GW2 I am all for it. The population of this game need a serious boost. Stop gatekeeping potential new customers. 

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1 hour ago, deatine.2498 said:

I did the Skyscale collection because I liked doing it.

If others don't enjoy it, I am glad that they now have another different/easier option to complete it, so they can also get the Skyscale while enjoying their time in a game. 

I have no sympathy for people who do content they hate and then complain that others won't be doing it the same way.

Do you also want to complain that I had a blast with the collection and did not find it tedious or hard work at all? Basically you could say I got the Skyscale the very easy way too. 

Don't do stuff in a game that is not fun to you. (It's also why I don't have the turtle mount.)

This. Very much this. I'm really sorry if getting the skyscale was a horrible grind for you. Personally, I didn't bother with the skyscale for the longest time, until a friend in my guild offered to lead another friend and I through the process. The three of us worked on it over a few days and we had a lot of fun doing it together. So I very much resonate with deatine's comments here.

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13 minutes ago, Mickey.4207 said:

Worked hard? I got skyscale in few days following guides on YouTube. Nothing about getting Skyscale is hard. Time consuming yes but not hard. And i don't feel special for having a skyscale either.  If this new system means new players will join GW2 I am all for it. The population of this game need a serious boost. Stop gatekeeping potential new customers. 

>Time consuming yes but not hard

Why time consuming part is neglected? Again, it required dedication for several days. What's the point of mastery if everyone has it? Next thing you know, auto-loot is FFA because people want it unlocked at lvl 80. Where is the borderline of catering to that audience? According to your own words, unlocking skyscale is no big deal — agreed — but then why not leave the things as they are? Otherwise, it's basically deprecating old content.

Skyscale rental could motivate a new player to get permanent access to skyscale at some point. The same way it did for old-timers. I for one am a new player and just completed it recently without complaining. Now it's FFA. Minor bonuses don't cut it.

Edited by doomer.6095
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Just now, doomer.6095 said:

>Time consuming yes but not hard

Why time consuming part is neglected? Again, it required dedication for several days. What's the point of mastery if everyone has it? Next thing you know, auto-loot is FFA because people want it unlocked at lvl 80. Where is the borderline of catering to that audience? According to your own words, unlocking skyscale is no big deal — agreed — but then why not leave the things as they are, basically deprecating old content? Skyscale rental could motivate a new player to get permanent access to skyscale at some point. Now it's FFA. Minor bonuses don't cut it.

Hard part should be the activity itself. Prolonging it artificially by gatekeeping content which take days to unlock isn't hard. That's what I meant. The only hard part was the jumping puzzles. Everything else can be done while you chill watching Netflix or some stream in the background. For me it doesn't matter if others have the same mastery as I do as long as I have more players to play with and healthy population. I want to see more new players in this expansion. 

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1 minute ago, Mickey.4207 said:

Hard part should be the activity itself. Prolonging it artificially by gatekeeping content which take days to unlock isn't hard. That's what I meant. The only hard part was the jumping puzzles. Everything else can be done while you chill watching Netflix or some stream in the background. For me it doesn't matter if others have the same mastery as I do as long as I have more players to play with and healthy population. I want to see more new players in this expansion. 

>Everything else can be done while you chill watching Netflix or some stream in the background


Something-something openworld leggies 🥱

Anyway, the whole MMO concept is about investing time in your character. Gw2 is not a hard game anyway, why do you think anything else in it aint time gated? Leveling masteries is time consuming, as it should be. Farming winterberries is brain dead too, farming aurora just as well, but you don't give it away because someone just doesn't care about game enough to grind a bit.

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its been soo many years.....we need new players to get skyscale straight whn they start.......this mistake at the release of pof n marketing cost arenanet millions$$$$$..... now they are redeeming themselves. so all of you can stop crying about how hard we got it years ago, do u want to move forward or not kitten zzz

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imagine that every time a new expansion is coming the grind gets longer and longer for NEW players and the game is dying because the new players can't keep up and just quit right after when they see the grind. everyone gets older and maybe they start a family and so quit the game or play less, then there has to come new players back to keep the game populair. not everyone keep playing games and get other priority's over the years. (i liked from wow last time i played that getting 10 lvl's was not very hard from a previous expansion, i just lvled with archaeology) imagine the way you have to go through to be able to play end game like all others. getting mastery's can be very hard. and then from 4 expansions. and the amount of xp you need. sure you can buy an lvl 80 xp boost but you can't buy mastery's. 

i also wanted legendary armor from open world. but then the sad toxic players that only care about the virtual world and not their lifes come here is put dislike or confused emoticons on the suggestion post because they don't want other have something nice. they think it's unfair because they have nothing irl besides games. BUT now we finally get the option for legendary armor from open world and that's nice.

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18 hours ago, andre.6702 said:

it took me 28 days....28 days to get this thing and now, you want to give them out? what the hell? if this is the case why don't you lower the standard for legendary items too? 

Okay and it almost took me two months because I had to go through getting it when it first came around. What's your point?

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1 minute ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Okay and it almost took me two months because I had to go through getting it when it first came around. What's your point?

It's right there:

>if this is the case why don't you lower the standard for legendary items too? 

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Just now, doomer.6095 said:

It's right there:

>if this is the case why don't you lower the standard for legendary items too? 

Because Skyscale =/= Legendary Items. I spent over 4k+ for my legendaries. I spent maybe 250g for my Skyscale. The fact you guys are trying to equate legendaries to Skyscales is comical at best, and sad at its worst. 

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4 minutes ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Because Skyscale =/= Legendary Items. I spent over 4k+ for my legendaries. I spent maybe 250g for my Skyscale. The fact you guys are trying to equate legendaries to Skyscales is comical at best, and sad at its worst. 

Incentive and repercussions are the same.

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1 minute ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If someone took three months to get the skyscale should everyone who got it quicker have to go back and grind until they have spent the same amount of time getting it?

Considering that's how any other thing is attained (gear, armor sets, titles, home instance enhancements etc. and any other things), why should this be any different? I don't want to say "slippery slope", but I anticipate everyone likes e.g. auto-loot. Should it be handed free for newcomers? Commander tag, maybe? How many things can be sacrificed?

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3 minutes ago, doomer.6095 said:

Considering that's how any other thing is attained (gear, armor sets, titles, home instance enhancements etc. and any other things), why should this be any different? I don't want to say "slippery slope", but I anticipate everyone likes e.g. auto-loot. Should it be handed free for newcomers? Commander tag, maybe? How many things can be sacrificed?

If new content, that ANet needs people to buy in order for the game and studio to continue to exist, required a commander's tag in order to fully partake.....yeah it would be a good idea to make it cheaper. Otherwise the sales of the new content would be negatively impacted.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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12 minutes ago, doomer.6095 said:

Incentive and repercussions are the same.

They're really not. If I had to compare Skyscale and convience of legendary armor, legendary armor offers VAST more QoL than Skyscale ever could. Sure, I wouldn't be able to get into certain places faster than the average dude. On the same point though, I have mastered getting to any point I needed to get to without the Skyscale before it was announced, so the whole entire arguement of being something of prestige is an absolute dud.

People existed before the time of Skyscale and know well enough they could navigate without it. Streamlining the Skyscale now means they clearly are focusing content around it and therefore would like people to get in line for when that content does pop up. It's like for WoW and their flying mounts and FF for their flying mounts. All of that is streamlined and not prestige at all except for when they first introduced the mechanic. 

Honestly, you and folks that are complaining about this need to get a grip. This game is modernizing, and Anet should not slog behind others, just to appease this very niche crowd that clearly is not sustainable. New players and players that wanna fly are gonna toss money, not the people that sit on forums and complain or take the time to 'complain'.

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Also, on a different note, it's sad that glider mechanics is even more useless now than it was previously most of the time. Example of how old stuff is slowly deprecated, alongside with masteries. This is more akin to WoW model when next new thing renders everything else irrelevant, and IMO opposite of that made gw2 stand out.

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1 minute ago, Dreams.3128 said:

They're really not. If I had to compare Skyscale and convience of legendary armor, legendary armor offers VAST more QoL than Skyscale ever could. Sure, I wouldn't be able to get into certain places faster than the average dude. On the same point though, I have mastered getting to any point I needed to get to without the Skyscale before it was announced, so the whole entire arguement of being something of prestige is an absolute dud.

People existed before the time of Skyscale and know well enough they could navigate without it. Streamlining the Skyscale now means they clearly are focusing content around it and therefore would like people to get in line for when that content does pop up. It's like for WoW and their flying mounts and FF for their flying mounts. All of that is streamlined and not prestige at all except for when they first introduced the mechanic. 

Honestly, you and folks that are complaining about this need to get a grip. This game is modernizing, and Anet should not slog behind others, just to appease this very niche crowd that clearly is not sustainable. New players and players that wanna fly are gonna toss money, not the people that sit on forums and complain or take the time to 'complain'.

> New players and players that wanna fly are gonna toss money

Not arguing that, but it is orthogonal. Of course that is gonna bring bigger revenue, nobody is challenging that idea.

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8 minutes ago, doomer.6095 said:

Considering that's how any other thing is attained (gear, armor sets, titles, home instance enhancements etc. and any other things), why should this be any different? I don't want to say "slippery slope", but I anticipate everyone likes e.g. auto-loot. Should it be handed free for newcomers? Commander tag, maybe? How many things can be sacrificed?

Commander tag honestly should be a thing that is easier to get too because it shouldn't be a PRIVILEGE to lead content organize raids, lead WvW squads and a plethora of other things. This is game is MEANT to bring people together, and the fact you have to spend 300g for a tag is honestly such a useless gold sink that it's actually vomit-inducing. 

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1 minute ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Commander tag honestly should be a thing that is easier to get too because it shouldn't be a PRIVILEGE to lead content organize, raids, lead WvW squads and a plethora of other things. This is game is MEANT to bring people together, and the fact you have to spend 300g for a tag is honestly such a gold sink and actually vomit-inducing. 

Last thing you need is commanders that have no idea about what are they leading just for the sake of how they call it "mosquito lantern" or sth. Anyone who played enough to get a grip of commanding already has that amount of gold to spare. I think it is one of the things that works OKish. Look at the mentor tag, for example — the "mentor" part is laughable and defeated its purpose, it's used for different things now


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5 minutes ago, Dreams.3128 said:

They're really not. If I had to compare Skyscale and convience of legendary armor, legendary armor offers VAST more QoL than Skyscale ever could. Sure, I wouldn't be able to get into certain places faster than the average dude. On the same point though, I have mastered getting to any point I needed to get to without the Skyscale before it was announced, so the whole entire arguement of being something of prestige is an absolute dud.

People existed before the time of Skyscale and know well enough they could navigate without it. Streamlining the Skyscale now means they clearly are focusing content around it and therefore would like people to get in line for when that content does pop up. It's like for WoW and their flying mounts and FF for their flying mounts. All of that is streamlined and not prestige at all except for when they first introduced the mechanic. 

Honestly, you and folks that are complaining about this need to get a grip. This game is modernizing, and Anet should not slog behind others, just to appease this very niche crowd that clearly is not sustainable. New players and players that wanna fly are gonna toss money, not the people that sit on forums and complain or take the time to 'complain'.

Possibly facing repurcussions for not doing something is an incentive to do that thing. Facing repurcussions for doing something is an incentive to not do that thing. The two are so closely intertwined that incentive and repurcussion are essentially identical.

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1 minute ago, doomer.6095 said:

Last thing you need is commanders that have no idea about what are they leading just for the sake of....


We have that now. Players playing, "paint the map like skittles," with a tag they bought with their credit card.

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