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Arc Divider feels sad


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Where once there were three juicy, angry and glorious spins, now we have a skill with a long windup that looks like the warrior is tired than angry. Where once it felt powerful to spin so many more times than base warrior, now the warrior even struggles to lift that sword for a massively noticeable fration of a second. And the spin is... eh? ok? This... looks almost like base warrior's... Sure the numbers all point to it being a buff...

But now it's no longer fun.

Personally, will be retiring berserker into my graveyard of specs I don't play. It was a massively fun 4 years of spinning to winning of great beyblade fun back to back with the zerk heal skill. At least I still have those memories with me.

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25 minutes ago, Stwomy.4720 said:

Where once there were three juicy, angry and glorious spins, now we have a skill with a long windup that looks like the warrior is tired than angry. Where once it felt powerful to spin so many more times than base warrior, now the warrior even struggles to lift that sword for a massively noticeable fration of a second. And the spin is... eh? ok? This... looks almost like base warrior's... Sure the numbers all point to it being a buff...

But now it's no longer fun.

Personally, will be retiring berserker into my graveyard of specs I don't play. It was a massively fun 4 years of spinning to winning of great beyblade fun back to back with the zerk heal skill. At least I still have those memories with me.

So...Orange Slice it is!

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11 hours ago, Stwomy.4720 said:

now we have a skill with a long windup that looks like the warrior is tired

Now we have a skill that looks like how we Warrior mains feel about years and years of our profession not being treated equally to the others.

Now we have a skill that looks like how the profession teams feels about having to give Warrior something occasionally.

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I just wonder how in the world this so called balance-team came up with this abominable change in the first place. Spin-to-win skills are the most satisfying type of skills in any game. I had a little hope left they wouldn't pursue this change back when I read the preview for this patch. But this is yet another build they killed for me

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6 minutes ago, MikeOck.7461 said:

I just wonder how in the world this so called balance-team came up with this abominable change in the first place

Yes, we all asking us and we all want back the old Arc Divider!

I still have the hope that we will get it back. There is not one positiv reaction on this change.

Noone is playing berserker with gs anymore cause it is just boring and the dmg is also very lame. Noone needs something like this in a grp.

We just can hope that we will get back 1:1 the old Arc Divider.

Edited by Viper.2436
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I'm actually so desperate that I don't mind they decrease the power coefficient but PLEASE give the 3 strikes back. That was the most fun, now it's just like the same skill in or out of berserker, and also Exordium shape shift looks terrible now. Idk how to feel about this, I really really want to start the next xpac with the right foot and it's not looking very good. 

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On 6/28/2023 at 2:58 PM, erapago.4387 said:

I wish they could tell us what problem they were trying to solve with this un-fun change.

The problem that all the other gs skills were not worth using and people were switching to GS practically only for Arc Divider. And they have solved this issue - now all the skills are so bad there's no point switching to GS at all.

Edit: I remember, that, long long ago, Ranger players were telling Anet to do something about Longbow, because it was so bad people were using Shortbow instead, even though Sb was a condi weapon (and this was pre-condi rework, so condis were not so good). Anet response was to acknowledge this and nerf Shortbow into the ground. It took 2 years for Sb to recover, and one year more for LB to be useable again.

What i see here is exactly the same kind of approach.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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On 7/1/2023 at 7:18 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

The problem that all the other gs skills were not worth using and people were switching to GS practically only for Arc Divider. And they have solved this issue - now all the skills are so bad there's no point switching to GS at all.

Edit: I remember, that, long long ago, Ranger players were telling Anet to do something about Longbow, because it was so bad people were using Shortbow instead, even though Sb was a condi weapon (and this was pre-condi rework, so condis were not so good). Anet response was to acknowledge this and nerf Shortbow into the ground. It took 2 years for Sb to recover, and one year more for LB to be useable again.

What i see here is exactly the same kind of approach.

Balancing based on metrics without context should be just as frowned upon as balancing maliciously. 

Ask yourself why people are using the skill a lot. If the answer is "its powerful" that is one thing, but "its the only servicable option/everything else is not worth using" is quite another, despite it being easy to assume it isnt.

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Arcing Slice > Orange Slice

I don't do math, so don't ask me to list down the numbers, but even if the latter does more damage, you still need to get access to Berserk to use it, nevermind the half-second casting time. Just be a chad Spellbreaker and whack someone with a good ol' fashioned Arcing Slice.

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