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Arc Divider feels bad now, and has killed my enjoyment of the game.


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56 minutes ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Arc Slice does not perform the same function as Divider. Divider does more damage on targets above 50%. It has 360 range. 

I play power berserker in EU sPvP. I have 6000+ games as warrior. I am literally the one and one of the only ones who might have been using this skill, and I’m telling you, it’s better now in sPVP.

Thats some copium

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5 hours ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Before, if you managed to land AD on anyone with the first hit, you can be absolutely sure they’ll dodge to avoid the other two hits. 

And the new version definitely hits harder than the previous versions initial hit.

It hits harder. It’s more rewarding to land. 

Before, if you managed to land AD on anyone with the first hit, you'd proc your traits that activated on burst and because you were sure theyd then prioritize evading, you could set up frame traps by stowing it midswing and using something else. 

You could also continue spinning if your first hit was blinded, blocked by aegis, or if you needed to remove a phantasm that was about to spawn. 

At minimum, old Arc Divider would get you a stack or two of Berserker's Power/Adrenal Health. 

It hits harder (unless you kittening glance lmao) , but all the flexibility is gone, and you have a big fat windup for people to actively dodge now, ensuring there are at least 3 ways your burst can now be snuffed out (hit aegis, they see it and dodge the whole thing, get blinded) that were not present before. 

Also you're still gonna get interrupted mid cast because İ̴̫͔͂T̷̠̼̺̊̓S̵̢̰̄̊͝͝ ̸̗͗̽̏͜S̷̬͐̅̒͘Ȍ̸̻̙̿̅͌ ̷̖͍̦̲̽̃́S̴͔̔̊́̔L̷̘̎̌̂͊Ō̴͈̼̱̈͌͠W̶̱̉̂̒͝

AND its ugly now.


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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40 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

 there are at least 3 ways your burst can now be snuffed out (hit aegis, they see it and dodge the whole thing, get blinded) that were not present before. 

Also you're still gonna get interrupted mid cast because İ̴̫͔͂T̷̠̼̺̊̓S̵̢̰̄̊͝͝ ̸̗͗̽̏͜S̷̬͐̅̒͘Ȍ̸̻̙̿̅͌ ̷̖͍̦̲̽̃́S̴͔̔̊́̔L̷̘̎̌̂͊Ō̴͈̼̱̈͌͠W̶̱̉̂̒͝

This too, like one of the whole copium points in the preview I saw passed around was that is wasn't gonna be interrupted as much anymore.

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14 minutes ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Literally just don't use it into aegis and blinds, it's a burst, you're supposed to time it. Use whirlwind attack and your other set to break aegis and blinds before you use it.

you miss the point where the enemy can cast blind and aegis in your wind-up soooo nothing you can do there.

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36 minutes ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Literally just don't use it into aegis and blinds, it's a burst, you're supposed to time it. Use whirlwind attack and your other set to break aegis and blinds before you use it.

Aegis and blinds can come up instantly. 

Am I supposed to just hold the burst because Signet of Air or Triggerguard or Guard focus/crashing courage/symbol of blades is not on cooldown. 

I have 15 seconds in zerk mode and berserk isnt a burst so I'm not proccing my traits.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 6/28/2023 at 12:18 AM, Viper.2436 said:

I am with you my friend. This skill was for me just the best on the whole warrior.

I just deletet the game after this change, i am so sad and mad. Play berserker is now just borring. It feels wrong now, boring gameplay, no dmg.

isn't it quite sad when the entire elite specs is boiled down to only having 1 satisfying skill

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18 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

isn't it quite sad when the entire elite specs is boiled down to only having 1 satisfying skill

It's sad and unbearable.
But as always, the devs just don't give a kitten.

This time they really overdid it.

Instead of taking their finger out of their kitten and undoing the whole thing, they stick to their arogance and don't even say anything.

I'm definitely not waiting until they add a little more damage to this one spin at the end of July and think everything is good again.

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On 6/28/2023 at 10:55 AM, Myror.7521 said:

Now i will not say anything anymore If you cry just cry xD this Forum is truely Clowny xd

I've been lurking on the Arc Divider changes and from my perspective it seems like you're mostly an apologist for bad changes. You genuinely like the new ability, told people it's fine - even great (in virtually every thread on the topic)! Now that we can see it is bad as was pretty obvious it would be, you resort to calling people clowns for being disappointed that one of their favorite abilities has had its function completely altered.

Perhaps English isn't your native language to which I apologize, but with how you type it makes it very difficult to find what you say genuine.

Edited by Wraith.3524
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Don't feel too alone. [Daring Dragon] was fk-ing dope and they ate that one too for literally no reason.

Aside from the fact that IF Bladesworn is actually going to give alacrity it should absolutely be on [Lush Forest]. As is the competing grandmaster [Immortal Dragon] already pulses a boon that is completely redundant (protection) because you get that for entering Dragon Trigger anyway. They could have literally just changed ID to pulse aoe alacrity while you charge DT instead.

But because Warrior's aren't allowed to ever have anything unique or fun, they nuked the [Daring Dragon] repeated slash combos and style from space and just slapped 10s of alacrity on it without a tooltip. I want to point out that someone got paid in YOUR MONEY to do this. They employ people who thought:

+ Instead of just nerfing Arc Divider's damage I'll straight revert it to before people were enjoying it.


+ Instead of just changing this one protection boon flag to be aoe alacrity of the same duration (which will also have 10 bullets loadable base & solve literally every problem that they cited in their preview of [Daring Dragon] "not doing enough damage" -- Even though in the first Bladesworn class preview Cal specifically said it was a PvP trait) let's nuke this other trait that dipshits on reddit & the forums don't understand. That creates a unique playstyle the people who are quietly enjoying it and NOT complaining constantly like.

Yes, in your money that you just spent on SoTO, or hopefully didn't. Until they wake up and fix this.

There's no reason everyone can't be happy here ANet with both things. Arc Divider can do 3 hits with nerfed damage and [Immortal Dragon] or more realistically [Lush Forest] can do aoe alacrity and old FUN [Daring Dragon] can still exist. Unless you actively just don't want people to be. In which case, that's not a game that I want to play tbh.

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