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New Power Quick Herald Build and how it works


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On 6/28/2023 at 3:13 PM, ZenDrake.8316 said:

You've also lost a lot of potential for utility. Instead of being able to put down 2 stab roads on Jalis you are now basically forced to just put down one and turn on the hammers immediately for quickness.

Oh yeah, I can imagine all the pugs that will offer to sacrifice their own dps in order to actually be useful to the group outside of quickness... With most pugs just blindly copying what SC is saying, this will not happen. It's already the case with Vindicator, where barely anyone takes a staff for CC heavy fights (like Samarog).

I dont run staff on dps revenant, no matter who wants what. If anet was so concerned about the cc they should never killed the double mace double axe bannerslave build from relevance. I run vindicator as triple sword, as it should be run, this is supposed to be the power house for the revenant, and apart from core revenant nothing else can do that, and im not counting the herald as power dps because its not, just look at its traits... one trait for damage doesnt make it viable dps class, shiro on the other hand is completely different story. I also believe all those regen supportive things should be removed from both vindicator forms, his spells look like this is designed to be another boon support which is kinda boring. Its one thing to be limited to do dodges (to perform forced movement) its completely different story to have to do that and to not have substantial elite, heal skill and utility skills. Boons are a good thing, but they should be given by the specs for that.

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On 6/28/2023 at 5:47 PM, Athef.6879 said:

Thing is; this looks... incredibly boring to play. Nerfing the quickness output would just kill it completely, as I'm not sure how many people will be content with playing something which was basically in its entirety reduced down to 'activate this, autoattack for 20 seconds, switch legends, activate this other thing, autoattack time'. There's absolutely no room for anything else outside of .the occasional 2, let alone if you want to, *gasp*, switch to staff for cc, or put down Inspiring Reinforcement on Jalis (or distribute any other boon that isn't quickness, while we're at it).

Herald's gameplay in a nutshell.

Worst thing is, after 8 years there are still players that enjoy herald's boonbot borish AA spam spec the most. Guess that video will work for them.

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11 hours ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Herald's gameplay in a nutshell.

Worst thing is, after 8 years there are still players that enjoy herald's boonbot borish AA spam spec the most. Guess that video will work for them.

expect more herald nerfs and more vindicator buffs, Anet dev's sometimes loose sense of horizontal prograssion and vertical one, so they make elite specs balance sometimes so buffed that becomes vertical progression, and elite spec that is the upgrade above all other elite specs of the class.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 11/20/2023 at 1:54 AM, Monarch.7241 said:

I dont run staff on dps revenant, no matter who wants what.

Soooo you're ready to potentially grief your group by not participating in mechanics because you want to greed? Good to know. Sure it's not one person not doing any CC who fails the group, but if most dps players in your squad would think this way, good luck doing Samarog or other CC heavy fights. I am definitely ready to kick people from my squad who are so egoistical to make the fight harder for everyone else because they refuse to do mechanics.

On 11/20/2023 at 1:54 AM, Monarch.7241 said:

I also believe all those regen supportive things should be removed from both vindicator forms, his spells look like this is designed to be another boon support which is kinda boring.

This is an incredibly narrow minded, PvE focused view. Support Vindicator (and even DPS Vindicator) makes very good use of the supportive aspects of the build in WvW. Why do you think this is a problem at all? No one expects the DPS Vindi in PvE to provide regeneration. You could do it, but there's usually no need. Alliance stance is literally designed to be able to be both damage focused and supportive by swapping your skills.

On 11/20/2023 at 1:54 AM, Monarch.7241 said:

Its one thing to be limited to do dodges (to perform forced movement)

Except it isn't forced movement... You literally don't move on Vindi by dodging. Unlike Daredevil for example.

Edited by ZenDrake.8316
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