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Heat The Soul fix proposal.


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The new Heat The Soul's problem is the cooldown of the trait and the cooldown of your bursts can very easily get out of sync with each other, so you have situations where HTS is ready but you can't use it because your burst is still on cooldown. So you either delay your bursts and lose a ton of damage, or spam them and lose quickness uptime. The most obvious solution is to remove HTS's cooldown, but that introduces a new problem where Axe can maintain Quickness without any investment into boon duration while losing very little DPS, which is likely the reason HTS has a cooldown to begin with.

I propose adding an additional effect to Heat The Soul; for now let's call it Kindle The Soul. Whenever you trigger Heat The Soul, in addition to boons you also gain Kindle The Soul. Using a Burst skill while you have Kindle The Soul will cause the next Heat The Soul to be automatically triggered. This solves the problem of Bursts and Heat The Soul falling out of sync without making Axe overpowered.

Also please add Might to HTS in PvE, it would really help my solo build.

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It's not just Axe, the current implementation of [Heat the Soul] triggers on your lingering fire fields from Longbow F1, not just on the cast. You can check this just by using a T3 Combustive Shot, it lasts long enough to trigger HTS twice. 

Power qZerk has more problems than HTS's implementation too - you have to juggle Boon duration gear with 100% crit chance for your Decapitate rotation. It's not great.


Your suggestion would be an improvement but it's kind of effectively turning it into a pulsing passive like Harbinger's implementation, which I am not a fan of. I'd rather there be more depth in integrating quickness into the spec - something like 'Gaining Fire Aura grants Quickness to allies'. Ties into the grandmaster King of Fire's effect. 

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15 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Just remove the CD and lower the boon durations...

13 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Reduce the CD to 3.5s.

That should be enough

*Me, already hitting like 1.5k dps above the previous quick berserker marks that I was getting on the banner version with more boon duration than is actually needed and without actually reoptimizing my gear for the pieces I swapped to ritualist*: "Yeah, let's not do that."

Berserker just became one of the strongest condi dps, condi quickness dps, and solo open world builds in the game, y'all.

The problem is, you're trying to think about lining up the ICD perfectly, but if you map out your condi berserker rotation properly, you will pretty much always instantly proc it; so add a small amount of boon duration more than you need and start blasting.

You more than make up for the dps loss from having to run extra concentration by getting your utility skills back. And now you could actually run the banners for their actives and support your group, if need be.

This is one of the few changes from this patch that was implemented rather decently and improves the game, imo. If they need to tweak the numbers slightly later down the line to make it a bit easier for lower-apm players, awesome, but it's crazy strong already as far as I'm aware.

I'm still testing, but I'm pretty sure this change is good.

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1 hour ago, mandala.8507 said:

*Me, already hitting like 1.5k dps above the previous quick berserker marks that I was getting on the banner version with more boon duration than is actually needed and without actually reoptimizing my gear for the pieces I swapped to ritualist*: "Yeah, let's not do that."

Berserker just became one of the strongest condi dps, condi quickness dps, and solo open world builds in the game, y'all.

The problem is, you're trying to think about lining up the ICD perfectly, but if you map out your condi berserker rotation properly, you will pretty much always instantly proc it; so add a small amount of boon duration more than you need and start blasting.

You more than make up for the dps loss from having to run extra concentration by getting your utility skills back. And now you could actually run the banners for their actives and support your group, if need be.

This is one of the few changes from this patch that was implemented rather decently and improves the game, imo. If they need to tweak the numbers slightly later down the line to make it a bit easier for lower-apm players, awesome, but it's crazy strong already as far as I'm aware.

I'm still testing, but I'm pretty sure this change is good.

--> Condi <--

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41 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

--> Condi <--

There's an axe/axe + axe/warhorn power variant that wouldn't be half bad, but I'm just far too lazy to get good enough at the decapitate spam build to test it out myself. Like honestly, it's not bad and would be super easy to buff up via warhorn to balance out the disparity between the power and condi variants. Even with my boomer hands just messing around, I got over 21k on it while significantly overcapping quickness, and I couldn't even get within 8k of the power berserker dps benchmark from last patch (I didn't give it an honest try, to be fair to myself, but it's just not how I like to play gw2).

Like I'm saying, this is a workable change that with a few numbers tweaks could be a great improvement to the way warrior provides quickness.

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24 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

There's an axe/axe + axe/warhorn power variant that wouldn't be half bad, but I'm just far too lazy to get good enough at the decapitate spam build to test it out myself. Like honestly, it's not bad and would be super easy to buff up via warhorn to balance out the disparity between the power and condi variants. Even with my boomer hands just messing around, I got over 21k on it while significantly overcapping quickness, and I couldn't even get within 8k of the power berserker dps benchmark from last patch (I didn't give it an honest try, to be fair to myself, but it's just not how I like to play gw2).

Like I'm saying, this is a workable change that with a few numbers tweaks could be a great improvement to the way warrior provides quickness.

Why make it so annoying anyway?

Why do they have to be so stingy with the Boon Duration?

Like, would 0,5 to 1s base duration more hurt that much? Would it break anything?

Not really.

Also, why is Warhorn Quickness 2 seconds anyway? Come on now.

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1 minute ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Like, would 0,5 to 1s base duration more hurt that much? Would it break anything?

Not really.

Also, why is Warhorn Quickness 2 seconds anyway? Come on now.

Because numbers are relative, and 0.5 seconds extra for a 5 second ICD is a lot more.

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