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Letz give them Ideas how to improve Arc Divider the right way!


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Yet Arc Divider is just nerft and just not only slightly! Power Berserkers overall DPS Benchmark Drops from about 42k DPS to something Like 39k or even lower (this is only the case if you sweap build to Thief Rune and take the burn on rage skill use traitline instead of how it nowdays would be Played the normal build would drop from 42k to 37k dps). This been said also in Open World this Skill feels ways less rewarding since its overall dmg per use drops by alot. 


Now there are in my eyes only 2 ways to Just make this Skill as good as before or just at least abit better than it now is:


1. Buff its dmg per use to at least 3.0 Power scaling +. This would make sence in some ways. First Off all every Burst Skill we know (Core and Berserkers Burst Skills) dealing 3.0 Power scaling but for some weird reason Arc Divider does only 2.5 so it does not makes sence to use it at all. Also this would straigth Buff the Skill itself and might be enough to compensate at least the lost dps from the old rotation.


2. Set the rework Back and let the Skill be as before. First off all the most part of the Community wanted the old one Back since it was simply more easy to use. Also this would end up in be the same Bench as before maybe a bit lower since the 5% nerf to bloody roar

Edited by Myror.7521
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Thank you for this.

I prefer the option 2.
In my eyes, it is not only the dmg who dropped.
It was the only usable AOE skill from the Greatsword Berserker. Useful in all situations.
One swing just feels wrong, I don't need to activate the berserk mode for that.

I want to have this skill back exactly how it was because nothing was wrong on it and the most usefull skill on the GS.
I did not touch the game anymore since this change, i just hate it.

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@Viper.2436 yea thats just how the whole warr Community want it^^. However as you might have mentioned in some other thraits i rly love the new Version. But all in all im (after some rethinking) Open for booth Variants.


No for real I think i where too hyped to get the old one Back since its all in all the best Version for PvP ^^

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Well, i can not answer which version is the best for pvp, i just don't play enought pvp for that. Maybe you are right and this one is better for Spvp.


As you told already, the whole warr community prefer the old version. I also never saw in an other class forum that this skill is op or something.

I am again on this point on which i asking myself why this change happened and why they don't see that they must turn back this change.

I imply to the developers that this version is better for their own gameplay. Otherwise, there is no reason why this change was not reversed directly.


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  • Increase the radius on Arc Divider
  • Reduce the cast time to 1/2s
  • Reduce the cast time on Hundred Blades to 2.5s
  • Make Blade Trail bounce off of terrain.
  • If the bench is still below 42k then increase the coefficient on Arc Divider
    • Above changes to Arc Divider are assuming no reverts to the animation, the other two changes should happen regardless.
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There's only one way to deal with anti costumer policy's (Anet balance patches) specially obtuse with the warrior class.

Stop paying, you don't need them they need you. 

I'm really done - the inability to balance anything, even pve, the woke story telling and now the almost scam payed content? expansions.

Bye bye good luck and have fun.

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For PvE:

The major problem with GS now is that the GS Loop not only is weak DPS but also too short.
It completely throws off a rotation that was designed for holding permanent berserk uptime during a golem benchmark.

With the new Arc Divider we actually need to use sth like a GS auto chain or GS5 extra to the current loop, for example:
F1, Heal, F1, GS2, GS5, GS4, F1, Swap

because we need the extra time in GS for axe cooldowns to come back. Now the rotation either becomes a complete mess or you fill time in GS by using GS5 extra for example, which just plain sucks.

Axe/Axe Berserker (38.7k+) now benches higher than Greatsword (38.1k+). Greatsword is dead and a complete mess cooldown wise. Its only good for cleaving trash. Congratulations.

Arc Divider now is so bad that F1 heal F1 combos are stronger using Axe (Decapitate 3.0 coefficient) than using GS (Arc Divider 2.5 coefficient) since both skills have near the same cast times with quickness...

Edited by Baseraver.7241
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16 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

GS Burst, Heal,GS Burst, Hundred Blades, GS 4 GS Burst, Weaponsweap does nearly fill the full 5 Seconds (Just need Like 1 second more If your good)

as i said, the GS Loop being so fast at 5s destroys the axe loop later in such a way that it is hurting your dps to extend berserk off CD for permanent berserk during a golem benchmark. I am providing the benchmark for GS zerker fyi

the CDs dont line up perfectly anymore, this whole "make GS loop as fast as possible" is total garbage since we needed GS Loop to be at ~7s for the rotation in axe to line up perfectly, now its just a mess

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18 hours ago, Blackthunder.8679 said:

There's only one way to deal with anti costumer policy's (Anet balance patches) specially obtuse with the warrior class.

Stop paying, you don't need them they need you. 

I'm really done - the inability to balance anything, even pve, the woke story telling and now the almost scam payed content? expansions.

Bye bye good luck and have fun.

Story ain't "woke" dude, it's bad. Woke is good. Right-wing zealotry is blatant foolishness.

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@Baseraver.7241 ah hmm yea that does absolutely makes sence. I think tho A-Net don't want us to compete 3 different spec for the Same role (Power DPS) still its just sad seeing this build drop again since it was the Most satisfying one of all of them (at least in my eyes). As Said still we gain Spellbraker and now an easier to Play Bladesworn since you do not need to stand behind you enemy animore to gain the full profit ^^

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15 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Myror.7521they said themselves that they gonna balance arc divider so DPS stays the same as previous ver of power zerker. Sadly it just takes time...

They really went with poor logic, then. They axed the casting time by half, and the damage by half, which is great if you want to keep an autoattack the same DPS but faster to execute; Arc, however, is balanced by how often you can do it, not by how long it takes to do it.

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@The Boz.2038 yep that is exactly why the Skill is garbage rn and i mean totaly garbage. With a simple Numbers (this is the case in PvE and PvP btw) buff it would at least do somewhat DMG. But the Rotation in PvE instanced build will still gonna feel pretty weird ^^. This just fits better on the old Version 

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16 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Myror.7521they said themselves that they gonna balance arc divider so DPS stays the same as previous ver of power zerker. Sadly it just takes time...

time is not cheap, take it from me i've been waiting for warrior to see real development for years. take it from me and my years of experience with them, they aren't gonna balance kitten.

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@eXruina.4956 the thing is they did improve Warrior thats why all 3 specs where able to Deal 40K+ DPS bench Back then. Still 2 out of 3 will be able to do this exact Thing. Only thing where (Not warr complete but) Power Warrior struggles is PvP (and maybe WvW now). They simply reworked and nerfed every good Ressource a Power warr get to Deal dmg (CCs and Burst skills, while CC makes sence to deal no dmg they still not compensate its Power loss somewhere else but also nerfed GS and Axe bursts by alot instead of let them as they used to be). Last but not least if we want to be able to Play Power warr for real again we might need to see Arc Divider, Decapitate, Eviscerate, Breaching Strike to deal acutually rly good dmg again.

Edited by Myror.7521
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5 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@eXruina.4956 the thing is they did improve Warrior thats why all 3 specs where able to Deal 40K+ DPS bench Back then. Still 2 out of 3 will be able to do this exact Thing. Only thing where (Not warr complete but) Power Warrior struggles is PvP (and maybe WvW now). They simply reworked and nerfed every good Ressource a Power warr get to Deal dmg (CCs and Burst skills, while CC makes sence to deal no dmg they still not compensate its Power loss somewhere else but also nerfed GS and Axe bursts by alot instead of let them as they used to be). Last but not least if we want to be able to Play Power warr for real again we might need to see Arc Divider, Decapitate, Eviscerate, Breaching Strike to deal acutually rly good dmg again.

lol, congratulations then and good luck.


i'm not here to convince you, big, strong warrior that you are.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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