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Our Daily Arc Divider post.


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At this point, I'm more annoyed about the people that seemingly can't understand why Warriors are so against this change, then the change itself. 

For casuals, Arc Divider was that awesome toy to play with. One of the only skills in the game that was actually flashy to look at and fun to use. Which is especially true for Warrior, who is lacking in that department. 

For PvP players, Arc Divider added Utility. Most of Warriors Powerbudget comes from our Burst and related traits. More specifically, hitting our enemy with our bursts. 

Most burst skills have the weakness of being a single hit. Making it weak against blocks, blinds and others. 

The 3 Hits and large radius helped us with this issue. 


And most importantly, why was the change made in the first place? Just so the 5 power berserkers that run raids have a slightly better rotations? 

If that even became true, atleast I could be happy for these players getting something but as it seems, Anet ducked it up for them too. 

So, nobody it happy. 



Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Old Arc Divider is fun yes. Personally Berserker in general isn't my playstyle as I'm more of a "calculated" Spellbreaker enjoyer, but when I wanna mow something down in Open World, Arc Divider was amazing. Now it's just an awkward Arcing Slice, which if I want something like that, I might as well go back to Spellbreaker or even Core.

Edited by NeverLoseGuy.3894
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If you can't understand that doing 2k a hit on a skill that you can easily put quickness and stab on, for three hits, where any of those hits can proc the traits you need to live or continue fighting, is better than a hail mary yolo chance of doing 6k to someone after a 3/4's second cast on one hit, where there are several easily accessible conditions or boons that can come up with no warning and negate that hit, you haven't played berserker long enough.

Sometimes (I would even venture to say more often than not, almost every time), chewing through a defense, eating a blind at the cost of 33% of your damage (instead of all of it), forcing an evasion or defensives that you're watching, or deleting clones is better than surprising someone with 6k damage. If they were surprised at the red warrior in their midst hitting hard, there's already something dreadfully wrong,

If you wanna yolo 1hit just use arcing slice. You have access to it.


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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6 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

The thing is new Arc Divider is now even bader than Arcing slice since it does not gain ya any Fury.... This is pretty weird btw cause it makes Power Berserker using a Fury trait instead of the dmg or Defence one 

You know the Core Burst? 

How about we strip all of it that makes it unique and add a bit of dmg? 

Let call it a Primal Burst because it's prehistoric design. 

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@DanAlcedo.3281 Well the core burst skill is still less ranged and does also ways less dmg against targets above 50% life so it does makes sence to call something like the new Arc divider a primal burst. However its still missing a boon that warrior hardly need to deal dmg. So in this case its (in its current state) weaker than the core burst Version indeed^^

Edited by Myror.7521
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@Viper.2436 He is not even right heart and Soul might be the reason why we don't have Fury on Arc Divider. So instead of using Arc Divider + Bloody reaction (for more dmg) or Dead or Alife (for more self Defence) we just use heart and Soul (for the shake of get access to a boon that should be baseline on Arc Divider). This is just a hard not needed nerf though boon access means a direct nerf to the whole Power Berserker xD.


Also spellbraker could still easy slap Power bersi xd! (Not while use Mace shield but yea playing Mace shield is also not tha best thing cause it will do no dmg at all compared to everything else)

Edited by Myror.7521
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I removed all my warrior's gear. It will collect birthday presents and be additional bank space until the change is reverted (if it is). The new arc divider doesn't require an adjustment of point of view, it is an overall loss for the class. If they wanted to nerf Berserker, they could have nerfed it and it would have been fine. But no, they had to go and delete the fun button.

If they changed Dragon Trigger - Force this drastically, do you think people would be downplaying that change as much as they have been for Berserker's Arc Divider?


When Arc Divider was added to the game, it was a close-to-zero cast time single hit and was generally pretty fun. When Arc Divider got changed in 2017 to a slower single hit, everyone hated it but some adjusted. When it got the 3 hit animation in 2019, everyone loved it. Now in 2023, the animation is even slower than the 2017 animation and is also back to being a single hit?


Why is it that this skill has to be the target of all the power berserker changes? Why couldn't you leave it as is and nerf some axe skills or multipliers on the trait line? Or lower the damage in pvp? It was the one skill that felt good on Warrior Greatsword. Why not take some power from the trait line and move it onto Hundred Blades? Or rework GS5 to have a sensible animation (or maybe even hit more than one target, or even be ground targeted?) Why take the cool big sword that feels bad to play other than one skill and make the whole thing feel bad to play?

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Oh and there are 5 total logs (1 is a duplicate, so 4 runs) for berserker on HTCM in wingman as of the patch and zero clears. 2 players have taken Berserker into HTCM since the patch with wingman uploads. Last patch (though it lasted 2 months) had 1886 logs.


Please undo this change...

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50 minutes ago, BANNED.9527 said:

When Arc Divider was added to the game, it was a close-to-zero cast time single hit and was generally pretty fun. When Arc Divider got changed in 2017 to a slower single hit, everyone hated it but some adjusted. When it got the 3 hit animation in 2019, everyone loved it. Now in 2023, the animation is even slower than the 2017 animation and is also back to being a single hit?

this, the only real criticism people ever had of the original arc divider was that it was so similar to arcing slice, it was a new expansion and people had expectations to see something new, the speed and power though, was real.


you didn't need 3 traitlines of damage for it to be significant. warrior was not thirsting for damage back in the day, in fact damage was warrior's class identity, making up for the flaws they shipped with it.


when they reworked arc divider and introduced the 3-hit arc divider we knew and loved. man it embodied what berserker was all about, fast, powerful, exhilarating. 💪🔥


not even close to this slow !?@# kitten that hits for fluff people are lamenting of losing now. 🤣

Edited by eXruina.4956
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On 7/7/2023 at 2:31 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

And most importantly, why was the change made in the first place? Just so the 5 power berserkers that run raids have a slightly better rotations? 

I run (or used to) power berserker in raids and I'll take a slightly worse rotation with a cool skill that makes me feel the happy chemicals over doing 10% more damage on the one skill.

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On 7/7/2023 at 11:43 PM, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Been absolutely slapping people with 5 digit dividers in PvP personally. Feels good to actually land the skill in a good moment and be rewarded. The current version promotes clever usage and boon comboing instead of just mindless pressing.

Okay, but you'll lose that skill to mindless aegis and/or blind every single time. 

Not many classes need to be clever with those applications.


5 digit dividers in PvP personally.

5 digits? It has a lower coeff than decap. You hitting glass core eles?

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have used warrior as pve main with greatsword since day 1 and accumulated 9600+ hours on it, but with every day found it increasingly harder to be wanted in fractal/raid/strike groups, who usually would prefer boon dpsers and other classes that bring extra support/synergy buffs to the group. Doing bosses you constantly have to move away from them in order to do certain mechanics and just a sitting duck doing nothing for half of the time. At this point the only viable option of using warrior was playing open world, but since you get punished everywhere for being a melee class, only okish dps was balancing it. But now there's absolutely not a single reason to be playing it. If you took a look, you'd realize that 90%+ of players are ranged classes. This said, melee in pve already was garbage due to many reasons that doesn't let you effectively deal constant dmg, so I personally switched to an mesmer last year and don't even regret it. Best choice I ever made in this game. It will obliterate everything on your screen with perm condi spam, especially if you learn to properly choose your targets (usually mobs that are way further) for that massive aoe dmg. Also it's super easy to play and it feels that my efficiency improved nearly double due to several abilities that lets you do much more for your team and actually being able to carry in many instances. GG anet for killing warrior just as you did support guard in wvw on which I got to 6k rank and never touched since that nerf. Keep it up!

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