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Can you please limit the matchmaking system to tier rank


Fix the matchmaking  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Choices

    • I would rather fight people of the same tier, so that skill levels are similar, even if I have to wait longer for a game
    • I don't care who I fight, I just want fast games
    • Im a plat player who likes to duo and win games against people with less skill, becuase titles are more important then competitive game play

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40 minutes ago, razaelll.8324 said:

i did and i gave you 2 reasons why i dont believe that will happen also another community manager gave you information of a test performed which actually had more negative impact than positive which furtur prove why we first need more players and then restrict the matchmaking (but if we have mroe players the MM with automaticly make much more quality matches without restrictions because its desined this way you can check the WIKI). I already told you that multiple times, so please read carefully the posts.


What you learn depends on you and how do you analyze the situation. Nobody can teach you anything no matter the match making if you are not willing to learn  and if you are willing to learn you have enough instruments to do so.

I have read carefully, and respectfully, you are closed minded in this specific case. If people have the option to opt into a ''que with same rank tier'' (or something very close to it) then that is not an all or nothing. Im sure many will opt in.. but I am also sure many people simply never have, or will care about high team work (or rank), and will prefere fast games. The issue you keep ignoring is that some specs will never reach plat, and some people are happy with that, and will be happy to que with whoever. Some people pvp just to go 1v1, again with no care of team work or rank. Some just do dailys, others do it purely for fun of just being in pvp. There are plenty of people who don't care, and will just want fast games. You are being an all or nothing person.. this is not an all or nothing suggestion.. and it does not reflect past ''data''.


Since you mention data, so far 41 people would like to only play with similar skill level. 24 people don't care (assuming the plat responses are not trolls). Why can't both have their option?


Btw, not being closed minded comes with the distinct benefit of adapting an idea. You make some valid points about attracting more players, and that is easy. Announce new spvp maps/modes, and also announce the new ''optional'' ranking system.


The incentive for the developers is also easy (And I think they have been extremely short sighted). I have baught 3 expantions just to unlock specialisations for pvp. I will not buy the next one to unlock weapons, becuase the way spvp and the ranking system is being ran.. is shocking. I would not have baught the expantions knowing what I know now. However, I would buy the weapons expantion if they actaully put some meaningfull effort into pvp. Am I just the exception?



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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I have read carefully, and respectfully, you are closed minded in this specific case. If people have the option to opt into a ''que with same rank tier'' (or something very close to it) then that is not an all or nothing. Im sure many will opt in.. but I am also sure many people simply never have, or will care about high team work (or rank), and will prefere fast games. The issue you keep ignoring is that some specs will never reach plat, and some people are happy with that, and will be happy to que with whoever. Some people pvp just to go 1v1, again with no care of team work or rank. Some just do dailys, others do it purely for fun of just being in pvp. There are plenty of people who don't care, and will just want fast games. You are being an all or nothing person.. this is not an all or nothing suggestion.. and it does not reflect past ''data''.


Since you mention data, so far 41 people would like to only play with similar skill level. 24 people don't care (assuming the plat responses are not trolls). Why can't both have their option?


Btw, not being closed minded comes with the distinct benefit of adapting an idea. You make some valid points about attracting more players, and that is easy. Announce new spvp maps/modes, and also announce the new ''optional'' ranking system.


The incentive for the developers is also easy (And I think they have been extremely short sighted). I have baught 3 expantions just to unlock specialisations for pvp. I will not buy the next one to unlock weapons, becuase the way spvp and the ranking system is being ran.. is shocking. I would not have baught the expantions knowing what I know now. However, I would buy the weapons expantion if they actaully put some meaningfull effort into pvp. Am I just the exception?



Respectfully , but i am not close minded, I am simply saying why i think this wont have a positive impact if its done now, but if they decide to try it out do it lets see i hope that i am wrong, simply the similar cases (ff14, lost ark) , show that such restriction didnt led to improvement but had negative impact. In summery i totally agree that limited brackets in MM would be the best case and i would be very happy if that happens, just the data shows that in the current state of the population it is more likely that this change would have more negative impact than positive.

We both agree that matching broze with plat is not okay. For me that is nto such a problem, but i totally agree that it would be much better for the game in general if everybody is matched with people with close MMR. 
Your proposal is to restrict MM - this will lead to more balanced matches , but in the current state there is high chance of actually having negative impact because it will drastically increase queue times especially for higher rank. Then you propose the flexibility to choose , but this has the same potential problem.
My proposal is to firstly increase the population by addressing other major problems, and then restrict the MM when we have big enough pvp playerbase.

I am not all or nothing person just i am proposing something which i believe have higher chance to lead to improvement, thats it. But I am all up for any type of change and test because something has to be done or the pvp will just simply continue to die. Restricting the MM now to me looks like a bandage to a much bigger issue and it wont save pvp in my opinion if we dont start bringing more people into pvp and the main reasons because of which people started leaving pvp was not unbalanced matches , because as i said before when the playerbase was much higher the matches were balanced with people with very close MMR, but issues as botting , match manipulating , win trading, class balance made the player base quit which led to the bracket problem.

Edited by razaelll.8324
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1 hour ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

I know how a matchmaker functions, thank you very much. You basically saying: Yes it was a Problem, but it did not affect me and the following lower Player numbers are unrelated to that. That is not an argument, it is wishful thinking. It is all nonono don't touch me, please manifest new player out of thin air, who are willing to deal with that BS.
The statement about fairer matches being bad and not affecting Match quality from a dev 8(?) years ago, can you put where the sun doesn't shine.

Thats not what i am saying at all thats why i asked you to read again carefully . Let me summarize it for you, i agree that it would be much better to matchmake people with very close MM this will lead to higher quality matches , I believe that the solution which you propose is not good at the moment and will have more negative impact than positive, I gave you the data which makes me believe that  and i propose different solution to the same problem, maybe i didnt chose the best words to express my opinion and i am sorry for that but, lets not become toxic ,  lets try to have more constructive conversation on the topic

Edited by razaelll.8324
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2 hours ago, razaelll.8324 said:

Respectfully , but i am not close minded, I am simply saying why i think this wont have a positive impact if its done now, but if they decide to try it out do it lets see i hope that i am wrong, simply the similar cases (ff14, lost ark) , show that such restriction didnt led to improvement but had negative impact. In summery i totally agree that limited brackets in MM would be the best case and i would be very happy if that happens, just the data shows that in the current state of the population it is more likely that this change would have more negative impact than positive.

We both agree that matching broze with plat is not okay. For me that is nto such a problem, but i totally agree that it would be much better for the game in general if everybody is matched with people with close MMR. 
Your proposal is to restrict MM - this will lead to more balanced matches , but in the current state there is high chance of actually having negative impact because it will drastically increase queue times especially for higher rank. Then you propose the flexibility to choose , but this has the same potential problem.
My proposal is to firstly increase the population by addressing other major problems, and then restrict the MM when we have big enough pvp playerbase.

I am not all or nothing person just i am proposing something which i believe have higher chance to lead to improvement, thats it. But I am all up for any type of change and test because something has to be done or the pvp will just simply continue to die. Restricting the MM now to me looks like a bandage to a much bigger issue and it wont save pvp in my opinion if we dont start bringing more people into pvp and the main reasons because of which people started leaving pvp was not unbalanced matches , because as i said before when the playerbase was much higher the matches were balanced with people with very close MMR, but issues as botting , match manipulating , win trading, class balance made the player base quit which led to the bracket problem.

The issue with ff14 is the pvp is just not good, and last I checked, the self healing was broken AF. Reducing pvp populations can't just be assigned to 1 thing. Also, it depends how the matchmaking was implimented.


I know what you are getting at, but I do beleive that the matchmaking system (Can I say MMS) at current is such a huge problem, that it is one of the key reasons people leave pvp, or become trolls/selfish players which then entices others to leave. The other key factor (and probably more of an issue) is the amount of broken or toxic specs. The problem is, Gw2 has some serious mechanical flaws that would make this game very difficult to balance, such as the mass amount of AOE dmg, AOE CC, AOE healing and AOE mitigation. Those issues will not be fixed any time soon if at all, yet MMS changes can reduce a lot of the toxicity in pvp, for multiple reasons. There will always be some spec to moan about in class based pvp.. that is a given, but arguing over things like plats vs silvers/low gold in a ranked game is something we shouldn't even be discussing, it should never have been a possibility under any circumstance. The other issues you mentioned would have only effected certain elos, or would not have been possible with a restricted MMS. Bots for example would much more likely sink to bronze, along with AFKers.. where they would no longer be match made with silver, certainly not gold. I was 1 game off getting into G3 not so long ago, and I watched a bot (I hope it was a bot) run to our near, which we had control of, and just stand there. We lost that game, and thats when I realised rank means nothing, their is no escaping newbs, bots, afters from lower ranks.. so why bother trying to get to a high enough rank to avoid it.


If higher end players begin leaving the game becuase of restrictions, more people from gold would climb into low plat to fill the void, I think you are underestimating how many people currently in gold and even silver, are actually low plat standard, but are being screwed over by the matchmaking. I think it would actually be gold tier that has the longest wait times initially.. since many will sink to their true silver level (not being carried) and many will climb to their true low plat level (not being dragged down). Getting into gold is not hard, team work alone is enough to win most games.. and those who teamwork, will rise fast out of silver, where I will be waiting. I am toxic in this game I won't lie, I cannot stand selfish players, but anybody tried to peel for me, or picks me up, always gets a TY,  and a lot more of my healing/support effort. I wan't to play with players like that regularly.. not just 1 in 10 games.



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2 hours ago, razaelll.8324 said:

Thats not what i am saying at all thats why i asked you to read again carefully

You said it happened rarely in the past, but it was not a big deal. Which I just disagree with. If faker shows up in my gold Promos in lol, I gonna leave the game simple as that. Your "data" about ff14 is not convincing. I just have no knowledge about it, to have an informed discussion about it. I'm in no mood to research it to talk about a tangent. Waiting 7 min in Q is fine by me. If I rank into plat, I still rather have 20 min Q instead of the clown fiesta we have now.

2 hours ago, razaelll.8324 said:

Let me summarize it for you, i agree that it would be much better to matchmake people with very close MM this will lead to higher quality matches , I believe that the solution which you propose is not good at the moment and will have more negative impact than positive, I gave you the data which makes me believe that  and i propose different solution to the same problem, maybe i didnt chose the best words to express my opinion and i am sorry for that but, lets not become toxic ,  lets try to have more constructive conversation on the topic

I didn't meant to be toxic, but to be concise and candid a little rudeness can't be avoided. I will try to be as polite as I can.
The class swapping, won't affect new players. If you don't know how the meta works and barley can play a single Profession it is just a Quality of life feature, so you can q on any Character without worries. It is uncompetitive, but that affects only People who have tight grasp on the meta and the countless hours invested to play multiple Professions on a High level. The idea that class swapping hinders the Popularity of the Game mode, is born from the overinvestment the higher rated Players have in the game. After the hundreds or thousands of hours invested player like yourself lose the perspective what affects new Players. This overinvestment and the assumption other player should follow suit distorts players perspective of the real Problem the game faces. While more frequent Balance Patches would be appreciated, their impact on the lowers tiers is less then you think, thanks to the focus on high level play. That is because casual Gameplay just differs from the High Apm, meta centric play of the top tiers, where Players are skilled capped. Besides easy to use Value buffs, the affect of changes is far less then you would think. Dragon Hunter with it easy to use traps is a prime example for how Balance affect different tiers. Still an almost oppressive pick that can swing games as high as silver 2 or 3. Probably a very suboptimal pick in Plat 1.
Lack of content, bots and to a lesser extent more frequent, more thought out Balance Patches are resource intensive solution. I fear Anet don't plan to utilize these for cost reason. I also suspect balance Devs that collect opinions from Pro players on discords to so in part because of a time crunch. That biased feedback acquisition naturally leads to a blind spot. That blind spot being the skill level new or casual Player occupy. That does in my opinion lead to the game mode being less popular then it should be, if this Blind spot wouldn't exist. The Devs often times are pretty invested player themselves, worsening the Problem further.
I wholeheartedly agree that Duo Q is a problem, I just disagree that the generous range of the matchmaker is a lesser Problem. You may disagree, but I suspect you are somewhere in Plat. A elo range where the too big range is a lesser Problem, if not flat out beneficial. Someone who is currently ranked lower then their peak, may be able to handle the trickle of higher players. Player who reached their peak below plat are stuck the rest of the season in a cycle of swingy, uncompetitive games. Many will sooner or later choose to leave PvP behind, like many Players before them. Problems that are worsen by alts and other form of match maker manipulation like duo Q.
This Problem of players ending up in a Position they can't affect the game got recognized by the top warrior NA(as I was told). Not as a dangerous sign for the health of the game, but an hindrance to his rank climb as his "useless team mates" can't affect the game state and fighting such Matches is apparently unfavorable from a rank point perspective. The conclusion of the highly upvoted thread was that some low skilled players are unfairly boosted by the system and should be somehow stopped from getting easy rank points. Multiple Players stating they are in Games were halve the the team has virtually no affect on the game. While I'm sure there is a lot of Ego and hyperbole in these statements, if only part of it is true, it is no wonder People leave PvP.


Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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48 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

The issue with ff14 is the pvp is just not good, and last I checked, the self healing was broken AF. Reducing pvp populations can't just be assigned to 1 thing. Also, it depends how the matchmaking was implimented.


I know what you are getting at, but I do beleive that the matchmaking system (Can I say MMS) at current is such a huge problem, that it is one of the key reasons people leave pvp, or become trolls/selfish players which then entices others to leave. The other key factor (and probably more of an issue) is the amount of broken or toxic specs. The problem is, Gw2 has some serious mechanical flaws that would make this game very difficult to balance, such as the mass amount of AOE dmg, AOE CC, AOE healing and AOE mitigation. Those issues will not be fixed any time soon if at all, yet MMS changes can reduce a lot of the toxicity in pvp, for multiple reasons. There will always be some spec to moan about in class based pvp.. that is a given, but arguing over things like plats vs silvers/low gold in a ranked game is something we shouldn't even be discussing, it should never have been a possibility under any circumstance. The other issues you mentioned would have only effected certain elos, or would not have been possible with a restricted MMS. Bots for example would much more likely sink to bronze, along with AFKers.. where they would no longer be match made with silver, certainly not gold. I was 1 game off getting into G3 not so long ago, and I watched a bot (I hope it was a bot) run to our near, which we had control of, and just stand there. We lost that game, and thats when I realised rank means nothing, their is no escaping newbs, bots, afters from lower ranks.. so why bother trying to get to a high enough rank to avoid it.


If higher end players begin leaving the game becuase of restrictions, more people from gold would climb into low plat to fill the void, I think you are underestimating how many people currently in gold and even silver, are actually low plat standard, but are being screwed over by the matchmaking. I think it would actually be gold tier that has the longest wait times initially.. since many will sink to their true silver level (not being carried) and many will climb to their true low plat level (not being dragged down). Getting into gold is not hard, team work alone is enough to win most games.. and those who teamwork, will rise fast out of silver, where I will be waiting. I am toxic in this game I won't lie, I cannot stand selfish players, but anybody tried to peel for me, or picks me up, always gets a TY,  and a lot more of my healing/support effort. I wan't to play with players like that regularly.. not just 1 in 10 games.



I understand completely i want to play with more players which you described too.

FF14 pvp is nto the best thats true the game is designed for PvE not PvP, but still the problem with MM really shines there because of the low pvp population, i played a lot of PvP there too and once i get to plat the season is over because i cannot get even 1 game so i play unranked instead thats not a desirable outcome either. Also same thing happend in Lost ark too. It started good the pvp was active, once everybody figured out the meta , people started asking for nerfs buffs etc, people discovered ways to win trade and that started killing ranked pvp, then when the playerbase became low enough the MM started making unbalanced matches by match making low tier with high tier , the devs never addressed any of the issues so the pvp died and now it locks that the whole game is dead too 😄

Again You might be right and that change might actually bring more people back, i am just expressing my concern that this change potentially can have a negative impact instead of positive too and the in my opinion that is more likely.

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12 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

You said it happened rarely in the past, but it was not a big deal. Which I just disagree with.

well here i speak from my experiance only. I play on EU which has higher playerbase than NA, and 2 years ago when i was playing i personally very rarelly had matches which had even 1 bracket difference for example gold 2-3 with palt1-2, almost all of my matches where with people in the same bracket (gold with gold, palt with plat and etc). Also the top 250 had much higher rank than now, if i remember correctly you had to be around high plat 2 in order to be in top 250.



15 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Your "data" about ff14 is not convincing.

Its an example of a similar case as gw2 but with restricted matchmaking and the case is not very good, as i said once your reach plat you just no matches and the season ends pretty much if its not the first few days of the season. Big problem there is that there is no rating decay so players just sit their rating and never queue id its not nesesery which is another big problem for high rating players.



19 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

The class swapping, won't affect new players. If you don't know how the meta works and barley can play a single Profession it is just a Quality of life feature, so you can q on any Character without worries. It is uncompetitive, but that affects only People who have tight grasp on the meta and the countless hours invested to play multiple Professions on a High level

i personally disagree , i started swaping classes 2 weeks after i started pvp, i learned how to play easy classes as core condi necro, power reaper, core shout support guardian so i started swaping depending on what was needed for the team. So in my opinion this starts affecting you quite early and becomes a point of frustration quite early.



21 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

While more frequent Balance Patches would be appreciated, their impact on the lowers tiers is less then you think

that is true, but that is a change which will be highly appropriated by higher tier players and also more higher tier players will come back, the changes which i propose are not focused on new players specificly but also geting old players back, i dont know why exactly are you talking only for new players .



24 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

I wholeheartedly agree that Duo Q is a problem, I just disagree that the generous range of the matchmaker is a lesser Problem. You may disagree, but I suspect you are somewhere in Plat. A elo range where the too big range is a lesser Problem, if not flat out beneficial.

i am gold 1 currently, as i said i came back recently so i have to learn the new specs and the new meta.


25 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Player who reached their peak below plat are stuck the rest of the season in a cycle of swingy, uncompetitive games. Many will sooner or later choose to leave PvP behind, like many Players before them

yes thats true, i completely agree with that, the only thing which we didnt agree is the solution. But as i said let them try it it better than not doing nothing because the pvp will die if nothing changes.


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21 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

No, I say the top 200 leeches of the Player base via the matchmaker. 

That is... lol these are just words. At one point coping too hard with your inability to get into the top 200 derailed you. Dude noone cares if you can or not, it's not important. Just play the game on your level and enjoy it if you can. If you can't, log off!

21 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

I can't even talk about the top 250 because there are not enough plats to fill the leaderboard anymore. It is a Joke. Nobody gonna play the game you have invested so much time in, when the Matches are so out of balance. Simple as that. You can accept that, or play in your own filth for a year maybe two.

So seems to be the problem is a chronic lack of players. Now will the proposed solution of this thread help with that? I think the anwer is an obvious no, I stated my reasons for that. Would be fun to engange with those instead?

9 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Have you ever considered that more people would play, or return to spvp if the matchmaking system wasn't such a pointless joke that only truly benefits plat duo que dodgers chasing meaningless titles for internet ipeen (think I got that right)?

Lmao you think people would return...
"Look honey, I know we're supposed to celebrate our engagement and your family is traveling all the way out here, but you see game X changed the one thing I got frustrated with 3 years ago, so I don't think I'm coming to our party tonight!"

Happens all the time, many such cases.

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I would rather wait longer than the current situation where nine out of ten times I get a random team with first timer against a random group of super-experienced people. It's no fun for me, and it's definitely no fun for the other people as they never play against equally skilled opponents and are instead tasked with scaling a virtual wall, that makes them feel frustrated, and then they quit, and I doubt it's much fun for the other team either since they have a complete harvest fest instead of a reasonable match.

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28 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Lmao you think people would return...
"Look honey, I know we're supposed to celebrate our engagement and your family is traveling all the way out here, but you see game X changed the one thing I got frustrated with 3 years ago, so I don't think I'm coming to our party tonight!"

It's telling that you have to craft a strawman to have an argument you can counter. That and participating in PvP when you're playing are two different things.

Besides, people who're new, have no knowledge of what to do, and are placed against players who do know what to do will quit in frustration. Participating in PvP is an activity and like all activities, the theory of the Zone of Proximal Control (ZPD) explains how performing an activity works, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_of_proximal_development. There's no debate, there are no opinions, this is established scientific theory within developmental psychology, and I wish so hard that ANet would hire someone like a person with an occupational therapy degree with knowledge of the ZPD and psychological phenomenology to help them out with the general design of how things would work while other people did the numbers.

Though they would have an uphill battle ahead of them as there are so many systems in GW2 that work counter to all established theories.

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3 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

That is... lol these are just words. At one point coping too hard with your inability to get into the top 200 derailed you. Dude noone cares if you can or not, it's not important. Just play the game on your level and enjoy it if you can. If you can't, log off!

A lot of false nerd assumption going on. Why the kitten would I care about top 200?XDWhat is important to me are balance matches. How rotten is your brain that you assume my plea for fairer game is to give me an advantage to rank up. I feel every third Post I need to remember people to touch grass.

3 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

So seems to be the problem is a chronic lack of players. Now will the proposed solution of this thread help with that? I think the anwer is an obvious no, I stated my reasons for that. Would be fun to engange with those instead?

Could you please remind me of these good reasons. I have some vague memory of "pls don't give q times", a questionable 8 year old quote of of a dev and some cope about fairer matches are unrelated to the popularity and new Players should manifest out of thin air. Probably some wishful thinking how Anet should invest a lot of resources to do something.
Reducing the range will help. Nobody wants to play unbalanced game, your opinion is based on self interest not fact.

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6 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Nobody wants to play unbalanced game, your opinion is based on self interest not fact.

Is there anyone here who's opinion isn't? We are literally talking about why someone plays a game when it comes to reasons to potentially quit. Self interest is the fact here my dude.
This thread started because you guys have a self interest: avoiding the top players. 

6 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

A lot of false nerd assumption going on. Why the kitten would I care about top 200?XDWhat is important to me are balance matches. How rotten is your brain that you assume my plea for fairer game is to give me an advantage to rank up. I feel every third Post I need to remember people to touch grass.

I don't want to assume, but you're making it really hard. If someone asked me the definition of cope, this is what I'd show them. The more context we add the worse it gets: you are not in the top 200, you have delusional takes about the top 200 just existing, you throw support behind anything that would hurt them, but of course you do not care... if this isn't cope then what is? Of course I don't know whats in your head, maybe you've reached tranqility in there - appearances can be decieving.
Wanting to make the game better would be one thing, but you guys literally just want to hurt players you don't like... and even that would come back and nip you in the bud, and PvP would just be even more dead with us gone.

Go ahead and vent all you want about big meaniepants evil nolife pvp baddies all you want, I'm muting this thread for my own good(selfish reasons you know). 🙂


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1 hour ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

I don't want to assume, but you're making it really hard. If someone asked me the definition of cope, this is what I'd show them. The more context we add the worse it gets: you are not in the top 200, you have delusional takes about the top 200 just existing, you throw support behind anything that would hurt them, but of course you do not care... if this isn't cope then what is? Of course I don't know whats in your head, maybe you've reached tranqility in there - appearances can be decieving.
Wanting to make the game better would be one thing, but you guys literally just want to hurt players you don't like... and even that would come back and nip you in the bud, and PvP would just be even more dead with us gone.

My man, you need to go out more. You talk about the 200 like it is your family or nationality or something. Like I want to hurt your people. The loose Matchmaker makes game unbalanced, which is produces bad games. The People on the edges of the population benefit the most, that is why mostly they defend it. Not hard to grasp. I also have a dislike for duo Q for the same reason, is that also an attack on your people? I want PvP to be better, you just seem to want to leech of the corpse as long as you can.
You know how you Queues also get longer? When even more People leave the game, which they do.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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