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What non-nade build is engi meant to use now?


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On 7/13/2023 at 12:36 PM, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Unnerf Elite Morat Kit and Elixir U anet. Actually they could unnerf almost every Holo nerf they've made over the past few years and it still wouldn't be equal to the current power level.

it's just gonna be elixir S + mortar spam, it's gonna be even stronger because it got extra invul. meta is favors range and holo forge is melee, scrapper is more ranged favor


Edited by felix.2386
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Reason why Engineer is like that is because of all the stupid, kittening nerfs from Holosmith days. Idiots pointed at hitting everything except the issues (which has always been grenade), so they tore Engie apart until the finally had hit the holos skills that were op. Used to be my secondary class when Ele wasn't feeling good, but after it got gutted I just stopped. Can't even enjoy it within WvW because Engie just feels like completely garbo. 

But hey 'balance' right? Holo got out of meta and Mechanist hot garbage outside of its on-release moments. It's gonna happen to every other FoTM class until everything feels like crap.

Edited by Dreams.3128
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18 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Its only bad compared to the other kits on engi since they do the same thing in range .

It's not only bad compared to other Engineer skills. It was hot garbage ever since release in PvP. You can look at how big the numbers are on the kit, but that doesn't change the fact, that realisticly you cannot hit your opponent with it. Trust me on this, I did my fair share of theorycrafting with this, and it only ever worked against half afk opponents, or bronzies that think staying on the point, that has pulsing aoe damage, is a wise and noble cause. This kit was never part of any serious PvP build, ever. It is so underused, that the devs didn't even consider putting the damage back on the 3 sec delay skill.

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1 hour ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Reason why Engineer is like that is because of all the stupid, kittening nerfs from Holosmith days. Idiots pointed at hitting everything except the issues (which has always been grenade)

It started way before 'Nade holo became a thing. Ever since holo is out, Core got slapped left and right. Holo does too much damage? Rework explosives dodge-mine trait. Holo has way too much condi cleanse? Nerf Alchemy. Holo has way too high stealth access? Rework Toss Elixir U. Holo has too high quickness uptime? Nerf Tools, rework Toss Elixir U again, and nerf Elixir U. Holo still has too much stealth? Nerf Toss S...

The list goes on and on, ever since PoF release. All of this lead to the point, where core is incredibly underwhelming, and Holo and Scrapper are only good, because the traitline, and extra skills do the heavy lifting. And this is the core issue that Engineer has. Most of its kit (skills and traits both) are either an incoherent mess, or underpowered, because they wanted to balance Holosmith via them, instead of hitting the stuff, that were holo excluse. And now we reached a point, where you either play Grenades, or you handicap yourself, by playing Tools Holo. And God have mercy on your soul, if you want to play anything else.

At this point, it really feels like Grenade kit is the ducttape, holding Engineer in a viable spot. Take that away, and the balance team will have to put in a lot of work, to make different playstyles actually satisfying to play. Which honestly, wouldn't be a bad thing, but I don't see them doing anything drastic, until the dust settles around the expac and weapon mastery.

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Engi could have such an interesting and high skill floor spec.. but what is it now? 5 button scrapper and afk condi mech ;/.


Im also not suprised the game is moving to ranged, avg melee fight is full of necro aoe spam and SB stuns. Who wants to go near that.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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19 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Engi could have such an interesting and high skill floor spec.. but what is it now? 5 button scrapper and afk condi mech ;/.


Im also not suprised the game is moving to ranged, avg melee fight is full of necro aoe spam and SB stuns. Who wants to go near that.

Condi mech? I'm honestly surprised that is even still around in PvP. I sometimes see that in WvW.

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On 7/15/2023 at 6:40 AM, Dreams.3128 said:

Reason why Engineer is like that is because of all the stupid, kittening nerfs from Holosmith days. Idiots pointed at hitting everything except the issues (which has always been grenade), so they tore Engie apart until the finally had hit the holos skills that were op. Used to be my secondary class when Ele wasn't feeling good, but after it got gutted I just stopped. Can't even enjoy it within WvW because Engie just feels like completely garbo. 

But hey 'balance' right? Holo got out of meta and Mechanist hot garbage outside of its on-release moments. It's gonna happen to every other FoTM class until everything feels like crap.

so holo perma stab was ok? old heat therapy that was insanely broken sustain? old enhanced capacity storage unit might duration? old hard light arena duration/ cd? old photon wall launch wall coefficient? rose tinted glasses much?

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29 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

so holo perma stab was ok? old heat therapy that was insanely broken sustain? old enhanced capacity storage unit might duration? old hard light arena duration/ cd? old photon wall launch wall coefficient? rose tinted glasses much?

Now I want you to reread what you said, and then reread what I said. Nowhere in my message said that was okay. If you didn't speed read you would've understood what I said was ENGINEER took NERFS because of HOLOSMITH. The whole of Engineer suffered because of ONE spec. Instead of nerfing those things that were exactly listed, people on this forums told the devs to hit EVERYTHING else and in turn, Engineer has BARELY any stab, HIGH cooldowns, NERFED weapons, and GUTTED traitlines.

Reading comprehension is an important skill, learn to read before assuming people are defending Holo. Jfc. This is the crap I'm talking about right here.

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4 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Condi mech? I'm honestly surprised that is even still around in PvP. I sometimes see that in WvW.

Yeah tbf mechs are always a mixed bag, its either some condi afk bs, glass cannon.. or some weird meme build.


Funny enough, first game tongiht, 3 mechs and 4 necros.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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6 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Condi mech? I'm honestly surprised that is even still around in PvP. I sometimes see that in WvW.

It does okay if you find opponents that don't cleanse at all, which is extremely rare. Sometimes you find some though!

I'm playing so bad in this too lol. Technically a grenade build, but could swap it out for FT or w/e else. It's just tag and run games

Edited by coro.3176
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