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A post from the heart - Massive Post

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On 7/13/2023 at 2:32 AM, The Boz.2038 said:

Nobody wants this.

Even ANet doesn't. They had a whole sea-themed expansion they could have used to redo and revitalize some underwater content.

At this point, making sure very profession works to at least an acceptable minimum standard underwater would be basically expansion-level content, and nobody is excited about it.

Let it die.

I want it.

More importantly though, it just highlights how even EoD wasn't willing to put in the effort of developing "expansion-level" content. And SotO even less so.

Frankly EoD doing practically nothing to improve underwater combat was one of the first major signs that the game was going into "maintenance mode by another name". In any other game the obvious water connection would have invited *some* sort of addressing of underwater combat. Either overhauling it or otherwise totally eliminating it. The fact that ANet did neither is really just a huge failure.

Wrapping up raids is another. We didn't need raids to continue indefinitely, but Cantha really could have used the additional fleshing out that the Crystal Desert benefitted from with raids. Totally skipped over celestials, shiro-ken, yeti, half the map. We may never know how Glenna story ends, nor will the LA Aerodrome ever finish construction. At least the dungeons feel relatively complete, but raids--like underwater combat--just stick out horribly as this unfinished thing that put a cloud over the game's missed/abandoned potential.

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On 7/14/2023 at 12:42 PM, Tachenon.5270 said:

I remember calling it 'non-seasonal temporary content vanishware' on the old forums. Still hard to believe anyone thought that was a good idea.

Seems like it was in the air at the time. Rift released shortly before. Developers were clearly looking at the traditional themepark MMORPG and trying to figure out how to make it feel more alive, more immersive, less on-rails. Rift had their rift outbreaks, GW2 had its dynamic events and LW. MMORPG creators were trying to move the medium forward, though not always successfully.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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I read the entire OP post and I disagree in a lot of the things that were said.. I think that maybe you are nostalgic about a different time in your life and in game?

I mean, the people who started GW2 as teenagers are adults now, with less time to dedicate to exploring and seeing how beautifully crafted the world in game is... or trying to enjoy the game for the sake of fun, not for rewards and progress. As people have less time to dedicate to a game as old game as GW2 is now, they will eventually just want to play specific things that they like, or feel like it is slowly getting better at the game..because if they don't, it will feel like they logged on the game and "did nothing at all". Most people would like to think that they are doing things to have progress and improvement.. so by participating in new contents or going after instanced contents, make them feel like they are getting that, because they earn something new, learn something new and eventually slowly work towards some goal .. like legendary gear for example.

But let's be honest.. the core game didn't have a lot to do at it's release.. if you think of it, there were 8 dungeons, that a lot of people didn't like doing and that you could run all paths in under 3 hours. There was the personal story that could take a week (tops) if you were a very slow player.. Then there was mapping/exploration, leveling new characters, a WvW that was empty due to people still figuring out how to play and PvP that depended on people having knowledge to play to be fun.

So you had to find other ways and reasons to stay in the game until they would come up with something new that you would like to do, which are the same things you mentioned that you miss. Anet makes things for all sort of playstyles and taste..

  • New stories for those who liked GW lore
  • Fractals for those that wanted more challenge than they had in dungeons
  • New areas for people who like to explore or people who likes to do role playing
  • Achievements so you could earn things for your account by yourself instead of just buying with gems
  • Activities for people who doesnt like any of what I mentioned before.. like fishing, adventures, activities (i.e: crab toss)
  • Raids for people who thought that dungeons and fractals were not enough challenge for them
  • LOTS of open world content for casual players or lone wolves who want play the game and still feel part of the world at the same time that they don't want to feel crushed by the meta builds
  • Long and short term goals so you could slowly work on while new content was in the oven.. like maybe working towards a legenday weapon that you like, or collections that reawrds you with new skins that you may like

Nothing really pressures anyone to do anything on GW, there is content for literally everyone.. If they don't add new things, old players will eventually leave, because the world will feel like it stopped in time. You may not enjoy some of the new things that they bring to the table but they always released content for all kinds of players. I don't really think any player enjoys 100% of all the released content..  Also, at some point you said it's exhausting to work on legendaries but that's mainly for QoL and less for the looks..  besides, it's incredibly easy to get gear on GW..why would you feel pressured by something you don't actually need to do anything on the game? Even more the things you said you liked.. ?

Edited by leila.7962
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The game has indeed changed since release, but the truth is that initially Gw2 did lack long term goals and ultimately that was necessary to put some in the long run. The relative fun of individual collections is debatable for sure, I don't really see a problem with things that would take a long time to attain. And personally it's fine if I don't attain everything and reach the end anyways.

The other thing is just that most of this kitten isn't really mandatory for anything. Unlike other games where if you stop grinding and taking a break you can usually step into the latest content and the newest expansions have ways for players to not have to grind previous content too much.

Inventory management is indeed incredibly annoying with bags in bags, as well as the inconsistency of having "consume all" for some stuff and not others. It seems like we repeat the process for every new item.

No comment on story.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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