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Returning Player with HoT and Buying new XPacs

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Hello, I was playing this game since betas and until end of HoT. So I'm planning to return to the game and planning to buy the xpacs. I'm planning the buy PoF, EoD and the new one. Is there a way to buy xpacs without paying again for HoT? Thanks

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As other people have said HoT is included free when you buy PoF (that's why it's the same price to get both of them as to get EoD).

If you buy the Elder Dragon Saga Collection you'll get PoF and EoD for slightly less than it would cost to buy them separately (£43.99 vs £51.98). You most likely don't want to buy the Elder Dragon Saga Complete Collection which comes with Living World season 2 -5 (season 1 is free for everyone). That costs £86.99 but I assume you've already got Season 2 unlocked (and might have some episodes from later seasons if you logged in at all while they were active so it would actually be more expensive for you than buying seasons 3 - 5 in the gem store.

There are currently no bundles which include SotO, if you want that now you'll have to buy it separately. There's a chance the packs available in the store will change at the end of August when SotO comes out, but I don't know for sure and there's no guarantee there will be one which is a better deal for you.

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