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After few hours of playing I would say that it works. I gave up on story with LW and even at start of SOTO I was like not interest, but it got interesting when I got to Hell Breaks Loose. I tested relics in PvP since it is best place for testing stuff and it will be fun. Relic of Speed in WvW will be fun 🤣. Weaponmaster traning is easy to get and it is fun. New map actually work and I actually felt that I explore stuff and not just go from my point to another. Wizard's vault with PvE, PvP and WvW mix is great. I probably forget something, but it is fun.


Of course it is not perfect, but at current time I would give it 8/10. Maybe 9/10, but that need more time for testing and stuff.


PS I will miss my daily WvW and PvP pots.

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There's some good stuff going on.

- The story is fine so far and a bit more grown up

- The maps are pretty

- I like the legendary recipes via collection. That's long overdue. Will counter the arguments against looking things up on wiki

- Weaponmaster was simple to unlock

- A glance at the masteries show some good stuff there

There's some bad stuff going on

- The relics system is missing many old effects. Not one should have been removed. All need restoring asap under the new version. Even the pets

- The wizard's vault needs some tweaking. At the very least a bigger and combined mix of all 3 game modes. Remove the selection check box completely. Bring back login rewards. They compliment the Vault fine and there are zero positives to removing. Adjust rewards if need be to compensate, but shouldn't be needed

- Despite nice looking maps ,they need a bit more going on. Too many lifeless, empty corners. Space should always be filled even with ambience or hidden stuff. Bump it up with sights and sounds. There's very little life in the starting area. More events too

- Story achievements are a bit lacking. I know its probably a very short story, but I expected something like an achievement for hiding from (redacted) and not getting caught before escaping. 


Edited by Randulf.7614
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some Relics don't work (Relic of Speed).  5/10

Wizard's Vault is hella confusing (can I get 20 Clovers a week, a month, for life?) - 5/10

Obsidian Sanctum/Renown Hearts? REALLY??? - 0/10

1g for dailies?! 0/10

story seemed ok but "grind masteries to progress"?! - 6/10

new maps are gorgeous and feel like classic fantasy maps! 9/10

Horn of Magumua?! - 0/10

core Necromancer GS let's kittening go out of the blue without grinding?! - 10/10

female dwarfs! 10/10 would romance ❤️

Edited by Arianth Moonlight.6453
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They are more focused on getting us to grind than wanting us have fun. 

  • The wizard chore system is worse than dailies. 
  • Relics system took away some fun options and I don't see how to get them back yet.
  • Some of the dragon masteries feel like things I've already earned (they claim with a minor upgrades)

Starting to feel too much like WoW.

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16 minutes ago, suialthor.7164 said:

They are more focused on getting us to grind than wanting us have fun. 

  • The wizard chore system is worse than dailies. 
  • Relics system took away some fun options and I don't see how to get them back yet.
  • Some of the dragon masteries feel like things I've already earned (they claim with a minor upgrades)

Starting to feel too much like WoW.

That's really unfortunate.

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9 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

There's some bad stuff going on

- The wizard's vault needs some tweaking. At the very least a bigger and combined mix of all 3 game modes. Remove the selection check box completely. Bring back login rewards. They compliment the Vault fine and there are zero positives to removing. Adjust rewards if need be to compensate, but shouldn't be needed

Selection check boxes is best part. Why would someone need to have WvW or PvP or PvE daily stuff if they do not play it at all? Daily and weekly stuff is so easy to finish. I would prefer for weekly to be actually harder.

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Not really clear how the Wizards Vault works.  Is the 1300 AA cap renewed every 28 days?  Do I have to spend my AA before the cap is reached each cycle?  ..or is it that I just can't own more than 1300 AA and have to spend when I hit this limit to accumulate more?

If they changed the Daily Logins to discourage Alt accounts from being used, I'm not sure they acheived the objective.  140AA can be collected from daily login.  That equates to 15 MCs/28 days (from the WV).  Yeah, we used to get 20 + 55 Laurels +++ but, even at just 15 MCs you'll still pull in 1/3 of the gold value that you did previously.  For me (with 30 Alts) 10 minutes per day = 450 MCs/month so, 5 hours effort = 450g or 90g/hr.  Still way better than farming at 20g/hr so I won't be giving up my Alts just yet.

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10 hours ago, suialthor.7164 said:

They are more focused on getting us to grind than wanting us have fun. 

  • The wizard chore system is worse than dailies. 
  • Relics system took away some fun options and I don't see how to get them back yet.
  • Some of the dragon masteries feel like things I've already earned (they claim with a minor upgrades)

Starting to feel too much like WoW.

Sadly, since i played 2 month of WoW lately i can confirm that it feels that way... which is very disappointing.

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I would like more choices in the missions of the daily or weekly Wizard's-Vault. I think it would be nice to have 4 things to complete in the "daily-section" but i would like to have 6 or so to chose from.
Because, someone who wishes to do them in PvP perhaps dont like playing Tournaments.
The same applies for the other choices. 
PvE--> if someone is bad at JP or dont like Dungeons he is screwed as well, if he cant to them he cant complete his daily. And since players dont have the same dailys anymore your friends may not be able to help you (while only doing their own)
If i would have to guess if you chose WvW to do your dailys you might face the same problem.

For the weekly one you have at least 6/8 you have to do so you have some freedom to chose from. But i think 6/10 would be more player-friendly.

Edited by Actaros.6347
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