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The new daily system is NOT good. Potions of WvW Rewards and Potions of PvP Reward are no longer obtainable by players. WHY?

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46 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

I think we're fighting an uphill battle trying to tell angry people they were not observant and paying attention... it's confused emotes galore for us 😄 Of course, you got a like from me because I'm starting to think it's hilarious people make mistakes because they're not paying attention and then rush to complain about stuff afterwards...

In all honesty, I can see why someone would be annoyed. I don't have a problem with someone being annoyed. But I do have issues with people saying something that was crystal clear wasn't, because it's easier to blame the product. I make mistakes all the time. I try to take responsibility for them.

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Hate the new system, hate the relics (but that's something else).

Hate the riddance of pots. I used them on festivals reward tracks to save some time, now can't do that...

And the fact that you HAVE to do 4 and they're random so even if you'd want to do dailies with let's say a guildie well too bad he doesn't have the same...

Though it is a performance to take a "meeeh" existing system and manage to make it worse.

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4 hours ago, Miporin.3529 said:

Didn't pay attention about this and close the GUI when the windows popped-up, but it wasn't very clear to begin with, no explanation, i just learn it here in the forum.

It would've been better if the options were in a vertical list, none of them selected, and the dialog impossible to be closed without checking at least 1 option. I didn't have an issue with the selection system though, my issue is with the resulting dailies/weeklies themselves. 😄

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There is no base exp increased. At least not according to the patch notes. Some insta reward track progress gain (probably acting like a potion) from the weekly chests in WvW. There I do not care that much. Main gain was from capping a camp every 10 mins and waiting (at maxed participation tier). I fear that the improved gain from the rank up chest in PvP does not make up for the change though.

Imagine one player did the dailies except tournament ... every day. Getting mostly everything with 2 matches. 4 potions a day. 28 a week. Would 14 matches (7 won) give enough boost from a rank up chest (that ones you get pretty slow I think) to make up for the changes? (Similar gain than 28 reward potions?) I doubt it. Need some people to make some calculations and numbers to check on this.

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On 8/23/2023 at 9:24 AM, HellsReapers.3950 said:

The WvW and PvP potions has gone ok but are they gone from Guild Hall upgrades ?  how are people to upgrade GH now with no WvW and PvP potions ?


They removed them from the recipes. This was in the notes.

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14 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

There is no base exp increased. At least not according to the patch notes. Some insta reward track progress gain (probably acting like a potion) from the weekly chests in WvW. There I do not care that much. Main gain was from capping a camp every 10 mins and waiting (at maxed participation tier). I fear that the improved gain from the rank up chest in PvP does not make up for the change though.

Imagine one player did the dailies except tournament ... every day. Getting mostly everything with 2 matches. 4 potions a day. 28 a week. Would 14 matches (7 won) give enough boost from a rank up chest (that ones you get pretty slow I think) to make up for the changes? (Similar gain than 28 reward potions?) I doubt it. Need some people to make some calculations and numbers to check on this.

Yes, I meant the reward track progress gain increase.

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I just noticed I got a meager 500 reward track progress. From the glory rank chest. According to wiki the PvP potions were 250. That means ... just 2 potions. (There were actually 2 instant progress in it so they probably gave 250 each like a potion.) Considering that I might be able to play a lot of days in the old system (getting 4 daily potions and playing only 1-2 matches) to get the rank up chest for the glory rank ... this is pretty underwhelming.

They would need at least to multiply this with 10 or better 20 (giving 10000 reward track progress  on one glor yrank up) to make it work and make up for the potion loss. The wiki says: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Rank

Max 1500 rank points per win, max 500 per loss. Say I play 2 matches (50 percent win rate - which the game aims for) getting an average of 1000 per match. 20k required to get that chest. 10 days = 20k, 20 matches played. And the 40 potions (old system if not doing tournament and getting the the wins + other stuff) would give 250 each,  10000 in total.  Yeah ... the multiplying by 20 that I guessed before doing that estimation ... seems about right.


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On 8/23/2023 at 2:57 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

You clicked on a box that said "You can customize the types of daily you receive below", with 3 boxes, one for PvE, one for WvW and one for PvP. All three are checked. There's a confirm button below this.  If you think that's not clear, and there's no explanation, I don't know what to say, unless you don't know what a daily is in the first place.
But if you know what a daily is, that box and that  explanation is more than sufficient. 

It's okay to close the box without thinking or reading. It's not okay to say that something isn't clear when it would be hard to be clearer.

Please tell me where it "clearly" stated that if I select WvW or PvP I would be locked in to having those be my only way to complete the weekly completion chest instead of them adding optional ways to get the chest? Because I foolishly assumed that it would work the same way it has for years and clicked both those options and got some pretty god awful weeklies for PvP and WvW that I now have to do instead of getting them as options I could ignore.

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On 8/23/2023 at 9:40 AM, Miporin.3529 said:

Didn't pay attention about this and close the GUI when the windows popped-up, but it wasn't very clear to begin with, no explanation, i just learn it here in the forum.

How is it not clear? You literally said you didn't pay attention. It has a pop-up on the center of the screen explaining it all, prompting you to select your preferred game modes for dailies and even makes you confirm it. It explains everything for you, you just decided to actively ignore it, then complain that you don't understand it.

I swear, the majority of complaints about this system comes from people that didn't even bother to look at it first. Like people complaining "I only get 1g now!" without even looking at the astral rewards - wouldn't you know, you can actually get more gold per daily than before. But you can also choose different rewards if you don't care about that 1g. It's literally all around better rewards (with maybe the one negative loss being WvW reward track potions used for Gift of Battle).

Yes, the Vault has some issues like being locked into three dailies, and those are worth discussing - but 80% of the complaints are just people with the comprehension of a toddler.

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On 8/23/2023 at 7:02 AM, nytro.1362 said:

potions of wvw were my main method of getting the hideous gift of battle.

As a passionate wvw player I abused them to help to get the ridiculous amount of clovers for the legendary runes. 2 clovers per repeatable track.

Before I used my stacks to get dungeon currency to buy runes and stuff. I hardly would have the amount of dungeon currency when I just decide to want to have 6 nightmare runes now.

And sometimes I used them to push festival tracks to the end to be done with it. Or new tracks that aren't repeatable to be done with them.

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Not gonna intervene with the discussion itself, but I wanted to share something for those that think they are forced to do PvE, PvP and WvW. 
You are not, first login gave you an option to pick one, 2 or all. This was NOT a final decision.

Directly left from the Daily tab is a cogwheel. Click that to change your choices. They will then reset at the next refresh to your preferences (Eg. old farmilliar Daily Reset for dailies, Mondays for weeklies)

Apparantly this is a bit obscure since I heard a lot of people asking if it was possible to change. Maybe a good UI update would be to remove it from cogwheel and just show those checkboxes on the daily starter page, since that's the first page you see when opening the Vault? Just a thought.

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On 8/23/2023 at 7:02 AM, nytro.1362 said:

potions of wvw were my main method of getting the hideous gift of battle. demanding that we play this game mode is what makes it toxic. I have no desire to play it, so i would do big spender, master of monuments or veteran creature slayer when they came up to earn a couple potions here and there and eventually get enough to click my way to a gift of battle. I did this without interfering with the zerg or hardcore wvw players (unless i happened to get run over by one, which is just soooo fun) I don't like pvp in any game AT ALL and wvw is basically pvp. when you don't know what you are doing, and you don't have a desire to learn because it holds no interest for you, the environment gets toxic fast. the hardcores want the best in their game mode, and i don't even want to be there. so we both lose

Now you have removed my only means of avoiding the abusive environment of wvw for players like me. There needs to be a different method of getting a gift of battle besides wvw.  Anet you seem to think that things that have been in place for 10 years need changing, well how about you change THIS for those of us who have no desire to play wvw. it doesn't have to go away, but there has to be another method of obtaining it.

It's actually worse... First, you could get a gift of battle for 500 of those WvW tokens, then you needed to spend 2400 tokens (80 bottles of 30 tokens each, if you didn't do the dailies), and now you need to spend hours upon hours in a most toxic environment that gives you zero reward, except stress and the urge to press that little cross at the top right of your screen.

I do kind of like the new dailies, but the reward just suck.  I don't understand why they simply didn't add those two bottles (both the PvP and the WvW ones) to the reward center of the Vault.

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