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[Bug] Wizard's Vault contains known, reported, unfixed, and unaddressed bugged content.

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Wizard's Vault Daily assigns content that has long been reported as bugged; and said bugged content has never been explicitly addressed nor acknowledged for prioritisation.

It is clear that the Wizard's Vault Daily system is as good as bugged as it cannot be completed reliably on a daily basis.

There is no possible workaround currently.

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There is a concerning history of bugged content being a requirement in other game features such as collections without being fixed first.

One of the most jarring cases is "Devouring the Brand" which has been bugged since 2012, was said to be fixed in updates, but wasn't, yet it was still used in collections and an earlier iteration of the trait system.

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We definitely need to add WvW defence events to the list of buggy things, because since the removal of participation via wall repairs, it is became visible how screwed up defences are, especially the Tower Defender. For those coming into WvW randomness in those events is a turn-off and most likely those players will switch out WvW the next week from their rotation and concentrate on PvE (and PvP).

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3 hours ago, Blue.3582 said:

This is probably referencing the Valdhertz Crypts Minidungeon not being completable when more players are doing it simultaneously.

Here is the wiki entry regarding some known bugs: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Valdhertz_Crypts_(mini-dungeon)#Notes

Day 1 some players were also cucked over by Spirit Vestibule, not a very fun way to realise just how nasty this new daily system can be.


58 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

We definitely need to add WvW defence events to the list of buggy things, because since the removal of participation via wall repairs, it is became visible how screwed up defences are, especially the Tower Defender. For those coming into WvW randomness in those events is a turn-off and most likely those players will switch out WvW the next week from their rotation and concentrate on PvE (and PvP).

yea, I've been hearing from guild members that WvW can also end up giving some near impossible to clear content, or at least near impossible to clear content if your active gaming hours just aren't "normal" peak hours. A few are switching to PvP now just cause there's an off chance they can find "feeder" matches just to clear dailies.

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Since the start of the new daily system development, it should have taken someone, with almost any level of knowledge of trying to complete dailies in the 3 modes, literally a few minutes to scan the list of dailies and immediately rule out the ones that are effectively impossible to do across a large scale. If you want bonus points, you can spent a couple minutes on each daily to look at the wiki read through the bugs at the bottom of the page. Devs could have sent the list to any number of arenanet partners (with an NDA) and said, "here is a list of dailies in content up to, but not including SotO. Do you think any of them are a really bad idea?" Not, are they hard? or inconvenient?, but are they a really bad idea to have the entire player base try to do at once.

e.g. pve - vistas? gathering? giant metas like Octovine? do X number of events (of your choice) across a zone or region? all great things. Minidungeons, or complete a specific event in a specific zone that isn't a giant meta run by thousands of people daily? bad idea.

In wvw, camps, veterans, sentries, spender? all good. Stonemist or even a keep? bad idea (fine for a weekly option, but not a daily).

In pvp, play some rated matches, kill some players? good. Play a ranked match? bad idea.

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I completed the weekly a couple of hours ago and did not receive the weekly chest. When I clicked on it it gave me an error and said to check my internet connection. I wasn't having connection issues.

What's worse is that when you report a bug in game there are categories for different types of bugs, but there is no category for the Wizard's Vault, which really needs its own category.

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The valdhertz crypts has suffered from hard blocking bugs since it was released a year and a half ago. Its entire existence is one of utter unreliability.

How no one at anet noticed cared about this when they put on the list of 'crap no one does because it's boring, unrewarding, lame or broken so let's make it a daily so they have to do it' is beyond me.

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Anet (and @Rubi Bayer.8493 so you can forward it to people) - please look into adding more objectives to the Daily category in Wizard's Vault. It is COMPLETELY broken when buggy objectives prevent your players from getting their daily done, and this is supposed to be a brand new system with this xpac. It's a really poorly implemented system and your guys need to be ON TOP of this immediately.

Suggestion for improvement with the addition of new daily objectives.

Today's system has the tiered top bar that ultimately awards some daily reward (including 30 Astral Acclaim)

|-------|-------|-------|------| (Daily bar that gives 30 AA etc. on full completion)

Daily login 5 AA

Only 3x Daily objectives 10 AA/each

Proposed new system

|-------|-------|-------|------| (Daily bar that gives 30 AA etc. on full completion)
      5AA   10AA   10AA  10AA

Daily login (completes first tier above)

8x Daily objectives (and completing any 3 will then complete the remaining 3 tiers above which also award the 10AA per objective completed).


You unlink the AA reward from each individual daily objective, you add more to the rotation so people can get more freedom of choice wrt. their gameplay AND you do not hinder completion at all if one daily objective is buggy as hell...

Problem solved, everyone happy. 🙂

As opposed to now that, until my daily got blocked yesterday, I had been an advocate of this new system although thinking it needed improvements, but now that it also has blocking bugs that ruin your daily goals, well, this system is absolute trash in its current state!

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If the daily vault had more than 4 options but disabled the remaining ones after completing 4, this issue would be eased without generating extra Astral Acclaim.

But that would not change the fact that bugged content that has been reported as bugged for years has been selected again and again as a requirement for other content. 

There is a fundamental problem there to solve.
There should have been a mechanism in place that makes someone go "Wait, this is bugged or behaves in an unreliable way, we can't use it yet until fixed". 
Even without an internal report listing bugged or unreliable content, it's been listed in the wiki and the forums for ages, a simple search would have shown the content is not in a usable state.

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On 8/28/2023 at 12:20 PM, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

If the daily vault had more than 4 options but disabled the remaining ones after completing 4, this issue would be eased without generating extra Astral Acclaim.

But that would not change the fact that bugged content that has been reported as bugged for years has been selected again and again as a requirement for other content. 

There is a fundamental problem there to solve.
There should have been a mechanism in place that makes someone go "Wait, this is bugged or behaves in an unreliable way, we can't use it yet until fixed". 
Even without an internal report listing bugged or unreliable content, it's been listed in the wiki and the forums for ages, a simple search would have shown the content is not in a usable state.

I mean... the weeklies already have a 6/4 list... it seems a ridiculous oversight that the dailies are 4/4 - and the fact that simply logging in is 1/4.

It's like they're wrestling a kitten system and trying to make something decent but have one arm tied behind their back trying to achieve what they want due to how the framework is crippling them.

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18 hours ago, zerothbase.7564 said:

Since the start of the new daily system development, it should have taken someone, with almost any level of knowledge of trying to complete dailies in the 3 modes, literally a few minutes to scan the list of dailies and immediately rule out the ones that are effectively impossible to do across a large scale. If you want bonus points, you can spent a couple minutes on each daily to look at the wiki read through the bugs at the bottom of the page. Devs could have sent the list to any number of arenanet partners (with an NDA) and said, "here is a list of dailies in content up to, but not including SotO. Do you think any of them are a really bad idea?" Not, are they hard? or inconvenient?, but are they a really bad idea to have the entire player base try to do at once.

e.g. pve - vistas? gathering? giant metas like Octovine? do X number of events (of your choice) across a zone or region? all great things. Minidungeons, or complete a specific event in a specific zone that isn't a giant meta run by thousands of people daily? bad idea.

In wvw, camps, veterans, sentries, spender? all good. Stonemist or even a keep? bad idea (fine for a weekly option, but not a daily).

In pvp, play some rated matches, kill some players? good. Play a ranked match? bad idea.

I like this idea, but I think it is too practical for ArenaNet (or the powers to be at ArenaNet). Anyone with even a little understanding of how these kind of events work knows that not giving players a choice is a bad idea. Particularly if that player had a choice in the previous iteration of system. That is not QoL, that is decreasing the level of convenience of your content. Now I think that many developers working at GW 2 know and understand that removing choice is a bad idea. And not checking for bugged content in the new dailies is a bad idea. But it still happened, probably because someone higher up decided that it was a good idea. I think that a lot of developers are proud on the content they created for the expansion part of SotO, but not so proud about the changes to core components in the expansion.

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I still don't understand why they can't just bring the old daily achievement system back exactly how it was and just make it so that recieving your daily chest will  complete the daily wizards vault achievement. Seems easier than making a whole new daily achievement framework. 

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7 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:


your guys need to be ON TOP of this immediately.


Cool post, just one thing. We ask nicely and politely, we do not behave like Karens and boss around. I get you are mad, show some respect still. Chill a bit and then post stuff. 

22 minutes ago, Doctor.1384 said:

I still don't understand why they can't just bring the old daily achievement system back exactly how it was and just make it so that recieving your daily chest will  complete the daily wizards vault achievement. Seems easier than making a whole new daily achievement framework. 

Coding may be similar to building an apartment building. Each floor has a series of apartments. You can build vertically or horizontally. Usually buildings go high as skyscrapers. Let's say the old daily system was an apartment on 2nd floor. SotO ads floors 17-20. Now you have to link an apartment on 2nd floor with another on 18th floor. It's tricky, not impossible, but inefficient. To that, you have to add the fact that 2nd floor was built several years ago, but nowadays we have new ways of building apartments. So you end up having a Frankenstein type of building. You could say, hey, insted of building on floor 18th, expand 2nd floor using the old ways. But then the building looks weird and can have several issues like maybe collapsing. So you move whatever was on that 2nd floor apartment to another one in floor 18th and  that means you have to build that apartment again. Not entirely, you can take some stuff from apartment 2 and move it to apartment 18, but it's not like copy and paste.

You can argue flags, database procedures, whatever you want. Developing an MMO may be way different from developing a website so I guess they knew better what they needed to do to make it work "smoothly", which doesn't mean it's perfect or great or players will like it. But it's better to add more dailies to the new system rather tan solving bugs for the old one.

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31 minutes ago, DarkShadow.7104 said:

Cool post, just one thing. We ask nicely and politely, we do not behave like Karens and boss around. I get you are mad, show some respect still. Chill a bit and then post stuff.

I am suggesting they should be making it their priority to fix a bug in one of the main features of the new xpac, I'm suggesting improvements and solutions, if you have seen my other posts.

As for what "we" do and not do, I'm not sure you should be dictating how all Anet's customers should react. But I agree about acting respectfully, but asking them to be on top of something immediately when their game is broken, is neither disrespectful or bossing.

And I'm even enjoying the rest of SotO, but the semi-broken state of Wizard's Vault is disappointing.

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5 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

I am suggesting they should be making it their priority to fix a bug in one of the main features of the new xpac, I'm suggesting improvements and solutions, if you have seen my other posts.

As for what "we" do and not do, I'm not sure you should be dictating how all Anet's customers should react. But I agree about acting respectfully, but asking them to be on top of something immediately when their game is broken, is neither disrespectful or bossing.

And I'm even enjoying the rest of SotO, but the semi-broken state of Wizard's Vault is disappointing.

It's not a suggestion to demand workers to do whatever you want with whatever urgency and priority you want, that was my point. That's disrespectful. There are many other ways to phrase your thoughts respectfully. The other things you said are cool, as I said in first place.

As for what "we" do or not, I'm not dictating, I'm telling you to behave because you agreed to a ToS when you played/purchased the game, which you are violating. You can find more here https://us.ncsoft.com/en-us/legal/ncsoft/code-of-conduct and here https://us.ncsoft.com/en-us/legal/ncsoft/user-agreement

By the way, I hope you know Rubi is part of the public face but there are managers who decide what to prioritze, not Rubi. She takes the feedback and gives it to them. If you want them to listen to you, if there's a chance, saying "your guys need to be ON TOP of this immediately" is not the way.

Enjoy SotO!

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10 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

@Rubi Bayer.8493 Please update the known issues list with all the issues you've identified now wrt. the Wizard's Vault, because we need updates on this 1 week after xpac launch where you are at.


SotO is a decent expansion, but it's currently being dragged down in the mud by lots of issues wrt. the new Wizard's Vault.

What do you mean with wrt?

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13 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

What do you mean with wrt?

with respect to - i.e. all the issues revolving Daily objectives where there's too limited options and if you're unlucky and get a bugged daily objective as one of the 3/3 (in addition to daily login), then you are simply out of luck and won't get the daily chest that day.

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1 hour ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

with respect to - i.e. all the issues revolving Daily objectives where there's too limited options and if you're unlucky and get a bugged daily objective as one of the 3/3 (in addition to daily login), then you are simply out of luck and won't get the daily chest that day.

Got it just never seen that shortening before.

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On 8/28/2023 at 9:08 AM, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Anet (and @Rubi Bayer.8493 so you can forward it to people) - please look into adding more objectives to the Daily category in Wizard's Vault. It is COMPLETELY broken when buggy objectives prevent your players from getting their daily done, and this is supposed to be a brand new system with this xpac. It's a really poorly implemented system and your guys need to be ON TOP of this immediately.

Suggestion for improvement with the addition of new daily objectives.

Today's system has the tiered top bar that ultimately awards some daily reward (including 30 Astral Acclaim)

|-------|-------|-------|------| (Daily bar that gives 30 AA etc. on full completion)

Daily login 5 AA

Only 3x Daily objectives 10 AA/each

Proposed new system

|-------|-------|-------|------| (Daily bar that gives 30 AA etc. on full completion)
      5AA   10AA   10AA  10AA

Daily login (completes first tier above)

8x Daily objectives (and completing any 3 will then complete the remaining 3 tiers above which also award the 10AA per objective completed).


You unlink the AA reward from each individual daily objective, you add more to the rotation so people can get more freedom of choice wrt. their gameplay AND you do not hinder completion at all if one daily objective is buggy as hell...

Problem solved, everyone happy. 🙂

As opposed to now that, until my daily got blocked yesterday, I had been an advocate of this new system although thinking it needed improvements, but now that it also has blocking bugs that ruin your daily goals, well, this system is absolute trash in its current state!

Someone on reddit made a Photoshop version of my suggestion, just have to repost that here.


credit to: https://www.reddit.com/user/Martinoice/

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