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F1 "Breaching Strike"


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Hey Fellows Warrior,

i'm a bit confused right now, Why do I do less damage with F1 dagger as core Warrior (tactics/strengh/disc) then spellbreaker (defense/disc)

+- 5k as core warrior @ 3k800 power 222% ferocity

+- 15k as spellbreaker @ 3k400 power 215% ferocity

how and why 10k difference ?

(ps: WvW and Golem Target)
(ps2 : crit damage)

Edited by Vylyn.4283
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3 hours ago, Vylyn.4283 said:

Hey Fellows Warrior,

i'm a bit confused right now, Why do I do less damage with F1 dagger as core Warrior (tactics/strengh/disc) then spellbreaker (defense/disc)

+- 5k as core warrior @ 3k800 power 222% ferocity

+- 15k as spellbreaker @ 3k400 power 215% ferocity

how and why 10k difference ?

(ps: WvW and Golem Target)
(ps2 : crit damage)

Because it's bugged on Spellbreaker and it needs to be fixed.

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22 minutes ago, Vylyn.4283 said:

spellbreaker : http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PKQAgeWX+vbA-w
core : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKQAgOWTtLfA-w

Exact same stuff/runes/weap/sigils/food/ etc... , only swap traits.

but ....200% damage difference cant be modifiers things... πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

Well, your traits on Spellbreaker are leading to a higher overall damage multiplier, which on a crit get amplified in effectiveness, so even though your gear and food is the same your potential damage is different. There is also the fact that Spellbreaker has Dispelling Force to further buff power and ferocity, which will compound as well. There is also that you have or may not have protection or the same amount of vuln stacks on the target to consider.

Basically, your Spellbreaker loadout has higher overall stats from that traitline, and higher overall potential damage based on what you took. Try instead to have Defense/Discipline/Tactics or Defense/Discipline/Strength as a comparison, with the same amount of vulnerability and boons.

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I was going to make a post about this but this one popped up.

Even with full glass gear, might stacking (25 stacks), AND 4 stacks of Bersekers power (24% damage buff), Core Warrior STILL does less Dagger damage with T3 Bursts than the T1 Bursts of Spellbreaker.Β I am hitting 23k plus on Strength Spellbreaker and only 7-8k on Strength, Disc, Defense Core Warrior. Even if you adjust for the PvE dagger damage on Spellbreaker I would still be doing 15k plus on dagger F1's. Easily outpacing the Core Warrior.

Tier 3 Bursts should be the most powerful bursts in the game, not T1 bursts. Core Warrior in general feels very weak with Rifle, Dagger, and even Axe. I routinely hit for 5k critical hits with Axe on full glass core Warrior on Sentry's, I used to break 9k easily.

I love Core Warrior and this is a big problem.



Edited by sneakytails.5629
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7 minutes ago, sneakytails.5629 said:

I was going to make a post about this but this one popped up.

Even with full glass gear, might stacking (25 stacks), AND 4 stacks of Bersekers power (24% damage buff), Core Warrior STILL does less Dagger damage with T3 Bursts than the T1 Bursts of Spellbreaker.Β I am hitting 23k plus on Strength Spellbreaker and only 7-8k on Strength, Disc, Defense Core Warrior. Even if you adjust for the PvE dagger damage on Spellbreaker I would still be doing 15k plus on dagger F1's. Easily outpacing the Core Warrior.

Tier 3 Bursts should be the most powerful bursts in the game, not T1 bursts. Core Warrior in general feels very weak with Rifle, Dagger, and even Axe. I routinely hit for 5k critical hits with Axe on full glass core Warrior on Sentry's, I used to break 9k easily.

I love Core Warrior and this is a big problem.



Isn't the only extra benefit to T3 Dagger the extra boons ripped? Wiki isn't updated and I'm not home to confirm.

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12 minutes ago, sneakytails.5629 said:

Core Warrior in general feels very weak with Rifle, Dagger, and even Axe. I routinely hit for 5k critical hits with Axe on full glass core Warrior on Sentry's, I used to break 9k easily.

Those F1 weapons does less damage as spellbreaker than core (AS ESPECTED)
But dagger hit rly hard (on warrior spellbreaker only) thats why defense build are playable !

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22 minutes ago, Vylyn.4283 said:

Those F1 weapons does less damage as spellbreaker than core (AS ESPECTED)
But dagger hit rly hard (on warrior spellbreaker only) thats why defense build are playable !


Core Warrior has tier 3 bursts and should not be restricted to a t1 burst with dagger which is what seems to be happening.

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16 minutes ago, Vylyn.4283 said:

I'm OK with it, F1 dagger as F1 greatsword don't up scale their damage with burst tier for every spec but somehow, and Only with dagger, spellbreaker doing 200% more damage than core. Same tooltip damage wise etc.Β  Β Why only dagger?Β Β 

If you really wanna know the reason, it's bugged for wvw. It's using PVE values instead of the regular wvw one, so expect a fix in the future.Β 

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9 hours ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

If you really wanna know the reason, it's bugged for wvw. It's using PVE values instead of the regular wvw one, so expect a fix in the future.Β 

Oh ! just tried on PvE Golem, you're right !
As core warrior I'm doing the SAME F1 DAGGER DAMAGE AS SPELLBREAKER. (same damage as spellbreaker F1 dagger WvW mode).

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

I wish they just adopted it as the value for PvP and WvW...was nice having it actually do damage and not hit like a wet noodle while it lasted. But naw. Damage? On Warrior? In competitive modes?!?!?! Not on Bladesworn!?!?! Heresy.

Funny enough in wvw against heavy sustain builds with cele or tanks stats it tops out around 6 to 7kΒ  on a crit that they'll basically heal up over the course of seconds. Meanwhile others get delete damage from range. Love the balance between melee and range in this game sometimes .Β πŸ’€

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59 minutes ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

Funny enough in wvw against heavy sustain builds with cele or tanks stats it tops out around 6 to 7kΒ  on a crit that they'll basically heal up over the course of seconds. Meanwhile others get delete damage from range. Love the balance between melee and range in this game sometimes .Β πŸ’€

If they aren't going to give Warrior builds basically any sustainable Might to be on par with basically any other class the least they could do is give us higher coefficients on weapon skills, including Burst (if not especially those).

But naw, it more often than not just feels like ANet is enacting some form of vindictive punishment upon Warrior because one kicked their puppy or something. Not sure thats worth being upset about, its not like Warrior would actually hurt it at all with the kind of damage we don't do.

Edited by KryTiKaL.3125
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I had a specialty build that could hit 38k before the patch. It was pure bliss downing all of the cele tanks for once. I was able to reach 18k against many of the common builds.

Now its 10k top end against glassy builds, and 6-7k like Lucentfir said against the cele tanks. Not enough to down them, and many times you never get a hit in with all the invuln frames they can stack, this is what people keep missing. Even in its bugged state it was not a 100% win.

If anything this just shows how important damage is to Warrior to even stay relevant in a lot of matchups.Β 

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5 minutes ago, sneakytails.5629 said:

I had a specialty build that could hit 38k before the patch. It was pure bliss downing all of the cele tanks for once. I was able to reach 18k against many of the common builds.

Now its 10k top end against glassy builds, and 6-7k like Lucentfir said against the cele tanks. Not enough to down them, and many times you never get a hit in with all the invuln frames they can stack, this is what people keep missing. Even in its bugged state it was not a 100% win.

If anything this just shows how important damage is to Warrior to even stay relevant in a lot of matchups.Β 

I mean its relevant to any Power damage build on any class that uses one. The fact that Warrior isn't provided the tools to do similar damage as other classes in that vein is actually just the most bizarre thing I have ever seen when it comes to class balance. Its all almost entirely shoved into Bladesworn, but even then Bladesworn still doesn't match the numbers you see classes like Revenant, Ranger, and Guardian put out in terms of consistency and they don't have the bulk of their damage shoved into 2 or 3 skills that still don't even do enough damage.

Yet again reinforces that the amount of effort Warrior needs to expend does not match the "reward" for doing so. I accidentally almost killed a Daredevil that was blind, stealth and evade spamming several times, they did the usual Thief thing and stealth zoomed away to reset the fight multiple times, on this random Druid Hammer build I was trying out of curiosity just by fumbling about with my keybinds. Dude whispered me and said I was good, I told him "Dude I have no idea what I'm doing". That is where we are at right now with Warrior. You can fall into your keyboard and do better on another class in a melee situation than you can on Warrior. Its absurd.

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20 minutes ago, sneakytails.5629 said:

Yeah, its one of the reasons why I find myself playing more support based builds, and hybrid builds on Warrior. Power is really feeling bad on Warrior in general. Also I multiclass more.

Yup, and then you have the Condizerker build atm which works because somehow ANet managed to make Condi builds even more oppressive with the Relics update and that just happened to accidentally give Berserker acceptable damage. Now we just wait for them to gut Berserker again because they will see it as unacceptable that Warrior has something actually hurting people in competitive modes.

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