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General opinions toward the state of warrior


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6 hours ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

warrs are given the tools since day 1 its always been the best n hardest class to play

Except its not. Warriors tools have been very basic, press X do X. If anything the warriors current kit is too passive. As for best class, you'll start to notice the meta builds for classes that perfom far better than warrior does in multiple different game types, from Openworld, Dungeons/Fractals, Raids/strikes, PvP, WvW. Warrior's best elite spec still stands at Berserker, yet can not hold a candle to other classes such as your Guardians, your Elementalists, your Rangers, your Necromancers, your Mesmers, your Engineers and your Revenants. Since these classes offer so much more to their team than warrior can.

I do remember the time when warrior was in such high demand for its phalanx strength, when might was not so redily avaliable for other classes, this has gone now, every class appears to be able to pump out might like no tomorrow, the one thing warrior was wanted for(other than banners which have been essentially removed from the game(seriously make them into wells and make them cause damage / boons in the AOE's, another thing warrior lacks in).


Warrior is in need at a look into, its traits, its lack of synergy with its own elite specs, its lack of utilities that actually do damage or AOE's, its lack of functional weapons, its lack of means to support its team other than boons such as Might and Fury (which every class can get on their own) Warriors ranged options are very limited and outdated, along with the driest gameplay out of all the classes due to this obsession by anet to 'keep the warrior a simple class'. I furthermore do not agree with the statement:

10 hours ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

Warrior is a melee class, exclusively,

Warrior came out with 2 ranged weapons at launch. What let this down was Anet not providing a decent tool set. Rifle has been reworked multiple times in attempt to make it work, yet most of the changes end up being cooldown reductions on recast.

Warrior is not a melee exclusive class, its just being exclusively left out.

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11 hours ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

Warrior is a melee class, exclusively, ppl that play GW2 forget what that means , or whats required to succeed that way so they range everything in fear.  Warrior the only class that hasnt lost its defined role since launch in some manner - you dont understand the game you play which is sad  , melee emphasis was largely ignored by arenanet so naturally ppl want the easiest classes to play.  warrior has its boon and group support always has, withorwithout banners. but since gw2 players arent good gamers running is more appealing than fighting; making melee too scary to the best firebrand deadeye weaver in the game... if you only pve youll never figure it out.

Eh no offense, but you kind of missed the mark. My main problems with warrior are not even about melee and range. 

Also I rather run in melee as reaper or holo or something like that. Because they can do everything better than war.

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Warrior seems to get attention from anet regularly but the revamps or changes are always either lack luster, half a$$Ed, effect the class negatively and are poorly thought out. How is it 2023 and adrenalin still decays puta combat, how has adrenalin gain not been boosted?

It's also hard to believe warrior rifle and longbow kits are they best the anets design team can offer, longbow used because relics made condi so strong otherwise I'd see little use, rifle is just a joke of a kit. Seriously seems like anet was like "yeah it's warrior so who really cares about aboutvthe kit just give em somthing as a ranged option". "Oh were revamping warrior rifle for u guys......sry it still sucks tho but have fun".

Anet u serious need to do better with wars ranged options, the kits are not only bland but also just bad.

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I am routinely running into more and more formerly "Warrior mains" who are just straight up playing other classes because those classes are just overall better in competitive modes. I keep hearing the same things from them, too; the payoff is extremely lackluster for the amount of effort required to do anything.

This is why Condizerker and Bladesworn are both inevitably going to be nerfed since the expansion release because for the last few years the only times Warrior has ever actually been "strong" is when it has extremely overtuned survival or can, like other classes of course, can "exploit" something that is currently overbearing (i.e condi right now with the introduction of Relics). All the while you can play another class, as melee, and accidentally just do such overbearing damage that your skill and knowledge of the class doesn't even really matter (this I know from experience).

This isn't balance, this isn't even trying to balance, it also isn't anything to do with "class identity" or anything like that, its just sheer neglect and inadequate acknowledgment of the state Warrior is in. Seriously, it speaks volumes that our only two currently strong builds in competitive modes are only that way because of broken, overtuned elements that came with the expansion release (and before) that are for sure going to get nerfed in the near future because they do need to get nerfed.

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