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stupid cantha dailies [Merged]


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Wait Spirit Vestibule is in there again? (Have not logged in yet.) Wasn't that only last week beginning of the week? (Seems the invervals get shorter then - instead of 2 weeks in between now 1.5.)

If this is for same selections (usually for PvE only I think?) it really would be bad. They seem to try more variety every now and then ... got PoF maps sometimes. But for the dungeons: Pretty limited ...

I want the one in Dredgenaunt Cliffs.  That was on rotation in the old dailies. (With more knowledge about the Spirit Vestibule - this seems far less annoying to me though. This is mainly about the variety. Not complaining about difficult stuff.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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12 hours ago, bossdonut.1938 said:

i did it anyways however i will still actively complain about it because i can

So you're fine with undermining your own complaint then. If you did Spirit Vestibule anyway it seems it's not that much of a problem to begin with, so why should anyone put any stock in your complaint?

And really, 10AA? As I explained to someone else in another thread, considering what's for sale in the Wizard's Vault will be there for 90 days at the current price, 10AA is a drop in an ocean. I'm not even going to calculate how much AA you get during 90 days but it's a shitload, even if you skip a daily here and there because you don't like it. We're not even halfway through those 90 days and I'm already wondering what to buy since I've already bought the items I wanted.

Btw, staring a new thread for every daily you don't like could be considered spam posting, so maybe not the best idea for you.

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while i'm not going to complain about this mini-dungeon in particular (I actually quite like the EoD dungeons), it would be nice to have a bit more variety in the daily pool.
most of the dailies that aren't asking you to visit a specific region, or defeat a specific enemy type, can be easliy completed in Seitung Province (more specifically the Training grounds at Shing Jea Monastery), these include:

  • Break 1 enemies defiance bar
  • Dodge 3 enemy attacks
  • perform 3 combo skills in combat
  • Defeat 1 Elite enemy
  • complete a Renown heart

it would be nice to have more daily activities in Core Tyria, and I would like to suggest that the Daily Mini-dungeons be moved to the Weekly selection, and the Weekly Core-Tyria Jumping puzzles be moved to the daily selection, and potentially expanding the pool to include more Jumping puzzles for a greeater variety.

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